The spread of COVID-19 continues to spiral in Judea and Samaria compared to the low number of patients in the Gaza Strip (Updated to July 6, 2020)

Palestinian security forces enforcing the lockdown in Hebron.

Palestinian security forces enforcing the lockdown in Hebron.

Teams from the Hebron Municipality, along with operatives of the preventive security force, disinfecting the central open market in Hebron (Hebron Municipality Facebook Page, July 4, 2020)

Teams from the Hebron Municipality, along with operatives of the preventive security force, disinfecting the central open market in Hebron (Hebron Municipality Facebook Page, July 4, 2020)

The violent incidents in Qabatiya (Safa News Agency, July 3, 2020)

The violent incidents in Qabatiya (Safa News Agency, July 3, 2020)

The violent incidents in Qabatiya (Safa News Agency, July 3, 2020)

The violent incidents in Qabatiya (Safa News Agency, July 3, 2020)

The violent incidents in Qabatiya (Safa News Agency, July 3, 2020)

The violent incidents in Qabatiya (Safa News Agency, July 3, 2020)

Palestinian civil defense forces disinfect in gas distribution vehicles, gas canisters and gas filling stations (Facebook page of journalist Samer al-Sha’arawi, July 1, 2020)

Palestinian civil defense forces disinfect in gas distribution vehicles, gas canisters and gas filling stations (Facebook page of journalist Samer al-Sha’arawi, July 1, 2020)

The Gaza port after it reopened (Twitter account of the Anatolia News Agency, July 4, 2020)

The Gaza port after it reopened (Twitter account of the Anatolia News Agency, July 4, 2020)

The Gaza port after it reopened (Twitter account of the Anatolia News Agency, July 4, 2020)

The Gaza port after it reopened (Twitter account of the Anatolia News Agency, July 4, 2020)

Meeting of the team for the struggle against COVID-19 discussing the arrangements for the entrance of Palestinians (website of the Gaza Strip Interior Ministry, July 2, 2020)

Meeting of the team for the struggle against COVID-19 discussing the arrangements for the entrance of Palestinians (website of the Gaza Strip Interior Ministry, July 2, 2020)

Meeting of the team for the struggle against COVID-19 discussing the arrangements for the entrance of Palestinians (website of the Gaza Strip Interior Ministry, July 2, 2020)

Meeting of the team for the struggle against COVID-19 discussing the arrangements for the entrance of Palestinians (website of the Gaza Strip Interior Ministry, July 2, 2020)


The number of active cases in Judea and Samaria continues to spiral in the second wave of the COVID-19 outbreak. The number of active cases throughout the PA is 3,758, compared to 1,620 last week (updated to the evening of July 5, 2020). A total of 3,150 active cases are from the Hebron District (compared to 1,334 cases last week), accounting for about 84% of all active cases in Judea and Samaria. There are eight patients in intensive care, three of whom are on ventilators (as at July 6, 2020). A total of 21 people have died (as at July 6, 2020). The total number of patients in Judea and Samaria since the outbreak of the virus now stands at 4,202.

  • In light of the sharp increase in the number of cases, the PA has decided to intensify its preventive measures, including the imposition of a full five-day lockdown. Mahmoud Abbas issued an order extending the emergency situation for another 30 days. PA Health Minister Dr. Mai al-Kaila noted that the health system has 350 ventilators, most of which are already in use. The governors of the districts decided on their own local preventive measures in each district and enforced them. However, the public did not always obey the instructions, and in some cases even clashed with the security forces (mainly in the Jenin District).
The increase in the number of patients in Judea and Samaria

