The hate industry: Articles and cartoons in Jordanian press combining blatant anti-Israeli incitement with anti-Semitic and anti-American themes

Israeli PM Ehud Olmert in a glass full of blood with the word � Palestine � written on it. To his right is US President George Bush in a similar pose; the word � Iraq � is written on his glass of blood. Both are holding small glasses of blood. The two glasses are on a service tray carried by a hand which has the words �the Arab impuissance� written on it (Ad-Dustour, March 3, 2007). The cartoon was drawn by Jalal al-Rifa’i, a Jordanian cartoonist of Palestinian descent, who frequently publishes hateful cartoons hostile to Israel and the Jewish people in the daily Ad-Dustour.


1. The Jordanian media occasionally publishes articles and cartoons which combine vicious messages of hate against Israel with anti-Semitic and, at times, anti-American themes. The newspapers in which the cartoons are published are Ad-Dustour, Al-Arab al-Yawm, and Al-Ra’i. The Jordanian government, which signed a peace treaty with Israel , does not put an end to those publications, which contribute towards an atmosphere of hate and hostility against Israel and the Jewish people.

2. On December 19, 2006, the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center published an Information Bulletin titled �The hate industry: anti-Semitic articles published in the Jordanian press over the past two months�. The current Information Bulletin examines other anti-Semitic articles recently published in the Jordanian press and presents a selection of anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli cartoons published in Jordan in the past year.

A review of two recently published articles

�From the Holocaust industry to terrorism�

3. On April 12, 2007, the independent Jordanian newspaper Al-Arab al-Yawm published an article titled �From the Holocaust industry to terrorism�, dealing with Holocaust denial. The writer of the article is Muwaffaq Muhaddin, a pro-Syrian journalist associated with the Jordanian left wing, who also published anti-Semitic articles in the past. 1 The article was republished in the same newspaper on April 16, the date of the Holocaust Memorial Day in Israel .

4. Citations from the article:

�Not a single country in history was founded by turning fiction into fact�save for the country of the Jewish enemy. The beginning of that country was by making up or creating the Holocaust. That fiction was what truly brought about the foundation of that country�� �There were other massacres perpetrated against other peoples, worse than those perpetrated against the Jews. The number of gypsies killed by the Nazi capitalism is greater than the number of Jews killed, not to mention the 20 millions of Russians killed in World War II�� �The Jews turned their losses [in World War II] into a different kind of massacre. They made up the story of death in the gas chambers, a story which was proven scientifically false�� �The other thing, that is, the other invention made up by the Jews, is the [false] story about Arab and Islamic terrorism, concurrently with the ever-intensifying argument after their first fiction was exposed� It is precisely here that the scent of Jewish kitchens is most evident� What is important for those kitchens is controlling public opinion and harnessing it against Arabs and Muslims��

�The integral relationship between Zionism and Nazism�

5. On March 9, 2007, the pro-Palestinian daily Ad-Dustour published an anti-Semitic article titled �The integral relationship between Zionism and Nazism�. The article was written by Rakan al-Majali, a regular columnist for Ad-Dustour. It should be mentioned that on the same day, the article was also published on Jordan Explorer, a Jordanian news and tourism website. 2

6. Highlights of the article:

a. �The war of eradication and destruction in Palestine and Lebanon � has opened the eyes of the Arabs and of the entire world, allowing them to understand �the racist nature of Zionism� and �the characteristics of Jewish personality�.

b. �The Jewish personality� is based on �resentment, vindictiveness, and non-recognition of everything not Jewish.� The author claims to be citing Professor Israel Shahak, 3 who supposedly said that �Zionism is the twin brother of Nazism� and that �Nazism is coursing through the veins of the Jews, who embraced a racist, wicked, and resentful culture��

c. The author of the article cites another columnist named Husni Ayish, 4 according to whom the Jews’ superiority complex and their �call to eliminate the others� are the central components of the Nazi-like Zionist ideology. He refers to Zionism as �Nazi-Zionism� and �proves� that, following verses from the Torah, the Jews have perpetrated genocides against other peoples.

d. The Zionist ideology sanctifies everyone who is Jewish while any other person and all those who confront the Jews �are considered an abomination that must be rooted out�. The Jews terrorize the Western world, extort it, and �force it to sanctify everything that is Jewish�.

e. Having made such statements about Jews and Zionism, the writer of the article praises the �firm stand� of the �resistance� (i.e., Palestinian terrorism), which opposes Zionism.

