The hate industry: Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) continue to inculcate the values of hate and support of terrorism in Palestinian children, viewed by those terrorist organizations as a highly important target audience.

Pal Today, June 3, 2009

Pal Today, June 3, 2009

A cartoon published in Al-Fateh

A cartoon published in Al-Fateh

Sami al-Halabi

Sami al-Halabi

London as a source of Hamas's hate industry

London as a source of Hamas's hate industry

A poem called “My name is Palestinian”

A poem called “My name is Palestinian”

A photograph from the 61st anniversary of the nakba

A photograph from the 61st anniversary of the nakba

A poster of a Palestinian child confronting an IDF soldier.

A poster of a Palestinian child confronting an IDF soldier.

A photograph from “Pictures of Palestine’s Children”

A photograph from “Pictures of Palestine’s Children”

A photograph from the 61st anniversary of the nakba

A photograph from the 61st anniversary of the nakba

Jibril Mansour, an Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades operative who was killed

Jibril Mansour, an Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades operative who was killed

Illustration of the article on the martyr Ziyad al-Najjar

Illustration of the article on the martyr Ziyad al-Najjar

Sheikh Ahmed Yassin

Sheikh Ahmed Yassin

April 2009 edition

April 2009 edition

Sheikh Yassin with smiling Palestinian children

Sheikh Yassin with smiling Palestinian children

February 2009 edition (issue no. 142)

February 2009 edition (issue no. 142)

Gaza—Allah will bring about your victory

Gaza—Allah will bring about your victory

The homepage of the Dar al-Huda society website

The homepage of the Dar al-Huda society website

Shooting at IDF soldiers

Shooting at IDF soldiers

IDF soldiers (with Israeli mini-flags on their uniforms) killing Palestinian children

IDF soldiers (with Israeli mini-flags on their uniforms) killing Palestinian children

The children perform a “victory” dance around corpses of IDF soldiers lying on the ground

The children perform a “victory” dance around corpses of IDF soldiers lying on the ground

A child wearing the headband of the Jerusalem Brigades

A child wearing the headband of the Jerusalem Brigades

Proud family members attending the kindergarten show

Proud family members attending the kindergarten show

A child wearing the headband of the Jerusalem Brigades, the PIJ military-terrorist wing

A child wearing the headband of the Jerusalem Brigades, the PIJ military-terrorist wing

A child wearing the headband of the Jerusalem Brigades, the PIJ military-terrorist wing

A child wearing the headband of the Jerusalem Brigades, the PIJ military-terrorist wing

Masked and armed teenagers at a Hamas protest rally in Gaza

Masked and armed teenagers at a Hamas protest rally in Gaza

women carrying babies with Hamas emblems

women carrying babies with Hamas emblems

Girls taking part in a display during a protest rally of Hamas women in Gaza

Girls taking part in a display during a protest rally of Hamas women in Gaza

Pal Today, June 3, 2009
A cartoon published in Al-Fateh
A display in a graduation ceremony at a Gaza Strip kindergarten organized by a Palestinian society affiliated with the PIJ: the children perform a "victory dance” around mock-up bodies of IDF soldiers lying on the ground (center). The children carry Palestinian flags and a model of the Dome of the Rock, symbolizing the liberation of Jerusalem (Pal Today, June 3, 2009).
A cartoon published in Al-Fateh, a London-based children’s magazine published by Hamas (May 2009). It is titled "The Children Hunters” and used again and again by Hamas. The cartoon was drawn by Omayya Joha, a female Palestinian cartoonist associated with Hamas who is known for distributing spiteful messages of hate against Israel and the Jewish people.


1. Hamas and the PIJ consider children to be a highly important target audience and the organizations’ potential future recruits. They therefore subject the children to a wide variety of intensive indoctrination techniques, including the inculcation of radical Islamic jihadist ideology in kindergarten children, the distribution of publications geared towards children, and the integration of children into propaganda activities carried out in the Gaza Strip, where children are often seen wearing masks and carrying arms. Several recent examples follow.

Hamas’s London-based Al-Fateh children’s newspaper

2. The Hamas information network publishes a bi-weekly called Al-Fateh for children, considering them to be a highly important target audience. The bi-weekly is published on The periodical’s goal is to inculcate children with the ideas of radical Islam and hate of Israel, the Jewish people, and even the West, and to instill the values of violence and terrorism (including explicitly calling for killing Jews) from an early age, and to turn Hamas operatives, including senior commanders and suicide bombers, into role models to be admired and revered. The homepage of Hamas’s main website ( contains a permanent link to the Al-Fateh website. 1

3. The editor-in-chief and founder of Al-Fateh is Sami al-Halabi (as noted on the homepage of the website). We believe that Sami al-Halabi is the nom de guerre of Abdallah al-Tantawi, a senior figure in Syria ‘s Muslim Brotherhood in the mid-1990s (Hamas originates in the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt). According to an article published in an Islamic newspaper in Germany (Al-Ra’ed, February 2005), Abdallah al-Tantawi founded the Al-Fateh newspaper in September 2002, and was the co-founder and editor-in-chief of several other children’s newspapers. The Al-Ra’ed article states that Abdallah al-Tantawi took the nickname of Sami al-Halabi for "political reasons” (that is, for security-related reasons, to make himself more difficult to expose).

