Operation Protective Edge – Update No. 9 (As of 1200 hours, July 12, 2014)

IDF activity in Shejaiya (IDF Spokesman, July 20, 2014).

IDF activity in Shejaiya (IDF Spokesman, July 20, 2014).

Soldiers in the IDF engineering corps make preparations to blow up a tunnel used for terrorist purposes.

Soldiers in the IDF engineering corps make preparations to blow up a tunnel used for terrorist purposes.

The IDF blows up terrorist tunnels in the Gaza Strip (IDF Spokesman, July 21, 2014).

The IDF blows up terrorist tunnels in the Gaza Strip (IDF Spokesman, July 21, 2014).

The IDF blows up terrorist tunnels in the Gaza Strip (IDF Spokesman, July 21, 2014).

The IDF blows up terrorist tunnels in the Gaza Strip (IDF Spokesman, July 21, 2014).

Outpourings of joy following the (false) announcement of an abducted IDF soldier.

Outpourings of joy following the (false) announcement of an abducted IDF soldier.

Outpourings of joy following the (false) announcement of an abducted IDF soldier.

Outpourings of joy following the (false) announcement of an abducted IDF soldier.

Demonstrations held in Judea and Samaria in support of the Gaza Strip

Demonstrations held in Judea and Samaria in support of the Gaza Strip

Demonstrations held in Judea and Samaria in support of the Gaza Strip

Demonstrations held in Judea and Samaria in support of the Gaza Strip


1.   The current focus of the ground operation is Shejaiya, a densely-populated neighborhood in the eastern part of Gaza City. The clashes between the IDF and operatives of Hamas and the other terrorist organizations have been extremely fierce since the beginning of the ground operation, resulting in 13 Israeli deaths (since the beginning of Operation Protective Edge 18 Israeli soldiers have been killed). Squads of terrorists who deployed in Shejaiya used familiar tactics of urban warfare, firing anti-tank rockets and detonating IEDs.

2.   During the fighting the local population sustained many casualties (the ITIC does not yet know the exact number), a function of Hamas' deliberate policy of using civilians as human shields. In ITIC assessment, Hamas regards the ground combat in Shejaiya as an achievement because of the losses inflicted on the IDF, and because of the opportunity to exploit civilian casualties for propaganda and political purposes.

3.   However, Hamas has still not succeeded in translating what it views as its achievement in Shejaiya into Egyptian support for its preconditions for a ceasefire (central to which is the opening of the Rafah crossing). It also has not succeeded in causing the international community to exert pressure on Israel, which is considered as defending itself from ongoing rocket fire and the attempts made by terrorist squads to infiltrate into Israeli territory though the tunnels (So far the IDF has exposed 36 tunnel shafts in the Gaza Strip, some of them of tunnels dug into Israeli territory to carry out mass-killing attacks and/or abductions.

Terrorist Squads Infiltrate into Israeli Territory

4.   Hamas' efforts to infiltrate terrorist squads into Israel continue. On the morning of July 21, 2014, IDF forces prevented an estimated 20 terrorist operatives from infiltrating into Israel through a tunnel from the northern Gaza Strip near Sderot. They exited the tunnel near Kibbutz Nir Am. Israeli Air Force (IAF) aircraft attacked the first squad of terrorist operatives. The second squad fired an anti-tank rocket at an IDF vehicle. Local residents were asked to remain inside their homes. Ten terrorist operatives were killed in exchanges of fire with IDF forces (IDF Spokesman, July 21, 2014).

Left: The terrorist operatives who entered Israeli territory hide in the underbrush. Right: The area of the clash (IDF Spokesman, July 21, 2014).
Left: The terrorist operatives who entered Israeli territory hide in the underbrush. Right: The area of the clash (IDF Spokesman, July 21, 2014).

The Ground Operation
IDF Activity

5.   During the pat 24 hours the IDF's ground operation in the Gaza Strip continued. Since it began, according to the IDF Spokesman, as of the morning of July 21, 2014, more than 110 terrorist operatives had been killed, and 22 had been detained and interrogated.