Cartoons of anti-Semitic character

7. The Jordanian press publishes hateful anti-Semitic and, at times, anti-American cartoons. In those cartoons, Israel and the Jews are portrayed as thirsting for Arab and Palestinian blood and following in the footsteps of Hitler and Nazism. Some of the cartoons make use of the image of the stereotypical Jew and portray Jews as a snake and a vulture with blood-dripping talons.

8. Most of the cartoons were created by Jalal al-Rifa’i, a Jordanian cartoonist of Palestinian descent. They are published in the pro-Palestinian daily Ad-Dustour (partly owned by the Jordanian government).

A selection of cartoons


Palestinian PM Ismail Haniyeh arguing with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) while an evil-looking stereotypical Jew threatens to swallow them both (Jalal al-Rifa’i, Ad-Dustour, January 9, 2007)


Israeli PM Ehud Olmert portrayed as a vulture with blood-dripping talons, carrying the American Secretary of State on its back with the peace dove in her hand (Jalal al-Rifa’i, Ad-Dustour, February 26,


Four evil men: the Roman emperor Nero, the Mongolian ruler Hulagu (noted for his brutality), Hitler, and US President George Bush = the morals of the Israeli army, depicted as a skull with a helmet on its head, laying in a puddle of blood (Jalal al-Rifa’i, Ad-Dustour, August 16, 2006)


Satan with his trident: his eyes are UK PM Tony Blair and US President George Bush, while his nose is Israeli PM Ehud Olmert (Jalal al-Rifa’i, Ad-Dustour, August 14, 2006)

Ehud Olmert watering with blood a Star of David which sprouts swastikas; underneath the Star of David are killed children and the American Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, portrayed as a vulture carrying a letter that says �A new Middle East� (Jalal al-Rifa’i, Ad-Dustour, July 31, 2006).  

Israeli PM Ehud Olmert with blood-dripping hands and a peace dove, whose droppings form a swastika on his chest; the caption reads: �A decoration [swastika] on Olmert’s chest� (Jalal al-Rifa’i, Ad-Dustour, August 5, 2006)

Ehud Olmert swimming in a river of blood (Jalal al-Rifa’i, Ad-Dustour, July 15, 2006)  

Ehud Olmert giving birth to a Hitler-like baby; the caption nearby reads: �A new Middle East � (Jalal al-Rifa’i, Ad-Dustour, July 26, 2006)

Ehud Olmert drinking blood from a glass while an Israeli plane is dropping ice cubes inside (Jalal al-Rifa’i, Ad-Dustour, June 15, 2006)  

Ehud Olmert drinking blood with former Israeli PM Ariel Sharon; the caption on the latter’s bloated stomach reads: �Arab blood� (Jalal al-Rifa’i, Ad-Dustour, July 8, 2006)


Ehud Olmert in a bath full of blood while former Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz is pouring �Palestinian blood� (as written on the jar) on his head (Jalal al-Rifa’i, Ad-Dustour, March 8, 2006)


Ehud Olmert and Hitler giving a Nazi salute (Jalal al-Rifa’i, Ad-Dustour, April 13, 2006)

The American Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, and the Israeli Foreign Minister, Tzipi Livni, depicted as two snakes coiled around the world with the caption �True love� appearing between them; the snake is considered to be a despicable animal and, in many anti-Semitic cartoons, symbolizes Jews (Al-Ghad newspaper, August 30, 2006)