News of the Israeli-Palestinian Confrontation June 3-10, 2008

A mortar shell hits a factory on Kibbutz Nir Oz

A mortar shell hits a factory on Kibbutz Nir Oz

Abu Mazen

Abu Mazen

Amnon Rosenberg

Amnon Rosenberg

Mortar shell fire during the past six weeks

Mortar shell fire during the past six weeks

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad launches rockets into Israel

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad launches rockets into Israel

Al-Aqsa TV, June 4, 2008

Al-Aqsa TV, June 4, 2008

Daily Distribution of Identified Rocket Hits in Israel

Daily Distribution of Identified Rocket Hits in Israel

Rocket Hits during the Past Week Compared with Previous Weeks

Rocket Hits during the Past Week Compared with Previous Weeks

Pipe charges

Pipe charges

The Palestinian Rapprochement.

The Palestinian Rapprochement.

gyptian President Mubarak and PA Chairman Abu Mazen

gyptian President Mubarak and PA Chairman Abu Mazen