News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (October 31 – November 6, 2012)

Demonstrators burn a picture of Mahmoud Abbas in Jabalia in the Gaza Strip ( website, November 3, 2012).

Demonstrators burn a picture of Mahmoud Abbas in Jabalia in the Gaza Strip ( website, November 3, 2012).

An anti-Abbas demonstration in the Gaza Strip (Palestine-info website).

An anti-Abbas demonstration in the Gaza Strip (Palestine-info website).

Demonstrators in the village of Qadoum burn the British flag (Facebook page of PALQA, November 2, 2012).

Demonstrators in the village of Qadoum burn the British flag (Facebook page of PALQA, November 2, 2012).

The Bahraini delegation opens the Bahrain School in Tel-al-Hawa, built in collaboration with UNRWA (Safa News Agency, November 1, 2012).

The Bahraini delegation opens the Bahrain School in Tel-al-Hawa, built in collaboration with UNRWA (Safa News Agency, November 1, 2012).

Mahmoud Abbas meets with Arab League Secretary General Nabil al-Arabi in Rabat Amman (Wafa News Agency, November 5, 2012).

Mahmoud Abbas meets with Arab League Secretary General Nabil al-Arabi in Rabat Amman (Wafa News Agency, November 5, 2012).

Demonstrators trample a picture of Lord Balfour and Mahmoud Abbas on the background of the British and Israeli flags (Hamas forum, November 3, 2012).

Demonstrators trample a picture of Lord Balfour and Mahmoud Abbas on the background of the British and Israeli flags (Hamas forum, November 3, 2012).

Anti-Abbas poster (Hamas forum, November 3, 2012).

Anti-Abbas poster (Hamas forum, November 3, 2012).

Hamas commentary on the ''concessions'' of Mahmoud Abbas (Filastin al-'Aan, November 3, 2012).

Hamas commentary on the ''concessions'' of Mahmoud Abbas (Filastin al-'Aan, November 3, 2012).

Muhammad Kaya (center) holds a press conference at the monument erected by Hamas for the

Muhammad Kaya (center) holds a press conference at the monument erected by Hamas for the "activists" killed aboard the Mavi Marmara ( website, November 4, 2012).

The PRC launches its campaign

The PRC launches its campaign

  • Rocket fire from the Gaza Strip continues. This past week two rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory. Three IDF soldiers conducting routine counterterrorism activities near the security fence were wounded in what was apparently an IED attack. A young Jewish man was stabbed in the back by two Palestinians in east Jerusalem.
  • A remark made by Mahmoud Abbas to Israel's Channel 2 TV implying he had relinquished the so-called "right of return" enraged the Palestinians (especially in the Gaza Strip) and the Arab world. He was quick to explain that the "right of return" was "sacred" and anchored in UN General Assembly Resolution 194.
Three IDF Soldiers Injured near the Security Fence
  • On the morning of November 6, during a routine IDF counterterrorism activity conducted near the security fence in the central Gaza Strip, what was apparently an IED exploded. The blast injured three IDF soldiers, one of them seriously, while two sustained minor injuries.
Suspicious Palestinian Shot and Killed at the Security Fence
  • On the evening of November 4 an IDF force identified a suspicious Palestinian approaching the security fence. They called to him to halt and fired shots in the air. However, when he did not comply and continued towards the fence, he was shot and killed (IDF Spokesman, November 5, 2012).
  • The Palestinian media reported the death of Ahmed Tawfiq al-Nabahin, 23, a resident of Juhr al-Dik. The reports claimed he was "mentally disturbed." A picture of the same "mentally disturbed" individual, wearing a body-armor vest and armed with a rifle, was posted on the Hamas forum. The Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights in the Gaza Strip denounced the event and called on international organizations to take action against Israel's so-called "war crimes" against the Palestinians (Ma'an News Agency and Shihab News Agency, November 5, 2012). Hamas posted a notice of al-Nabahin's death on its website and appealed to the residents of the Al-Bureij refugee camp to participate in his funeral. His body was wrapped in the Hamas flag ( website and Safa News Agency, November 5, 2012). (Safa News Agency, November 5, 2012)

Left: Al-Nabahin wearing a body-armor vest and armed with a rifle (Hamas forum website, November 5, 2012). Right: The body of Ahmed al-Nabahin, wrapped in a green Hamas flag at the Al-Bureij mosque (Shabakat Al-Wusta TV, Gaza Strip, November 5, 2012).
Left: Al-Nabahin wearing a body-armor vest and armed with a rifle (Hamas forum website, November 5, 2012). Right: The body of Ahmed al-Nabahin, wrapped in a green Hamas flag at the Al-Bureij mosque (Shabakat Al-Wusta TV, Gaza Strip, November 5, 2012).

Rocket Fire Targets Israel
  • This past week two rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory. The rockets fell in open areas; there were no casualties and no damage was reported.

