Five days of escalation in the Gaza Strip:

Palestine-info Website, March 2

Palestine-info Website, March 2

Amir Cohen for Reuters, March 1

Amir Cohen for Reuters, March 1

Grad Rocket

Grad Rocket

Daily Distribution of Rocket Hits

Daily Distribution of Rocket Hits

Daily Distribution of Rocket Hits

Daily Distribution of Rocket Hits

Sderot Media Center, February 28

Sderot Media Center, February 28

Alex Zeger for the Sderot Media Center, February 28

Alex Zeger for the Sderot Media Center, February 28

Rocket fire into Israeli territory

Rocket fire into Israeli territory

A cartoon by Hamas-affiliated Omaya Joha

A cartoon by Hamas-affiliated Omaya Joha

Abu Mazen

Abu Mazen

Khaled Mashal

Khaled Mashal

Al-Aqsa TV, March 1

Al-Aqsa TV, March 1

Palestine-info Website, March 2

Palestine-info Website, March 2