The increase in the number of patients in Judea and Samaria

Characteristics of the spread of COVID-19 in Judea and Samaria over the past week
  • Following are some characteristics of the outbreak of COVID-19 in Judea and Samaria in the past week:
    • The sharp increase in the number of cases in Judea and Samaria, which began several weeks ago, continues. Over the past week, the number of cases has more than doubled. They include 50 healthcare professionals.
    • Most of the patients are from the Hebron District (about 84%); the rate of infection in Hebron is a source of concern in the PA and, according to the Health Minister, is out of control. There was also a continued increase in the number of patients in the Bethlehem (249 active cases) and Nablus districts (164 active cases).
    • The number of active cases in East Jerusalem continues to spiral, according to the PA there are now 268 cases (compared with 82 last week). According to the Israeli media, the morbidity rate is high in the Old City, and in the neighborhoods of A-Tur, Beit Hanina, Issawiya and Silwan (YNET, July 4, 2020).
    • There is a lack of medical equipment, especially ventilators: according to the Health Minister, the Health Ministry has 350 ventilators. Another 150 ventilators are on the way. She noted that this was not sufficient (Palestinian TV, July 4, 2020).
    • There has been an increase in the number of deaths from the virus. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, 21 people have died in Judea and Samaria, the Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem; more than half of them (13) in the past week. According to the Health Ministry, most of the deceased suffered from additional background diseases.
    • Mutual contagion between Israel and the PA continues, with an emphasis on the Hebron District. According to the district governor, there are about 150 holes in the security fence through which Palestinian workers leave for work in Israel.
The death rate from COVID-19 in Judea and Samaria in the past week

The death rate from COVID-19 in Judea and Samaria in the past week

Distribution of deaths since the start of the pandemic

Distribution of deaths since the start of the pandemic

Geographical distribution of morbidity

The geographical distribution of the active cases (3,758) is as follows: by district, there are 3,150 in Hebron; 249 in Bethlehem; 164 in Nablus; 49 in Ramallah; 105 in the villages near Jerusalem; 15 in Tulkarm; 6 in Jenin; 5 in Salfit, 10 in Jericho, 6 in Qalqilya and 3 in Tubas.

Distribution of verified cases in the various districts[1]

Distribution of verified cases in the various districts

Hebron District
  • The number of active cases in Hebron is now 3,150, compared to 935 last week (updated to July 5, 2020). The proportion of active cases from the Hebron District is about 84% of all active cases in Judea and Samaria. In light of this, PA Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh ordered the establishment of a special team of four government ministers, including the ministers of health and economy, to closely monitor the morbidity rate in the district and make recommendations at the weekly cabinet meeting (July 6, 2020) (Mohammad Shtayyeh’s Facebook page, July 4, 2020).
Rate of the spread of COVID-19 in the Hebron District

Rate of the spread of COVID-19 in the Hebron District

  • PA Health Minister Dr. Mai al-Kaila noted that the spread of the virus in Hebron was out of control. She said that 120 beds have been prepared to receive patients at Dura Hospital, where 21 patients are currently hospitalized. The hospital has also prepared 20 intensive care rooms. Ten of them are equipped with ventilators and the rest will provide oxygen therapy. At the government hospital in Hebron, 100 of the hospital’s 150 beds have been allocated to treat COVID-19 patients (Palestinian TV, July 4, 2020).
  • Hebron District Governor Jabarin al-Bakri ordered a full lockdown in the Hebron District, banning the movement of residents between cities and villages. The lockdown was in force until the evening of July 6, 2020. Pharmacies and bakeries in the district were permitted to open (Hebron District Governor’s Facebook page, July 1, 2020). Following the instructions of the Hebron District Governor, the Palestinian Ministry of Muslim Endowments ordered a five-day lockdown of all mosques in the Hebron District and the cancellation of Friday prayers (Facebook page of journalist Samer al-Sha’arawi, July 1, 2020).
  • In an interview, the Hebron District Governor cited several reasons for the high morbidity rate in the Hebron District: the reasons that he mentioned included family ties between residents of the Hebron District and East Jerusalem and Bedouins in the Israeli Negev, expressing his opinion that meetings between them have led to an increase in morbidity. He also noted the existence of about 150 holes in the security fence through which Palestinian workers leave for work in Israel. Al-Bakri called on residents of East Jerusalem and Negev Bedouins not to enter the Hebron District until the virus has been eradicated in the district (Hebron District Governor’s Facebook page, June 30, 2020).
Aerial photo of the deserted streets of Hebron (Wafa News Agency, July 4, 2020)    Palestinian security forces enforcing the lockdown in Hebron.
Right: Palestinian security forces enforcing the lockdown in Hebron. Left: Aerial photo of the deserted streets of Hebron (Wafa News Agency, July 4, 2020)