The Fighting in Shejaiya

6.   The ground fighting focuses on Shejaiya, a neighborhood in the eastern part of the Gaza City, an operational and logistic center for Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ). During Operation Protective Edge approximately 150 rockets have been fired into Israel from Shejaiya. IDF forces met with strong resistance from Hamas and PIJ operatives in the fighting there. In the battles that developed the terrorist operatives fired an anti-tank rocket at the IDF forces and detonated IEDs. The IDF carried out extensive, pinpoint attacks from the air and with artillery. Thirteen IDF soldiers were killed in Shejaiya.

Before the battles began, the IDF called on the local Shejaiya population to vacate the area. However, many residents, following instructions and under pressure from Hamas, refused to leave and were trapped in the combat area. According to various estimates, about 60 Palestinians (including women and children) were killed in the battles between the IDF and the terrorist forces and several hundred were wounded. Some of the Palestinians included in the list of those killed were terrorist operatives who fought the IDF. So far the ITIC does not have information about the exact number of Palestinians killed or their identity.

7.   General Benny Gantz, the IDF Chief of Staff, said the local residents in Shejaiya knew they were victims of Hamas' military deployment in the combat areas. He expressed regret that civilians were harmed. He said that throughout the operation the IDF had tried to distance civilians from the combat areas. He added the IDF had a moral duty to keep civilians from being harmed, insofar as was possible, and that it was important for them to vacate combat areas. However, he stressed that the IDF did not intend to give up its determination to carry out its mission (IDF Spokesman, July 20, 2014).

8.   A field commander of an IDF force fighting in Shejaiya, interviewed by Yedioth Aharonoth correspondent Nahum Barnea, said that apparently the largest concentration of tunnels was in the Shejaiya area. The tunnels, he said, were located in a densely-populated residential area where buildings were five and six stories high. He said Hamas had threatened some of the local residents with weapons to keep them from vacating their houses (Ynetnews.co.il, July 21, 2014).

Houses destroyed in Shejaiya, eastern Gaza City  (Facebook page of Ghaza al-A'an and Wafa.ps, July 20, 2014)
Houses destroyed in Shejaiya, eastern Gaza City  (Facebook page of Ghaza al-A'an and Wafa.ps, July 20, 2014)

9.   Following an appeal from the Red Cross, the IDF agreed to a humanitarian pause for the medical evacuation of the wounded from Shejaiya on July 20, 2014, between 1330 and 1530 hours. Israel's political leadership authorized the establishment of a field hospital at the Erez crossing to treat wounded Palestinian civilians. Despite the declaration of a pause in the fighting, armed Palestinians shot at the medical staff.

10.          Initially Hamas sources represented the fighting in Shejaiya as an impressive military achievement and issued information about attacks on IDF armed vehicles and the deaths of soldiers. However, as the clashes continued and the number of Palestinian casualties and the dimensions of the destruction of property were revealed, the Palestinian media began showing gory pictures of dead Palestinians, describing the fighting as "slaughter" and a "disaster." Hamas' objective is to make propaganda capital out of dead civilians for Palestinian, Arab and international public opinion.

11.          Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri falsely blamed Israel, claiming that Hamas had asked for a two-hour humanitarian ceasefire but that Israel had refused. He threatened the "resistance" would continue causing the [so-called Israeli] occupation heavy damages and would not allow [the Zionist] forces to walk on [Gazan] land (Safa.ps, July 20, 2014). Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum said that today Hamas was not speaking with the media and cameras, but with rifles, rockets, artillery and fighters below ground, above ground and everywhere (Al-Aqsa TV, July 20, 2014). The PIJ said in a statement that the "crime" of Shejaiya was a Zionist attempt to preserve its self respect after the painful blows the resistance had dealt its army (Paltoday.ps, July 20, 2014).

12.          Mahmoud Abbas called on the international community to intervene immediately and force a ceasefire. He declared three days of mourning. Nabil Abu Rudeina, the "presidential" spokesman, condemned the "slaughter" and demanded the Israeli government stop its aggression against the Gaza Strip (Wafa.ps, July 20, 2014).

Activities to Expose and Dismantle Tunnels

13. So far the IDF has exposed 36 terrorist tunnel shafts in the Gaza Strip. On July 20, 2014, an IDF force blew up six tunnels and their shafts, as follows (IDF Spokesman, July 20, 2014):

1) A terrorist tunnel in the northern Gaza Strip which had five shafts, all in Gazan territory. Inside were barrels of explosives and communications cables.

