News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (February 10 – 16, 2016)

Palestinian terrorist Kilzar Muhammad Abd al-Halim al-Awiwi, 17, who carried out a stabbing attack in Hebron (Ramallah News, Facebook 13, 2016).

Palestinian terrorist Kilzar Muhammad Abd al-Halim al-Awiwi, 17, who carried out a stabbing attack in Hebron (Ramallah News, Facebook 13, 2016).

Kilzar Muhammad Abd al-Halim al-Awiwi's notebook, in which she wrote,

Kilzar Muhammad Abd al-Halim al-Awiwi's notebook, in which she wrote, "Whoever wants to meet Allah, Allah wants to meet him" (Facebook page of Paldf, February 14, 2016).

Omar Muhammad Ahmed Amru, armed and wearing the uniform of the Palestinian national security forces

Omar Muhammad Ahmed Amru, armed and wearing the uniform of the Palestinian national security forces

Omar Muhammad Ahmed Amru holding a Kalashnikov assault rifle (Facebook page of Paldf, February 15, 2016).

Omar Muhammad Ahmed Amru holding a Kalashnikov assault rifle (Facebook page of Paldf, February 15, 2016).

The death notice issued by Hamas for the two terrorists  (Facebook page of Paldf, February 16, 2016).

The death notice issued by Hamas for the two terrorists (Facebook page of Paldf, February 16, 2016).

Palestinians riot near the Erez crossing in the northern Gaza Strip

Palestinians riot near the Erez crossing in the northern Gaza Strip

Palestinians riot near the Erez crossing in the northern Gaza Strip

Palestinians riot near the Erez crossing in the northern Gaza Strip

Maflah Asa'd Abd al-Wahed Abu Aazra, a Gazan from Rafah killed fighting in the ranks of ISIS in Libya (Zamn Press, February 16, 2016).

Maflah Asa'd Abd al-Wahed Abu Aazra, a Gazan from Rafah killed fighting in the ranks of ISIS in Libya (Zamn Press, February 16, 2016).

  • This past week the ongoing Palestinian terrorist campaign escalated. There was a series of stabbing and shooting attacks. Prominent was a shooting attack carried out by two Palestinian terrorists near the Nablus Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem (which has become a focus for terrorist attacks). One of them was an operative in the Palestinian national security forces. It was the third time in the current terrorist campaign that an operative of the Palestinian security forces directly participated in a terrorist attack. However, such involvement is exceptional and so far is not the general rule.
  • The family of hunger-striking Muhammad al-Qiq held a press conference and reported on his deteriorating state of health. They called on Mahmoud Abbas to act immediately to save his life. Palestinian public figures called on the international community to act to effect his release. Throughout Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip Palestinians held rallies in support of Muhammad al-Qiq, during which they called for an escalation of the riots against Israel.
Terrorist Attacks and Attempted Attacks
  • February 14, 2016 – shooting attack:
  • Two Palestinian terrorists armed with rifles opened fire at Israeli policemen at the light railway station near the Nablus Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem. A young Palestinian carrying a bag aroused the suspicions of the policemen. They ordered him to halt and put the bag on the ground. He took a gun out of the bag and began shooting. The policemen returned fire and neutralized him. Immediately thereafter another Palestinian opened fire at a nearby group of policemen. They chased him, and shot and killed him.
  • The Palestinian media reported that the two shooters were Omar Muhammad Ahmed Amru and Mansour Yasser Abd al-Aziz Shawamra, both 20 from the village of Qubeiba (northwest of Jerusalem). Hamas issued a death notice for them (Facebook page of Paldf, February 16, 2016).
  • Omar Muhammad Ahmed Amru was an operative in the Palestinian national security forces. According to Fatah activists from his village he was also a local Fatah field operative. He enlisted in the Palestinian national security forces two years ago and served in the First Battalion, which was stationed in Hebron. The terrorist attack at the Nablus Gate was the third in the current terrorist campaign with the direct involvement of an operative of the Palestinian security forces. However, such involvement is still exceptional and not the general rule. The websites of the Palestinian security forces have not made any mention of the three that carried out terrorist attacks.
  • Villagers from Qubeiba said Mansour Yasser Abd al-Aziz Shawamra worked as a carpenter and was the sole supporter of his family. He was a permanent figure at clashes with IDF forces. He was wounded once and had also been imprisoned in the Ofer jail (Al-Arabi al-Jadeed, Facebook page of Paldf and Ma'an, February 15, 2016).
  • February 14, 2016 – stabbing attack: A Palestinian woman tried to stab a Border Policeman near the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron. She went to a Border Police post, took out a knife and tried to stab one of the policemen. He pushed her away and shot at her. The Palestinian media reported she was Yasmin Rashad al-Tamimi, 21 (14 according to some reports) from Hebron (Zamn Press, February 14, 2016).
  • February 14, 2016 – stabbing attack: An Israeli woman walking in a park near the Talpiot industrial zone in Jerusalem felt someone tapping her on the shoulder. When she turned around she saw a young Palestinian holding a knife. The young Palestinian ran away; searchers found the knife.
  • February 14, 2016 – stabbing attack: During a security check of Palestinians at the Mazmuria checkpoint near the Jerusalem neighborhood of Har Homa, a policeman noticed a Palestinian who aroused his suspicions. The Palestinian ran towards the policemen waving a knife. One of them shot and neutralized him. The Palestinian media reported the terrorist was Naim Ahmed Yusuf Safi, 17, from Al-Ubaidiya, northeast of Bethlehem (Facebook page of Paldf, February 14, 2016). The Palestinian Authority (PA) held a governmental military funeral for him. His body was carried by Palestinian security forces. Hamas issued a death notice for him (Facebook page of Paldf, February 15, 2016).