Teams from the Hebron Municipality, along with operatives of the preventive security force, disinfecting the central open market in Hebron (Hebron Municipality Facebook Page, July 4, 2020)
Teams from the Hebron Municipality, along with operatives of the preventive security force, disinfecting the central open market in Hebron (Hebron Municipality Facebook Page, July 4, 2020)

Bethlehem District
  • The Bethlehem District has seen a twofold increase in the number of active cases. During the past week, 249 active cases were identified, compared with 120 last week. Bethlehem District Governor Kamal Hamid decided to continue the lockdown and to continue isolating the district from the other districts. In addition, he ordered the continuation of the preventive measures (PNN website, June 30, 2020). The District Governor has ordered the erection of barriers and obstacles to prevent the movement of residents (Ma’an News Agency, July 1, 2020). Police in Bethlehem shut down 12 gas stations and six businesses that did not comply with the instructions (Al-Quds, July 4, 2020).
Nablus District
  • In the Nablus District, 164 active cases were identified, compared with 96 last week. On July 4, 2020, the first death was reported, of a 72-year-old woman (Nablus District Governor’s Facebook page, July 5, 2020). According to District Governor Ibrahim Ramadan, the number of cases in the district is high because the citizens do not comply with the medical protocol of wearing masks and gloves, do not maintain social distancing and continue to hold weddings and erect mourning tents (Nablus District Governor’s Facebook page, June 28, 2020).
  • On June 28, 2020, a lockdown was imposed on the Balata refugee camp after an increase in the number of cases (Wafa News Agency, June 28, 2020). According to the District Governor, the reason for the lockdown is crowdedness in the camp and the large number of residents living there in relation to its area (Nablus District Governor’s Facebook page, June 28, 2020).
  • On July 1, 2020, the Nablus District Governor announced a full five-day lockdown of the entire district. Movement between the city of Nablus, the surrounding villages, and refugee camps was prohibited, except for the movement of medical teams and essential services. The District Governor stressed that the security forces would monitor compliance with the orders and would impose penalties and fines on anyone violating them (Wafa News Agency, July 1, 2020; Nablus District Governor’s Facebook page, July 1, 2020).
Deserted streets in Nablus after the decision to impose a lockdown (QUDSN Twitter account, July 2, 2020)     Deserted streets in Nablus after the decision to impose a lockdown (QUDSN Twitter account, July 2, 2020)
Deserted streets in Nablus after the decision to impose a lockdown
(QUDSN Twitter account, July 2, 2020)
Ramallah District
  •  In the Ramallah District, 49 active cases were identified this week, compared with 22 last week. Ramallah and Al-Bireh District Governor Laila Ghannam announced a full lockdown of the village of Abu Fallah (26 km northeast of Ramallah) for five days starting July 1, after eight cases were recorded in the village, all members of one family (District Governor Laila Ghannam’s Facebook page, July 1, 2020). The District Governor also announced a five-day lockdown of the village of Beitunia after a patient was identified there (Wafa News Agency, July 5, 2020).
Palestinian security forces enforcing the lockdown in Ramallah (Wafa News Agency, July 3, 2020)    Palestinian security forces enforcing the lockdown in Ramallah (Wafa News Agency, July 3, 2020)
Palestinian security forces enforcing the lockdown in Ramallah
(Wafa News Agency, July 3, 2020)
Qalqilya District
  • This week, 6 active cases were identified in the Qalqilya District, compared with 1 last week. The office of Qalqilya District Governor Rafi Rawajba announced the decision to impose a full five-day lockdown on the district, from July 3 to July 8, 2020. The lockdown includes all areas of life apart from pharmacies, bakeries and grocery stores. The emergency committees, led by the security forces, will oversee compliance with the lockdown orders (Qalqilya District Governor’s Facebook page, July 1, 2020). On July 4, 2020, police shut down 93 stores and confiscated 21 vehicles whose owners did not comply with the emergency measures (Palestinian Authority police website, July 4, 2020).
Jenin District
  • This week, 6 active cases were identified in the Jenin District, compared with 5 last week. Jenin District Governor Akram al-Rajoub issued an administrative order banning traffic within the district and between the district and other districts from July 3 to July 8, 2020, including private vehicles and public transportation. All the factories, companies, and stores will be closed apart from bakeries, pharmacies, and grocery stores (Jenin District Governor’s Facebook page, July 1, 2020).
  • Jenin police, assisted by the security forces, dispersed three weddings, one of them by force, after the singer and the bride and groom refused to stop the party. They detained the singer and confiscated the band’s music equipment (PA police website, July 2, 2020).