2) A terrorist tunnel in the northern Gaza Strip which had four shafts in Gazan territory and one in Israeli territory near an Israeli population center.

3) A terrorist tunnel in the central Gaza Strip which had eight shafts.

4) A terrorist tunnel in the central Gaza Strip which had two shafts, one in Gazan territory and one in Israeli territory.

5) A terrorist tunnel in the southern Gaza Strip which had one shaft.

6) A terrorist tunnel 1.2 kilometers, or ¾ of a mile long, which had four shafts, among them one that was blocked and one in Israeli territory. When the tunnel was blown up a secondary explosion was identified. One of the shafts was exposed inside a house near the tunnel's route.

Other Military Activity

14. The following ground activities were carried out by the IDF in and near the Gaza Strip (IDF Spokesman, July 20, 2014):

1)  In a joint action with the Israel Security Agency (ISA) the IDF attacked the terrorist operative responsible for Hamas' surveillance.

2)  An IDF force identified two terrorist operatives who exited a tunnel shaft exposed in the southern Gaza Strip. The force shot at the terrorists.

IDF Losses

15. Eighteen IDF soldiers have been killed in Operation Protective Edge. Thirteen IDF soldiers were killed in action in the area of Shejaiya on the night of July 20, all of them from the Golani Brigade (IDF Spokesman, July 21, 2014):

1)  Major Tzafrir Bar-Or, 32, from Holon. Officer in the Golani Brigade.

2) Captain Tzvi Kaplan, 28, from Qdumim. Officer in the Golani Brigade.

3) Sergeant Gilad Yaakovi, 21, from Kiryat Ono. Combat soldier in the Golani Brigade.

4) Staff Sergeant Oz Mandelovitz, 21, from Avtalion. Combat soldier in the Golani Brigade.

5) Staff Sergeant Nissim Sean Carmeli, 21, from Ra'anana. Combat soldier in the Golani Brigade.

6) Staff Sergeant Moshe Malako, 21, from Jerusalem. Combat soldier in the Golani Brigade.

16. Several scores of soldiers were wounded, some of them critically. They were evacuated to hospitals in the center of the country.

IDF Activity
Attacks on Terrorist Targets in the Gaza Strip Continue

17.          In addition to the ground operation, the IDF continued attacking terrorist targets from the air. So far, more than 2,603 terrorist targets have been attacked in the Gaza Strip. Since the ground operation began, 1,032 terrorist targets have been attacked from the air (IDF Spokesman, July 21, 2014)

18. During the past 24 hours more than 450 terrorist targets have been attacked in the Gaza Strip, among them the following (IDF Spokesman, July 20, 2014):

1) Targets whose destruction would support the ground operation of the IDF forces.

2) Systems for firing rockets and mortar shells.

3) Houses that served as command and control facilities.

4) Underground rocket launchers.

The Gazan Population

19. According to ITIC information,536 Gazans have been killed since the beginning of the operation (as of noon, July 21).


20.  Distribution (not final, as of 1200 hours, July 21, 2014) of those killed is as follows:

1)  164 terrorist operatives:

a)   89 Hamas operatives

b)   51 PIJ operatives

c)   24 operatives from other terrorist organizations      

2) 194 non-involved Palestinians

3) 178 Palestinians whose identity is not yet known


21.          The IDF ground operation has led to a rise in the number of civilians vacating their houses and moving to UNRWA shelters. An UNRWA representative reported that there were 75,000 Palestinians in its shelter and that the agency needed help to provide for their needs.

Rocket Fire into Israeli Territory

22.          Since the beginning of the operation approximately 1,655 rockets have fallen in Israeli territory. The Iron Dome aerial defense system intercepted about 360 of them. Even after the ground operation began, Israel continued to be attacked with intense rocket and mortar shell fire. Since the beginning of the ground operation more than 350 rocket hits have been identified in Israeli territory.

23.          There has been a slight decrease in rocket fire targeting the center of Israel, partially because the terrorist organizations are making a significant effort to fire at concentrations of IDF forces in the Gaza Strip and western Negev. On July 20, 2014, 110 rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory (a decrease of approximately 20 rockets compared with the previous day). Most of the fire targeted the population centers around the Gaza Strip, and only one barrage was fired at the center of Israel.