Rockets Fired into Israeli Territory Since the Beginning of 2011[1]

Rockets Fired into Israeli Territory Since the Beginning of 2011

Detention of Iron Merchant Who Transferred Money to Hamas Operatives
  • On September 6, 2012, it was revealed that the Israel Security Agency (ISA), in collaboration with the Israel Police, detained Maher Atia Abu Juba at the Erez crossing. Abu Juba, an iron merchant from the Gaza Strip, was detained on suspicion of using his authorization to import civilian goods to transfer millions of dollars to Hamas. He was also suspected of selling iron to operatives in Hamas' Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, used to build tunnels, military posts and bunkers. On September 30, 2012, he was indicted by a court in Beersheba (ISA website, November 1, 2012).

Some of the imported iron seized by the Israel Security Agency at the southern Israeli port of Ashdod, and destined for the Gaza Strip (ISA website, November 1, 2012).
Some of the imported iron seized by the Israel Security Agency at the southern Israeli port of Ashdod, and destined for the Gaza Strip (ISA website, November 1, 2012).

Young Jewish Man Stabbed at Ras al-Amoud
  • On Friday, November 2, a young Jewish man was stabbed in the back by two Palestinians in the Ras al-Amoud quarter of east Jerusalem. He was seriously wounded and evacuated to a hospital. He and another man were walking in the Old City when they were attacked by two unidentified men who stabbed him in the back and fled. He and his companion continued on foot to the Maale Zeitim neighborhood where they met rescue personnel. Israeli security forces searched the area for the attackers (Ynet, November 2, 2012).
Weapons Discovered
  • An IDF force patrolling in the village of Bayta (east of Nablus) found two Uzi submachine guns (IDF Spokesman, October 31, 2012).

One of the submachine guns (IDF Spokesman, October 31, 2012).
One of the submachine guns (IDF Spokesman, October 31, 2012).

Demonstrations at the Usual Friction Sites
  • This Friday, November 2, the usual demonstrations were used to protest the 95th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration: in the village of Qadoum (near Nablus), the theme of the weekly protest was "Overthrow the Balfour Declaration and overthrow the occupation" (Al-Quds forum, November 2, 2012). Demonstrators burned the British flag (Al-Hayat Al-Jadeeda and the Amad website, November 3, 2012). At the demonstration at Um Salmounademonstrators called on the Palestinians to unite around the Palestinian Authority's leadership in its political move in the UN. Demonstrators also called for greater participation in the demonstrations against the security fence and the settlements (Wafa News Agency, November 2, 2012).
  • The PLO's department of culture and information issued a statement for the anniversary of the Balfour Declaration. It said that the international community, especially Britain, was politically and morally responsible for the fact that the Palestinian people "continue to struggle under the yoke of the only occupation in the world because of the humanitarian crime committed [by Britain] when it issued the Balfour Declaration in violation of international and humanitarian law." It also said that the time had come for the international community, especially Britain, to make an effort to correct the historical mistake or at least to apologize for the deprivation [it caused] and to provide moral and material support for the Palestinians (Ma'an News Agency, November 2, 2012).
A Bahraini Delegation Visits the Gaza Strip
  • Following the visit of the emir of Qatar, on November 1 an official delegation from Bahrain arrived in the Gaza Strip for a visit of several hours. The delegation was headed by Mustafa al-Sayed, a representative of the Bahrain's Royal Charity Organisation.[2] The delegation launched a number of projects in the Gaza Strip (Safa News Agency, November 1, 2012), including the following:

· The Bahrain School in the Tel al-Hawa neighborhood of Gaza City, built in collaboration with UNRWA.

· A technological center for the handicapped at the Islamic University in Gaza City.

· A library in the Al-Fakhari School in the northern Gaza Strip and a medical center in Khan Yunis.

The Palestinian Move in the UN
  • The PA has increased its diplomatic activities to enlist international support for its move to upgrade its status. To that end, senior PA figures have met with foreign diplomats and representatives in an attempt to gain support. On November 5 Mahmoud Abbas met in Rabat Amman with Nabil al-Arabi, Secretary General of the Arab League, to discuss the steps which would be taken in the UN (Wafa News Agency, November 5, 2012). Riyadh al-Maliki, the Palestinian foreign minister, said that November would be the "decisive month" but so far no specific date has been set (PalPress, October 31, 2012).
  • As part of the Palestinian diplomat activity:

· Hanan Ashrawi, a member of the PLO's Executive Committee, left for Germany to participate in an international convention dedicated to the future of Middle East peace and to meet with important people, among them the Austrian foreign minister (Wafa News Agency, October 30, 2012).

· Muhammad Ashtiya, a member of Fatah's Central Committee, left for a state visit to the Scandinavian countries to enlist support. He carried three communiqués from Mahmoud Abbas for the heads of the governments of Denmark, Sweden and Finland (Ma'an News Agency, October 31, 2012).

