Terrorism and anti-Semitism: Hamas spokesman accuses the Jews of America’s financial crisis.

Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum

Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum

Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum
Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum: "’The Jewish lobby’ in the United States

is behind the American economy” (Palestine-info website).

1. The crisis in the American and world economy, has, as in the past, prompted false anti-Semitic calumnies which cast the blame on the Jewish people for every crisis and negative occurrence anywhere in the world. Hamas has had a long tradition of anti-Semitic incitement since its inception. The Hamas charter of 1988 contains anti-Semitic myths according to which the Jews control the world media, motion picture industry and education, and that the Jews have been behind most of the revolutions and wars throughout world history. The Charter even gives The Protocols of the Elders of Zion as "proof” of the fact that the Zionists (between Jews and Zionists no distinction is made) aspire to increase their control from the Nile to the Euphrates and to the entire world (Article 32 of the Charter). 1

An updated example of the use Hamas makes of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion can be
found in a link on a Hamas website dealing with Jerusalem ( www.hamasna.com ).

2. In its paper Felesteen , Hamas recently published an anti-Semitic, anti-American article. It was entitled "The American Economy from Deception to Collapse” and was written by Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum . It accuses the Jews of responsibility for the collapse of the American economy (Felesteen, October 7). The main points are:

i) Behind the collapse of the American economy is the managerial and monetary corruption of a polluted banking and financial system ruled by the "Jewish lobby.” The "Jewish lobby” controls American capital and the economy. President Bush and the White House staff all know the "truth” but hide it from American public opinion.

ii) The United States has become a club in the hands of the "Jewish lobby” and a way of enabling the Jews to take over the whole world. They ignore the American people, who pay a heavy price in the form of bankruptcy and the collapse of their economy. According to the article, the United States has caused destruction and pain all over the world, including Iraq , Afghanistan , Lebanon , Somalia and Palestine .

iii) The article asks who will be brave enough to expose the "Jewish lobby” to the Americans, directly responsible as it is for the holocaust of the American economy. Will it be President Bush and the American administration, enslaved as they are to the "Jewish lobby?” The article expresses grave doubts, noting that there is no essential difference between the two Bushes, Obama and McCain.

iv) The article again asks if "we will witness a popular American revolution against the American dictatorial regime which destroys nations, economies?…” "Will we witness the prosecution of President Bush and of his corrupt administration,” or rather, will the curtain go down on this dark affair in the history of the world "which was led by the American administration and directed by the Jewish lobby?”

v) Fawzi Barhoum ends the article with his hope and evaluation that the wheel of time will turn against America and Israel , and that change will come. He says prophetically, "nothing lasts forever, he who is strong today is not strong forever, and he who is weak today will not be weak forever.”

1 For further information see our June 2008 Bulletin entitled "Contemporary Arab-Muslim anti-Semitism, its Significance and Implications (Updated to March 2008)” .