24. The main events were the following:

1)  On the morning of July 20, 2014, a barrage of rockets targeted Beersheba. The Iron Dome aerial defense system intercepted three rockets. Three other rockets fell in open areas. Rockets were fired at Ashqelon, and a hit was reported between two buildings. There were no casualties.

2) On the morning of July 20, 2014, sirens were heard on the coastal plain, including Ra'anana, Ramat Hasharon, Hod Hasharon and Rishpon. The Iron Dome intercepted some of the rockets. Rocket fragments fell in north Tel Aviv. There were no casualties; damage to a vehicle was reported.

3) On the afternoon of July 20, 2014, during the humanitarian pause in the fighting requested by Hamas, a number of rockets were fired at Israel.

4) Late in the morning of July 21, 2014, rocket fire targeting Ashdod, Ashqelon, Tel Aviv and the coastal plain was resumed. The Iron Dome intercepted two rockets targeting the greater Tel Aviv area and five in the skies over Ashdod. One rocket fell near a house in Ashdod. There were no casualties but the building was damaged (Israel Police Force, July 21, 2014).

5) Early in the morning of July 21, 2014, a rocket hit a house in Sderot while four sisters, one of them an infant, were in the house's protected room. There were no casualties; extensive damage to the house was reported.

Daily Distribution of Rocket Fire from the Gaza Strip during Operation Protective Edge[1]

Daily Distribution of Rocket Fire from the Gaza Strip during Operation Protective Edge

Activity on Other Fronts
Rocket Fire from the Sinai Peninsula

25.          On July 18, 2014, the Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis (the Supporters of Jerusalem) claimed responsibility for firing three Grad rockets at Eilat, Israel's southernmost city, on the night of July 14. According to the claim the hits were "precise" and caused loss of life and damage to property (Twitter account of the Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, July 18, 2014). The Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis is a global jihad-affiliated organization operating in the Sinai Peninsula and Egypt. In the past it also claimed responsibility for rocket attacks on Eilat.

The Crossings – Update
The Erez Crossing

26.          On Saturday, July 19, 2014, the Erez crossing was opened to allow the delivery of 100 tons of medicine and medical equipment to the Gaza Strip. Israel's political leadership also authorized the establishment of a field hospital at the crossing for Gazan civilians. The hospital will provide basic outpatient services and will be run by the IDF's medical corps and manned by doctors, nurses and X-ray technicians, and will also have a laboratory (Cogat.idf.il, July 21, 2014).

The Kerem Shalom Crossing

27.          Since the beginning of Operation Protective Edge 673 trucks carrying food, medicine and medical equipment have been delivered to the Gaza Strip through the Kerem Shalom crossing. Fuel for the Gaza Strip power plant, gasoline and cooking gas have also been delivered (Cogat.idf.il, July 21, 2014).

29. On July 18, 2014, two power lines providing electricity to the Gaza Strip were repaired (Cogat.idf.il, July 21, 2014).

The Rafah Crossing

28.          On July 20, 2014, the Rafah crossing was opened for the passage of humanitarian cases and the delivery of aid to the Gaza Strip. Nabil Shaath, a member of Fatah's Central Committee, said he was in contact with the Egyptians to have the Rafah crossing opened immediately (Palestinian TV, July 20, 2014).

Hamas' Propaganda Campaign

29.          Hamas' propaganda currently focuses on making political and propaganda capital from the Palestinian civilian casualties caused by the heavy fighting in Shejaiya. Abu Obeida, spokesman for Hamas' military-terrorist wing, claimed that the military wing was teaching Israel a hard, unprecedented lesson. He claimed Israel could not cope with the fighters on the ground and had sustained extremely heavy losses. He also claimed Israel had not admitted that it had lost a soldier who was currently in the hands of Hamas' military-terrorist wing. He called on the Israeli populace to follow the announcements of the military wing on the subject (Al-Aqsa TV, July 20, 2014). Hamas' military-terrorist wing, the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, said in a statement that the soldier had been abducted during the fighting in Shejaiya. They claimed he had been taken from an APC that had exploded (after being hit by an anti-tank rocket) (Ghaza al-A'an and the Shihab website, July 20, 2014). In reality, the announcement of the abduction of an IDF soldier was false.