Left: The death notice issued by Hamas for Naim Safi. Right: The governmental military funeral held by the PA. Naim Safi's body is carried on the shoulders of Palestinian security forces operatives (Facebook page of Paldf, February 15, 2016).
Left: The death notice issued by Hamas for Naim Safi. Right: The governmental military funeral held by the PA. Naim Safi's body is carried on the shoulders of Palestinian security forces operatives (Facebook page of Paldf, February 15, 2016).

  • February 13, 2016 – stabbing attack:
  • A young Palestinian woman tried to stab an IDF soldier near the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron. The soldier was not harmed. The terrorist was shot and killed. She came from the direction of the Cave and aroused the suspicions of the soldiers, who asked to inspect her bag. She took out a knife and tried to stab one of them. He pushed her away and then she stabbed and seriously wounded a Palestinian standing nearby who tried to prevent her from stabbing the soldier.
  • She was Kilzar Muhammad Abd al-Halim al-Awiwi, 17 from Hebron. She was a student at the Widad Nasir al-Din high school in Hebron (Paltoday, February 14, 2016). Shortly before her death, she wrote in one of her notebooks, "Whoever wants to meet Allah, Allah wants to meet him" (Facebook page of Paldf, February 14, 2016).
  • Kilzar al-Awiwi's mother is the aunt of Amer Abu Aisha, one of the Palestinian terrorists who abducted and murdered the three Israeli youths in Gush Etzion (June 12, 2014). Kilzar al-Awiwi's body was draped in a green Muslim Brotherhood flag (Facebook page of Paldf, February 14, 2016).
  • February 9, 2016 – stabbing attack: An Israeli man was seriously wounded in a stabbing attack carried out near Neveh Daniel (in Gush Etzion). He was jogging when he was attacked by a Palestinian. He struggled with his attacker, who fled the scene. A guard at Neveh Danial called for help. The Israeli security forces searched the area for the terrorist.
Riots, Clashes and Popular Terrorism
  • In the meantime, demonstrations, protest marches, riots, and the throwing of stones, Molotov cocktails and pipe bombs continue in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem. This week as well, many of the riots in Judea and Samaria were held in support of Muhammad al-Qiq, a hunger-striking Palestinian administrative detainee. In consequence, senior Palestinian figures called for an escalation in the riots against Israel (Palinfo Twitter account, February 15, 2016). During funerals held in Hebron and Al-Aroub for Palestinians terrorists whose bodies had been returned to the PA by Israel, Palestinians rioted and clashed with the Israeli security forces.
  • The more prominent events were the following (including terrorist attacks that were prevented):
  • February 16, 2016 – Israeli policemen near the Nablus Gate saw a young Palestinian who aroused their suspicions. When they examined him they found a knife hidden in his sleeve. He was Salim Ahmed Walid Ali, 28, who lived near Jenin. He was detained and taken for questioning.
  • February 15, 2016 – A young Palestinian woman who aroused the suspicions of policemen near the Nablus Gate was stopped. A large knife was found in her pocket. She was detained. Another knife was found in her bag.
  • February 14, 2016
  • After two Palestinians threw stones and tried to cross the border security fence in A'raqa (east of Jenin), an IDF force was sent to the site. One of the Palestinians, who was armed with an M-16 rifle, opened fire at the soldiers. The two Palestinians were shot and killed. Both of them were found to be carrying knives.
  • The two Palestinian terrorists were NihadRa'ed Waked and Fuad Marwan Khaled Waked, cousins, both 15, from the village of A'raqa (Facebook page of Paldf, February 14, 2016). They were 10th grade students in a high school in Jenin. Hamas and Fatah issued death notices for them. Their bodies were draped with Fatah flags.