Sami al-Halabi
Sami al-Halabi (Abdallah al-Tantawi)
(Al-Ra’ed, February 2005)

4. The Al-Fateh bi-weekly is published in London , as noted explicitly on the homepage of the website (see below). As mentioned elsewhere, Britain has traditionally been the source of distribution for Hamas’s hate industry (it is our assessment that Hamas’s Felesteen al-Muslimah publication continues to be distributed from Britain as well).

London as a source of Hamas’s hate industry

London as a source of Hamas's hate industry
The caption on the homepage of the Al-Fateh biweekly reads:

"Published in London , Britain ”

5. Following are examples of various contents published in Al-Fateh in the first half of 2009.

June 2009 edition (issue no. 149)

A poem called "My name is Palestinian”
A poem called "My name is Palestinian”: "Saladin [who liberated Jerusalem from the Crusaders in the 11th century] calls me from the depths [of my heart], all that is Arab inside me calls me to avenge and liberate [Palestine]”. The poem is illustrated by a cartoon of an angry child holding the Palestinian flag.

A photograph from the 61st anniversary of the nakba
A poster of a Palestinian child confronting an IDF soldier.
A photograph from the 61st anniversary of the nakba (the Palestinian catastrophe, referring to the establishment of the State of Israel). At the center is a poster of Hamas founder Ahmed Yassin.
A poster of a Palestinian child confronting an IDF soldier. The text reads: "Lest we forget Palestine, a land of challenge and jihad”.

A photograph from "Pictures of Palestine’s Children”
A photograph from the 61st anniversary of the nakba
A photograph from "Pictures of Palestine’s Children”, a Hamas produced poster. The text reads: "Patience, Al-Aqsa, victory is nigh”.
A photograph from the 61st anniversary of the nakba. The image shows killed Palestinian children beneath a blood-dripping Israeli-American handshake.

Jibril Mansour, an Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades operative who was killed

Every Al-Fateh issue contains a mention of a shahid (martyr) belonging to the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Martyrs Brigades, Hamas’s military-terrorist wing. This issue describes Jibril Mansour, an Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades operative who was killed in a clash with IDF forces during Operation Cast Lead. It should be noted that Al-Fateh formerly praised suicide bombers responsible for the murder of Israeli citizens, for example: Ra’ed Misk, the perpetrator of a suicide bombing attack on a bus in Jerusalem (23 passengers killed), Sa’id al-Hutari, the perpetrator of the suicide bombing attack in Tel-Aviv’s Dolphinarium disco, where 21 people, most of them teenagers, were killed and 83 were injured (June 1, 2001).

May 2009 edition (issue no. 148)

6. This issue relates the story of the martyr Ziyad al-Najjar, a Hamas operative who was killed during Operation Cast Lead in Gaza, referred to as a hero and a brave soldier of jihad. The article ends with the following words: "Martyrs, Allah willing, He will gather us with you in the paradise of heaven”.

Illustration of the article on the martyr Ziyad al-Najjar
Illustration of the article on the martyr Ziyad al-Najjar, a Hamas operative

killed in Operation Cast Lead in Gaza

April 2009 edition (issue no. 145)

Sheikh Ahmed Yassin
April 2009 edition
An image of Hamas founder Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, with text that reads: "Alive in our hearts”.
From an article about a child from the Gaza Strip with a black belt in karate, whose leg was injured, according to the article, from IDF fire during Operation Cast Lead. The child is quoted saying that if he should compete against an Israeli opponent abroad, he will "make him surrender or beat him to death”.

Sheikh Yassin with smiling Palestinian children
Sheikh Yassin with smiling Palestinian children. The article depicts Yassin as a role model, the founder and leader of the Hamas movement, who was killed by the "murderers of prophets”, "the cowardly Zionist Jews”.

February 2009 edition (issue no. 142)

February 2009 edition (issue no. 142)

7. This issue features an article about the martyr Ahmed Jum’ah al-Sha’er, an Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades operative who was killed during Operation Cast Lead. The article says that the martyr is "one of our finest”, who "sought martyrdom [ shahada ]” and was blessed with fierce love for the Quran. It further adds that he took part in many jihadist activities, including "the heroic abduction in which the Zionist soldier [Gilad] Shalit was abducted”.