30.          Abu Obeida's false claim of a captured IDF soldier brought hundreds of Palestinians into the streets in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip. They waved Hamas flags, shouted with joy and distributed candy to passersby (Safa.ps and Al-Aqsa TV, July 20, 2014).

Left: A spokesman for the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades announces the "abduction" of an Israeli soldier (Al-Aqsa TV, July 20, 2014). Right: The Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades claims responsibility for a number of actions in which IDF soldiers were killed, as well as the false claim of the "abduction" of an Israeli soldier (Qassam.ps, July 20, 2014).
Left: A spokesman for the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades announces the "abduction" of an Israeli soldier (Al-Aqsa TV, July 20, 2014). Right: The Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades claims responsibility for a number of actions in which IDF soldiers were killed, as well as the false claim of the "abduction" of an Israeli soldier (Qassam.ps, July 20, 2014).

 Judea and Samaria

31. Palestinians in Judea and Samaria continue to express solidarity and support for the Gaza Strip. So far there have been no exceptional incidents.

1)  Tawfiq al-Tirawi, a member of Fatah's Central Committee, called on Fatah members to go out into all the streets of "Palestine" and lead demonstrations and marches to emphasize Fatah's role in the leadership of the Palestinian street. He said daily protest activities had to be held in the Palestinian street (Maannews.net, July 20, 2014).

2) In Ramallah a rally was held in support of the Gaza Strip. Participants called for Hamas' military-terrorist wing to "increase its rocket fire" at Israeli cities and settlements (Al-Quds TV, July 20, 2014).

3) Iyad al-Bazam, former spokesman for the Hamas ministry of the interior, said that the Palestinians should not hold solidarity marches and demonstrations. That, he said, should be left to the Europeans. The Palestinians, he said, should go into the streets and "slaughter Zionist settlers" in retaliation for the blood spilled in the Gaza Strip (Facebook page of Iyad al-Bazam, July 20, 2014).

Ceasefire Negotiations

32.          Contacts for a ceasefire continue, with a central role played by Egypt. There has not yet been a breakthrough because Hamas consistently rejects the Egyptian formula of ceasing fire first and negotiating afterwards (although it does recognize the centrality of the Egyptian channel). Mahmoud Abbas shuttled from one capital to another to initiate a process that will lead to a ceasefire. Having visited Egypt he flew to Turkey and from there to Bahrain and Qatar. In a recorded speech aired on Palestinian TV, he noted the need for a commitment to the ceasefire proposed by Egypt (Palestinian TV, July 20, 2014). UN Secretary General Ban-ki Moon also visited Israel and the Arab states to promote a ceasefire (UN website, July 19, 2014).

33.          Khaled Mashaal, head of the Hamas political bureau, went to Kuwait as the head of a delegation of senior Hamas figures to discuss the ceasefire (Aa.com.tr, July 20, 2014). He reportedly also received an invitation to Cairo (Reuters.com, July 19, 2014). Egyptian sources denied that he had been invited to Egypt, calling it a Hamas leak (Youm7.com, July 20, 2014).

34.          Musa Abu Marzouq, a member of Hamas' political bureau, said that Egypt was most capable of bringing about a ceasefire. He claimed Hamas was ready for the Egyptian initiative but wanted its demands agreed to before the ceasefire went into effect and not afterwards. He claimed that one of the demands rejected by the Hamas movement was the demand to disarm. Khaled al-Batash, senior PIJ figure, said that his organization objected to bypassing the Egyptian negotiation, claiming that that the "resistance's" demands for the Gazans were just, and the most important one was lifting the siege and the end of "aggression," opening a port and the crossings so that the Gazans could "live in dignity" (Sawa.ps, July 19, 2014).

35.          American Secretary of State John Kerry said Hamas' actions had led Israel to respond in an attempt to stop the rockets being fired against it. He called on Hamas to be responsible for its actions and ratify the ceasefire unconditionally (as demanded by Egypt). He said Israel was being besieged by a terrorist organization which had no qualms about constructing tunnels and equipping itself with sedatives and weapons to abduct Israeli hostages. He said no country could sit idly by and not fight against people launching thousands of rockets into its territory. He also said that he expected to reach the Middle East shortly to support the effort to reach a ceasefire (ABC, July 20 2014).

[1]The graph shows rocket hits in Israeli territory and does not include the massive mortar shell fire targeting the western Negev or rocket launches that failed.