  • Palestinian sources stress that one of the main objectives of raising the status of the Palestinian delegation in the UN is that it will make it possible to attempt legal action against Israel before international bodies. Zaki Abbas, a member of Fatah's Central Committee, said in an interview with Al-Quds Al-Arabi in London that when the status of the PA has been upgraded, an "unprecedented" campaignwill begin in which the Palestinians with bring suit against Israel in UN agencies and various international legal frameworks (Al-Quds Al-Arabi, London, November 5, 2012).
Palestinian Rage Following Mahmoud Abbas' Interview on Israel Channel 2 TV
Main Points of the Interview
  • Interviewed by Israel's Channel 2 TV, Mahmoud Abbas implied that he had relinquished the so-called "right of return." Among other things he said that while he had been born in the city of Safed, he did not intend to return there. "For me," he said, "Palestine is a state with the 1967 borders side by side with the State of Israel." He added that he was planning a state which would include Gaza Strip, Judea and Samaria with east Jerusalem as its capital. He said, regarding the "armed struggle," that as long as he remained in power he would not allow "a third armed intifada" to take place, and promised to use "only diplomacy and peaceful methods" (Channel 2 News, Israel, November 2, 2012). His remarks enraged the Palestinians, especially the de-facto Hamas administration in the Gaza Strip.
  • In response to the harsh criticism, Mahmoud Abbas rushed to clarify (or change) his position. Interviewed by the Egyptian TV channel Al-Hayat, he said that the position he expressed on Israeli TV reflected his own personal decision not to return to Safed. However, he emphasized, the so-called "right of return" was a "sacred right" anchored in UN General Assembly Resolution 194 (Al-Hayat TV, Egypt, November 3, 2012).
Main Responses
  • On November 3 anti-Abbas demonstrations were held in three locations in the Gaza Strip: Gaza City, the northern Gaza Strip and Khan Yunis. Demonstrators shouted anti-Abbas slogans and waved signs calling him "the new Balfour" and a "traitor," and claiming that he did not represent the Palestinians. Demonstrators burned pictures of Mahmoud Abbas and Lord Balfour to mark the 95th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration (Ma'an News Agency, Filastin al-'Aan, Safa News Agency, November 3, 2012).

Left: Anti-Abbas poster (Hamas forum, November 3, 2012). Right: Demonstrators trample a picture of Lord Balfour and Mahmoud Abbas on the background of the British and Israeli flags (Hamas forum, November 3, 2012).
Left: Anti-Abbas poster (Hamas forum, November 3, 2012). Right: Demonstrators trample a picture of Lord Balfour and Mahmoud Abbas on the background of the British and Israeli flags (Hamas forum, November 3, 2012).

  • Hamas responses

· Ismail Haniya, head of the de-facto Hamas administration, said that the interview had dangerous implications and harmed the "right of return" not only of Mahmoud Abbas, but of six million Palestinians (Al-Aqsa TV, November 2, 2012).

· Fawzi Barhoum, Hamas spokesman, said that Mahmoud Abbas lived in a state of confusion and was unaware of the reality of the Palestinian people's struggle against Israel. He said that diplomacy without resistance [i.e., terrorism] would not realize "one percent of the Palestinian people's aspirations" (Al-Aqsa TV, November 2, 2012).

· At one of the demonstrations in the Gaza Strip, Salah al-Bardawil, senior Hamas figure, stressed that Hamas would not recognize any agreement signed by Mahmoud Abbasbecause he represented only himself (Palestine-info website, November 3, 2012).

· Yahya Musa, senior Hamas figure, claimed that Mahmoud Abbas had lost his national legitimacy (Palestine-info website, November 3, 2012).

  • Harsh criticism of Mahmoud Abbas' remarks was also heard in Judea and Samaria. On November 3 the Islamic and leftist factions at Beir Zeit University held a protest strike during which they waved signs reading "Israel admitted killing Abu Jihad and Mahmoud Abbas gives up Jerusalem, the land, honor and the blood of the shaheeds" and "Resistance is our only option" (Filastin al-'Aan, November 3, 2012).

Hamas commentary on the ''concessions'' of Mahmoud Abbas (Filastin al-'Aan, November 3, 2012).
Hamas commentary on the "concessions" of Mahmoud Abbas (Filastin al-'Aan, November 3, 2012).