January 2009 edition (issue no. 139)

Gaza—Allah will bring about your victory
An image titled "Gaza—Allah will bring about your victory”. The image shows a child in the military uniform of the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military-terrorist wing of Hamas, raising a Palestinian flag. Beneath the image is an article which says: "Palestine is every Muslim’s problem, even if that Muslim is on the edge of the world […] Tell them about the land of Palestine, an Islamic land that will remain Islamic [forever]. Zionists have no place in it, no matter what they do, destroy, and spill [Palestinian] blood. Tell them about your ancestors and about the Jews’ ancestors, and make a distinction between them. They [Jews] break agreements, kill innocent people, turn truth into lie and lie into truth […] Their deception will be lost. As for our ancestors, they are enormous and powerful, holding agreements […] Tell them about the Jews’ cunning towards our Prophet Muhammad, cunning that will last until the end of times. You cannot trust a Jew, no matter how innocent and pure he may try to present himself.”

PIJ display at a kindergarten graduation ceremony

8. Every year, terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip take advantage of kindergarten graduation displays which include preaching terrorism and hate against Israel. Those displays are frequently held at charitable societies associated with terrorist organizations, which operate extensive "educational” systems that include schools, kindergartens, and social institutions.

9. Similarly to Hamas, the PIJ operates charitable societies in the Gaza Strip, one of which is the society of Dar al-Huda ["House of Righteousness”, that is, a house which follows the traditions of Islam]. That charitable societies mostly runs kindergartens, but also youth centers, clinics, libraries, and assistance programs for orphans, people in need, and the children of prisoners held in Israeli jails. 2

10. The society is headed by Muhammad Abd al-Jawad Fura, a preacher who serves as a PIJ leader in the Gaza Strip. On June 3, 2009, a website associated with the PIJ (Pal Today) published photographs from a graduation ceremony display of kindergarten children organized by the Dar al-Huda society (kindergartens are the society’s main focus of activity). The ceremony was held at Rashad al-Shawa Center in Gaza City . A show put on during the ceremony (similarly to activities held in Hamas-associated kindergartens in recent years) featured kindergarten children dressed in uniform and carrying (obviously plastic) arms confronting and killing IDF soldiers.

The homepage of the Dar al-Huda society website
The homepage of the Dar al-Huda society website 3

11. Following are several photographs from the ceremony:

Shooting at IDF soldiers
Shooting at IDF soldiers

Taking IDF soldiers captive (?)

IDF soldiers (with Israeli mini-flags on their uniforms) killing Palestinian children
IDF soldiers (with Israeli mini-flags on their uniforms) killing Palestinian children

The children perform a "victory” dance around corpses of IDF soldiers lying on the ground
The children perform a "victory” dance around corpses of IDF soldiers lying on the ground (center), with Israeli mini-flags on their uniforms. The children carry flags of Palestine and a model of the Dome of the Rock (symbolizing the liberation of Jerusalem)

A child wearing the headband of the Jerusalem Brigades
Proud family members attending the kindergarten show
Proud family members attending the kindergarten show. Left: a child wearing the headband of the Jerusalem Brigades, the PIJ military-terrorist wing

A child wearing the headband of the Jerusalem Brigades, the PIJ military-terrorist wing
A child wearing the headband of the Jerusalem Brigades, the PIJ military-terrorist wing
A child wearing the headband of the Jerusalem Brigades, the PIJ military-terrorist wing
A child wearing the headband of the Jerusalem Brigades, the PIJ military-terrorist wing, sitting on his father’s lap

Integration of children and youth into Hamas’s propaganda activities

11. Hamas often integrates children and teenagers (at times actively) into the intensive propaganda activities it holds among the Gaza Strip population in order to inculcate them with Hamas’s ideology and values from an early age. Their participation is aimed at demonstrating to the public the younger generation’s support of Hamas and its values. Recent examples follow.

Masked and armed teenagers at a Hamas protest rally in Gaza
Masked and armed teenagers at a Hamas protest rally in Gaza following the incident in Qalqilya (June 4, 2009) in which the Palestinian Authority security services killed three Hamas operatives (the Hamas website, June 4)

women carrying babies with Hamas emblems
Girls taking part in a display during a protest rally of Hamas women in Gaza
Girls taking part in a display during a protest rally of Hamas women in Gaza (right) following the incident in Qalqilya. Left: women carrying babies with Hamas emblems (the Hamas website, June 6).

1 The Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center periodically monitors Al-Fateh. See the following Information Bulletins:

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3 .