Left: Nihad Waked (Facebook page of Nihad Waked, February 1, 2016) Center: Fuad Waked (Facebook page of Shihab, February 14, 2016). Right: The M-16 found in the possession of one of the terrorists.
Left: Nihad Waked (Facebook page of Nihad Waked, February 1, 2016) Center: Fuad Waked (Facebook page of Shihab, February 14, 2016). Right: The M-16 found in the possession of one of the terrorists.

  • Fuad Waked was not active on Facebook, updating his page only every two or three weeks. Nihad Waked, on the other hand, had a very active Facebook page which contained hints of his intention to carry out a terrorist attack. From the beginning of the current terrorist campaign he often posted support for the terrorist attacks and glorified the shaheeds. He apparently also participated in clashes with the Israeli security forces. During the past month and a half he updated his page three times a week. In the past there were periods when he updated it daily (Facebook page of Shihab, February 14, 2016; Facebook pages of Nihad Waked and Fuad Waked).
  • February 14, 2016 – On the road up Mt. Eibal (Nablus) IDF scouts found an IED detonated by a cell phone. IDF demolitions experts neutralized the bomb. There were no casualties.
  • February 14, 2016 – During an operational activity in the Dheisheh refugee camp (Bethlehem region) Israeli security forces detained three senior Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) operatives. They had been involved in incitement to violence and had issued threats against the Israeli security forces (Facebook page of Red Alert, February 14, 2016).
  • February 13, 2016 – Four Border Policemen incurred minor injuries when a vehicle driven by a Palestinian crashed into their jeep near Ma'aleh Adumim. The driver was carrying Palestinians who were in Israel illegally and apparently tried to avoid a security check. The policemen shot at the fleeing vehicle and hit two of the passengers. The Palestinian national consensus government condemned the shooting of Palestinians, who, according to the government's claim, "had been involved in a traffic accident" (Wafa, February 13, 2016).
  • February 11, 2016 – Palestinians threw stones at a vehicle near a gas station on Route 443 (the Modi'in-Jerusalem road). There were no casualties. The windshield of the vehicle was damaged (Facebook page of Red Alert, February 11, 2016).
  • February 10, 2016 – A Palestinian reported that an axe had been thrown at his front windshield near the village of Karnei Shomron. The Israeli police detained an Israeli civilian from Karnei Shomron on suspicion of having thrown the axe. There were no casualties; the vehicle was damaged.
  • February 10, 2016
  • During a riot near the Al-Aroub refugee camp (north of Hebron) IDF forces fired at rioters who endangered the Israeli security forces. A 16 year-old boy was seriously wounded and later died. The PA held a governmental military funeral for him. His body was carried on the shoulders of Palestinian national security and police force operatives (Wafa, February 11, 2016).
  • The Palestinian was Omar Yusuf Madhi Jawabra, 16, from the Al-Aroub refugee camp. His mother said he participated in riots on his way home from school. Ismail Haniyeh, deputy chairman of Hamas' political bureau, spoke to the family by phone, and said the deaths of the shaheeds were not in vain and that they "carried the torch lighting the way to Jerusalem" (Hamas website, February 12, 2016).

Left: The military funeral held by the PA (Wafa, February 11, 2016). Right: Omar Yusuf Madhi Jawabra (Facebook page of Paldf, February 10, 2016).
Left: The military funeral held by the PA (Wafa, February 11, 2016). Right: Omar Yusuf Madhi Jawabra (Facebook page of Paldf, February 10, 2016).

