The Hate Industry: a children’s TV program on the Hamas Al-Aqsa channel aired a segment about cartoons created by popular cartoonist Omayya Joha.

Israeli soldier shoots indiscriminately into Palestinians

Israeli soldier shoots indiscriminately into Palestinians

Daily Cartoon

Daily Cartoon

A crying Palestinian child dressed in rags

A crying Palestinian child dressed in rags

The table of the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians

The table of the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians

A Palestinian boy writes a letter to his father in jail

A Palestinian boy writes a letter to his father in jail

A masked Palestinian who appears frightening and menacing is shown standing near a scared-looking Gilad Shalit.

A masked Palestinian who appears frightening and menacing is shown standing near a scared-looking Gilad Shalit.

Mickey Mouse

Mickey Mouse

Ahmed, the jihad expert

Ahmed, the jihad expert

Omayya Joha

Omayya Joha

Rockets of the Resistance

Rockets of the Resistance

Iranian Al-Kawthar TV website in Arabic

Iranian Al-Kawthar TV website in Arabic

Israeli PM Ehud Olmert depicted as the devil

Israeli PM Ehud Olmert depicted as the devil

Cartoon - Al-Hayat al-Jadeeda, May 20, 2006

Cartoon - Al-Hayat al-Jadeeda, May 20, 2006

Chopper blades in the form of a swastika

Chopper blades in the form of a swastika

Israeli soldier shoots indiscriminately into Palestinians

One of the cartoons that appeared on the program: portrayed as a stereotypical Jew, an Israeli soldier shoots indiscriminately into Palestinians, mostly women and children. The bodies are lying on a map of Palestine painted in red.

Overview of the TV program

1. On November 30 (two days after the Annapolis summit), the children’s TV program on the Hamas-owned Al-Aqsa channel aired a segment with spiteful cartoons inciting to hatred against Israel and undermining the legitimacy of negotiations with it. The cartoons are the creation of Omayya Joha, a Palestinian cartoonist associated with Hamas and enjoying popularity in the Arab world.

2. Shown during a segment called "Daily Cartoon” were several cartoons for children, taken from their daily lives. Each cartoon was shown on screen for several consecutive seconds while songs were playing in the background. In the cartoons, Israel was depicted as the perpetrator of senseless acts of slaughter of women and children while engaging in negotiations with the Palestinians.

Daily Cartoon

The clip shown at the beginning of the segment on the children’s program: the segment is titled "Daily Cartoon”; at the center is an illustration of a boy called Masrour (Arabic for ‘happy’)

3. Following are the cartoons shown on the program:

A crying Palestinian child dressed in rags

A crying Palestinian child dressed in rags looks at a well-dressed Palestinian child crossing the road with his father. The sad child says, "Mom told me that when Dad gets out of the Jews’ jail, he will take me to school and I’ll be wearing nicer, more expensive clothes.”

The table of the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians

The table of the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. The text on the table reads "Negotiations”, and the flags of Israel and Palestine appear on its sides. The floor near the empty Israeli chair is strewn with the bodies of Palestinian children and women. A stereotypically Jewish image of an Israeli soldier shooting indiscriminately into Palestinian civilians is shown on another cartoon (which appears on the title page).

A Palestinian boy writes a letter to his father in jail

A Palestinian boy writes a letter to his father in jail, while his sister holds the father’s photograph. Both appear sad. The child writes, "Dear Dad, it makes me sad that you’re on a hunger strike in jail, the way our teachers are striking… When will you come back to us, Dad… When will you come back…”

A masked Palestinian who appears frightening and menacing is shown standing near a scared-looking Gilad Shalit.

A masked Palestinian who appears frightening and menacing is shown standing near a scared-looking Gilad Shalit. The caption reads, "I know you’re sick of loneliness. You just pray, Shalit, that they [the Israelis] invade the [ Gaza ] Strip, and leave it to us to bring you other ‘[Gilad] Shalits’ to keep you company.”

Previous children’s programs on the Al-Aqsa channel

4. Since it first launched in January 2006, the Al-Aqsa channel airs numerous children’s programs that contain messages of incitement and hatred against Israel , preach violence and terrorism, and rule out any possibility of negotiations or peace with it.