Turkey Institutes Legal Proceedings against Senior Israeli Figures
  • On November 6 a hearing began in a court in Istanbul which will continue for three days. It is part of a trial being held in Turkey of four high-ranking IDF officers for their alleged responsibility, according to the prosecution, for the deaths of nine "activists" aboard the Mavi Marmara. The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs called it a show trial with no relation to law or justice and whose only objective was propaganda (Ynet, November 6, 2012).
  • The four officers accused are former Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi, Former Head of Military Intelligence Aharon Yadlin, Former Commander of the Navy Eliezer Marom, and Air Force Commander Avishai Levi. The Turkish prosecutor is asking for sentences of life imprisonment. The Turks also instigated an investigation of General Tal Russo, accused of planning and carrying out the attack on the Mavi Marmara (IHH website, November 6, 2012). The indictments include charges of "incitement to commit murder through torture" and "incitement to use weapons to cause harm."
  • On November 4 Muhammad Kaya, IHH representative in the Gaza Strip, held a press conference at the Gaza memorial erected by Hamas for the Turkish "activists" who were killed aboard the Mavi Marmara. He formally announced the beginning of the legal proceedings. He also said he hoped the trial would mean the end of the free passage around the world of those involved in the killing of the flotilla activists (The PIJ's PalToday website, November 4, 2012).

Muhammad Kaya (center) holds a press conference at the monument erected by Hamas for the "activists" killed aboard the Mavi Marmara ( website, November 4, 2012).
Muhammad Kaya (center) holds a press conference at the monument erected by Hamas for the "activists" killed aboard the Mavi Marmara ( website, November 4, 2012).

The Anniversary of the Balfour Declaration
  • The website of the Palestine Return Centre (PRC), an organization participating in the campaign to delegitimize Israel, announced that it was launching a new campaign in Britain called "Britain, It's Time To Apologize." The initiative arose in connection with the anniversary of the Balfour Declaration (December 2), and its objective is to collect a million signatures during the next five years calling on the British government to denounce its "colonial policy" of 1917-1948, especially for giving the Zionist movement the Balfour Declaration. Collecting signatures will be accompanied by propaganda events including conventions, rallies, etc.
  • The PRC is a center for anti-Israeli Palestinian propaganda, established in London in 1996. It is affiliated with Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, and some of its senior figures were also Hamas operatives who found asylum in Britain. Its activities center on spreading and instilling the idea of the so-called "right of return" of the Palestinian refugees to the territory of the State of Israel.[3]

The PRC launches its campaign
The PRC launches its campaign

The Ship Gaza Ark
  • According to Palestinian activists from the Gaza Ark initiative, March and April 2013 are possible dates for the Gaza Ark to set sail from the Gaza Strip to Europe. The ship, whose construction began in August 2012, will set sail from the Gaza Strip for Europe with 13 "flotilla activists" from various countries on board. The voyage will be accompanied by an extensive campaign to exert international pressure on Israel not to prevent the ship from sailing (Al-Ayam, November 4, 2012).
  • The Jordanian government said in an announcement that its intelligence services had prevented terrorist activity of operatives affiliated with Al-Qaeda. The terrorists had been planning to carry out a number of simultaneous attacks on civilian and government targets, including the American embassy in Amman. They had stockpiled a large quantity of explosives and weapons, acquired from Syria, and they were planning to carry out attacks in Amman in shopping centers and cafés as a diversionary tactic to draw attention away from their main targets, which included government buildings and embassies (Washington Post, October 21, 2012).
  • According to the Jordanian minister of information, the operatives often passed between Jordan and Syria. When taken into custody they were found to possess a large quantity of weapons and maps marked with the sites they planned to attack. Among the targets were two large shopping malls in Amman and sites in Abdoun, an upscale neighborhood in Amman where many foreign embassies are located. A security sources said the suspects had manufactured explosives meant to cause as many casualties as possible (Al-Arabiya in English, October 21, 2012). It was the most formidable Al-Qaeda cell caught since the attack in Amman in November 2005.[4] According to a Jordanian intelligence source, the Jordanian intelligence services had monitored the members of the cell since it was established (BBC, October 21, 2012).

Pictures of the suspects issued by Jordanian News Agency Petra.
Pictures of the suspects issued by Jordanian News Agency Petra.

  • The security authorities in the Sinai Peninsula detained five men with weapons in their possession, including hand grenades, RPGs and automatic weapons. An initial interrogation revealed that they were planning to carry out attacks on holiday sites in the southern Sinai Peninsula during the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha. The police also detained four men who had TNT in their possession. They apparently belonged to one of the cells affiliated with the global jihad and operating in the Sinai Peninsula (Al-Hayat, October 30, 2012).

[1] As of November 5, 2012. The statistics do not include mortar shell fire.

[2] Bahrain's Royal Charity Organisation is headed by Sheikh Nasser bin Hamad al-Khalifa, son of the Bahraini ruler.

[4] In November 2005 three simultaneous suicide bombing attacks were carried out in three hotels in Amman. They caused the deaths of 67 civilians and wounded an estimated 200. There were only minutes between the attacks. The organization headed by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a branch of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, claimed responsibility for the three suicide bombing attacks.