  • February 9, 2016 – Palestinians threw three Molotov cocktails at cars on the Gush Etzion-Hebron road near Al-Aroub. There were no casualties and no damage was reported (Facebook page of Red Alert, February 9, 2016).
Israel Security Agency Monthly Report on Terrorist Attacks for January 2016[1]
  • According to the report of the Israel Security Agency, in January 2016 the trend towards a decrease in the number of terrorist attacks continued. In January there were a total of 166 terrorist attacks, 136 of which involved Molotov cocktails, compared with 239 attacks in December 2015. The following information was given:
  • Location – One hundred and twenty-six terrorist attacks were carried out in Judea and Samaria (194 in December 2015). There were 39 in Jerusalem (43 in December 2015). One terrorist attack was carried out inside Israel, i.e.,the terrorist attack on Dizengoff Street (compared with two terrorist attacks carried out inside Israel in December 2015).
  • Victims – Five Israelis were killed in terrorist attacks carried out in January 2016 (three in the shooting attack in Tel Aviv and two in stabbing attacks). In addition, 28 Israelis were wounded (18 civilians and ten members of the Israeli security forces, most of them in stabbings).
  • Modus operandi– Most of the attacks (136), involved Molotov cocktails; 35 were in Jerusalem. There were nine stabbing attacks, four on them in Jerusalem, 12 attacks involving IEDs and eight shooting attacks involving light arms.
Rocket and Mortar Shell Fire Attacking Israel
  • This past week no rocket or mortar shell hits were identified in Israeli territory.

Rocket and Mortar Shell Fire Attacking Israel

Riots and Terrorist Attacks near the Border Security Fence
  • Riots continue in the Gaza Strip near the border security fence in a show of solidarity with the Palestinians in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem. On February 12, 2016, there were clashes between Palestinians and the Israeli security forces near the Erez crossing in the northern Gaza Strip (Facebook page of Quds, February 12, 2016).
The Rafah Crossing
  • Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi decided to open the Rafah crossing in both directions for two days (Al-Youm Al-Sabaa, February 11, 2016): on February 13, 2016, the Rafah crossing was opened for students and humanitarian cases (Egyptian Channel TEN TV, February 12, 2016). After two days President Sisi ordered it kept open for one more day (Al-Youm Al-Sabaa, February 14, 2016).
  • An Egyptian security source at the Rafah crossing reported that during the three days the crossing was open, 2,883 Palestinians passed though, entering and exiting the Gaza Strip. In addition, the Egyptians allowed the entrance of 64 trucks carrying cement and various other raw materials, sent by Qatar for rebuilding the Gaza Strip (Ma'an, February 16, 2016).

Left: The Egyptians allow truckloads of cement to enter the Gaza Strip through the Rafah crossing (YouTube, February 15, 2016). Right: Gazans return to the Strip through the Rafah crossing (Facebook page of the ministry of the interior, Gaza Strip, February 13, 2016).
Left: The Egyptians allow truckloads of cement to enter the Gaza Strip through the Rafah crossing (YouTube, February 15, 2016). Right: Gazans return to the Strip through the Rafah crossing (Facebook page of the ministry of the interior, Gaza Strip, February 13, 2016).

  • Ismail Haniyeh gave a speech in which he said that the issue of the Rafah crossing remained "an open wound." He claimed only the permanent opening of the crossing could resolve the crisis in the Gaza Strip. He added that permanently opening the crossing was a Palestinian humanitarian necessity. He said the Palestinians needed Egypt to the same extent that Egypt could not give up the Palestinian cause (Al-Jazeera, February 13, 2016).
The Tunnels
Collapse of Tunnels Continues
  • Another operative of the Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades, Hamas' military-terrorist wing, was killed when a tunnel collapsed in Khan Yunis. He wasMarwan Barham Ma'rouf, 27, from Khan Yunis (Qudsnet and the Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades website, February 9, 2016). Ismail Haniyeh, Fathi Hamad and other senior Hamas figures paid condolence calls at the mourning tent erected in Khan Yunis (Palinfo, February 12, 2016). At a memorial service held in Khan Yunis, an Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades operative claimed that Hamas fighters would continue working underground to rebuild the tunnels (Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades website, February 12, 2016).

Left: Death notice issued by Hamas for Marwan Ma'rouf. Right: The death announcement posted by the Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades for its operative
Left: Death notice issued by Hamas for Marwan Ma'rouf. Right: The death announcement posted by the Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades for its operative  (Facebook page of Quds, February 12, 2016).