5. One such program, named "Tomorrow’s Pioneers” (May 2007), made use of the figure of Mickey Mouse (nicknamed farfour 1). The program promoted messages in the spirit of the Hamas ideology to its children viewers: the Islamic takeover of the world, the continuation of violence and terrorism ("resistance”) against Israel until it is defeated, "the liberation of the Al-Aqsa Mosque”, nurturing hatred against Israel, and the "liberation” of Iraq and other Arab or Muslim countries "invaded by murderers”. 2 Another program that aired in early September 2007 just prior to the beginning of the school year featured a boy whose field of expertise was jihad (holy war). 3

Mickey Mouse

The figure of Mickey Mouse in the program "Tomorrow’s Pioneers’
(Al-Aqsa TV, May 10, 2007, courtesy of the Palestinian Media Watch)

Ahmed, the jihad expert

Ahmed, the jihad expert (Al-Aqsa TV, September 3, 2007)


Cartoonist Omayya Joha

Omayya Joha
Omayya Joha 4

6. Omayya Joha is the pen name of Omayya Abu Hamada, a Palestinian cartoonist associated with Hamas, who enjoys tremendous reputation in the Arab world. She uses the last name Joha, a reference to a comic figure from Arab folklore. In her creations, she echoes Hamas’s ideology and agenda. Joha’s cartoons are notable for their malicious anti-Israeli sentiments, and some are of a clearly anti-Semitic character. The cartoons are distributed in the Palestinian press of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority (Al-Risala, Al-Hayat al-Jadeeda) and on websites across the Arab world.

7. Omayya Joha was born in 1972 in the Gaza Strip neighborhood of Sajaiya. Her first husband, Rami Sa’ad, was an operative in the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the operative/terrorist wing of Hamas. He was killed in a clash with IDF soldiers in 2003.

Examples of spiteful anti-Israeli and
anti-Semitic cartoons by Omayya Joha

Rockets of the Resistance

A raging bull with the head of an Israeli soldier with stereotypically Jewish features charging a Palestinian who holds a red fabric with the words "Rockets of the Resistance” written on it (Al-Risala, June 1, 2007). This cartoon is designed to praise the rocket attacks carried out from the Gaza Strip.

Iranian Al-Kawthar TV website in Arabic

A stereotypical Jew talking to a microphone the text on which reads "Western Press”; the handkerchief in his pocket is the flag of the US . The message is that Western press is in the Jews’ pocket (Al-Hayat al-Jadeeda, August 13, 2007). The cartoon was also featured on the Iranian Al-Kawthar TV website in Arabic (August 16, 2007).

Israeli PM Ehud Olmert depicted as the devil

Israeli PM Ehud Olmert depicted as the devil. The text on his scythe reads "Beit Hanoun” (Al-Hayat al-Jadeeda, November 5, 2006). The cartoon refers to the IDF’s counter-terrorist activities in the northern Gaza Strip.

Cartoon - Al-Hayat al-Jadeeda, May 20, 2006

An Israeli soldier portrayed as a stereotypical Jew threatens a Palestinian invalid with only one leg, calling him "terrorist” (Al-Hayat al-Jadeeda, May 20, 2006).

Chopper blades in the form of a swastika

A comparison between the Israeli Air Force activities in Gaza and those of the Nazis—chopper blades in the form of a swastika, and a symbol resembling that of the SS on the chopper’s front (Al-Hayat al-Jadeeda, May 25, 2007).

1 Farfour, a term of endearment for small children.

2 See our Information Bulletin: "Inculcating kindergarten children with radical Islamic ideology and the culture of anti-Israel terrorism” , June 6, 2007.

3 In this context, see our Information Bulletin: "Indoctrination for the coming school year: the TV show "Brilliant Children,” broadcast by Hamas’ Al-Aqsa TV, featured a child whose special field was jihad (holy war). Such shows are a manifestation of Hamas’ effort to indoctrinate young people with its radical Islamic ideology and culture of anti-Israeli terrorism” (September 5, 2007).

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