Gazan Dies Fighting in the Ranks of ISIS in Libya
  • The Palestinian media reported reported the death of Maflah Asa'd Abd al-WahedAbu Aazra, akaAbu Abdallah, from Rafah. He was killed fighting in the ranks of ISIS in the region of Tripoli, Libya. He was married and had two children. He left the Gaza Strip about a year ago. His family said they received notice of his death on February 15, 2016, without further details (Ma'an and Zamn Press, February 16, 2016).
Support for Hunger-Striking Detainee Muhammad al-Qiq Continues
  • The family of Muhammad al-Qiq, who has allegedly been on a hunger strike for more than 80 days, held a press conference in Hebron. They described his failing health and called on Mahmoud Abbas, PA chairman, and on Rami Hamdallah, prime minister of the Palestinian national consensus government, to act immediately to save his life. They also thanked all those who had gone out into the streets [to demonstrate] for him and called on the Palestinian public to continue their protests (Paltoday, February 12, 2016).
  • Palestinian sources blame Israel and call on the international community to exert pressure on it:
  • Saeb Erekat, secretary of the PLO's Executive Committee, met with a delegation of members of the EU parliament. He called on the international community to take action to release al-Qiq and keep him alive (Dunia al-Watan, February 10, 2016).
  • Ismail Haniyeh called on the international community to take urgent steps to secure al-Qiq's release and to save his life. He called on the PA to take responsibility and ensure his release. He also called on the Palestinian public to participate in solidarity demonstrations held for his release and to exert pressure on Israel (Dunia al-Watan, February 10, 2016).
  • Ali Abu Diyak, minister of justice in the Palestinian national consensus government, claimed Israel was slowly "executing" Muhammad al-Qiq. He claimed Israel's daily crimes were getting worse and necessitated the intervention of the countries of the world and of UN agencies, and that the Israelis carrying out the crimes had to be tried in an international court (Al-Fajr Al-Jadeed, February 14, 2016).
Palestinian Contacts with Iran
  • A Palestinian delegation of senior figures from Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and the PFLP went to Iran for the celebrations marking the 37th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution. The delegation exploited the occasion to talk with senior figures from Iran and Hezbollah in an attempt to promote a reconciliation between Iran and Hamas (Al-Mayadeen, February 11, 2016).
  • Ali Larijani, chairman of the Iranian Majlis (parliament), meeting with members of the delegation, said that Iran supported the intifada and the "resistance" of the Palestinian groups against against the "Zionist regime." He also called for the Palestinian cause to head the Muslim world's list of priorities. Senior Hamas figure Abu Omar Muhammad Nasser, head of the Palestinian delegation, thanked Iran for its support of the Palestinian people and said Iran had been the greatest supporter of Palestinian aspirations throughout the 37 years of the Islamic Republic's existence (ISNA, February 13, 2016).
  • Hamas spokesman Osama Hamdan noted the coordination between Iran and Hezbollah. He claimed [Hamas'] relations with Iran were "stable" and not influenced by external remarks. He claimed Iran presented a position clearly in support of the "Palestinian resistance." He claimed Iran's support was a link in the chain of Iranian help for the Palestinians, which was manifested in various ways (Al-Mayadeen, February 14, 2016).
  • On the social networks and websites Palestinians continue to glorify the terrorists who carry out attacks, defame Israel and issue notices and pictures inciting to attacks, the continuation of violence and of stone-throwing. Hamas is in the forefront in inciting to terrorism:

Left: A Hamas notice from the Paldf Facebook page with pictures of dead and wounded terrorists. The Arabic reads, "Rise up and avenge [them]" (Facebook page of Paldf, February 15, 2016). Right: A Hamas notice inciting stabbing attacks  (Facebook page of Paldf, February 14, 2016).
Left: A Hamas notice from the Paldf Facebook page with pictures of dead and wounded terrorists. The Arabic reads, "Rise up and avenge [them]" (Facebook page of Paldf, February 15, 2016). Right: A Hamas notice inciting stabbing attacks  (Facebook page of Paldf, February 14, 2016).

[1] אתר שירות הביטחון הכללי.
[2]נכון ל-16 בפברואר 2016. נתונים סטטיסטיים אלו אינם כוללים ירי פצצות מרגמה. כמו כן הנתונים הללו אינם כוללים רקטות, שנפלו בתחום רצועת עזה.
[3]נתונים אלה אינם כוללים ירי פצצות מרגמה. כמו כן לא נכללות בהן נפילת רקטות בשטח רצועת עזה.