Photo from the wedding video posted by Jenin District Governor Akram al-Rajoub on his Facebook page addressing the wedding singer: “Hafez! When you break the law, the PA arrests you […] Yesterday we made do with detaining you for eight hours, and were it not for our love and respect for [you] Musa Al-Hafez, we would prosecute you” (Akram al-Rajoub’s personal Facebook page, July 3, 2020)
Photo from the wedding video posted by Jenin District Governor Akram al-Rajoub on his Facebook page addressing the wedding singer: “Hafez! When you break the law, the PA arrests you […] Yesterday we made do with detaining you for eight hours, and were it not for our love and respect for [you] Musa Al-Hafez, we would prosecute you” (Akram al-Rajoub’s personal Facebook page, July 3, 2020)

  • On the night of July 3, 2020, clashes broke out between the security forces and armed residents in the town of Qabatiya in response to attempts by the security forces to enforce the curfew. According to the residents, the security forces fired tear gas, causing dozens of cases of suffocation, and shut down the shops and cafés by force. According to another report, young people from the town of Qabatiya blocked the town’s main street in the evening in order to prevent the security forces from reaching the town center and shutting down shops and cafés. The security forces fired tear gas and stun grenades at the young people to disperse them, and they responded by throwing rocks and burning tires. Armed men fired into the air at a distance from the security forces (Ultra Palestine website, July 3, 2020).
East Jerusalem
  • The number of active cases in the neighborhoods of East Jerusalem continues to spiral: according to the PA there are now 268 active cases in East Jerusalem, compared with 82 last week (Facebook page of the PA Health Ministry, July 5, 2020).
Number of active cases in the neighborhoods of East Jerusalem

Number of active cases in the neighborhoods of East Jerusalem

Total number of COVID-19 patients in East Jerusalem since the start of the pandemic

Stepping up the preventive measures
  • The sharp increase in the number of cases in Judea and Samaria, and especially the increase in the Hebron District, has resulted in a decision by the PA to step up the preventive measures. The PA decided on a full five-day lockdown which entered into effect on July 2, 2020. According to Palestinian Interior Ministry Spokesman Ghassan Nimer, this is a comprehensive lockdown during which traffic from place to place will be banned, and all businesses except grocery stores, pharmacies and bakeries will be closed (Wafa News Agency, July 2, 2020). On July 5, 2020, Mahmoud Abbas issued a presidential decree extending the emergency throughout the PA for another 30 days (Wafa News Agency, July 5, 2020). In addition to the government’s decisions, all district governors were given a free hand to step up the preventive measures in their own districts.
  • Palestinian Health Minister Mai al-Kaila said that a five-day general lockdown was not sufficient and that the Health Ministry would recommend extending the lockdown, especially in the Hebron District. According to her, the Health Ministry has 350 ventilators, most of which are already in use, and is awaiting the arrival of another 150 ventilators. Minister Mai al-Kaila also warned that if Hebron District residents do not cooperate with the medical teams, morbidity in the district will go out of control (Palestinian TV Facebook page, July 4, 2020).
  • The civil defense force announced that it would send disinfection teams to more than 20 refugee camps in the various districts (Sawa, July 3, 2020).
Palestinian civil defense forces disinfect in gas distribution vehicles, gas canisters and gas filling stations (Facebook page of journalist Samer al-Sha’arawi, July 1, 2020)     Palestinian civil defense forces disinfect in gas distribution vehicles, gas canisters and gas filling stations (Facebook page of journalist Samer al-Sha’arawi, July 1, 2020)
Palestinian civil defense forces disinfect in gas distribution vehicles, gas canisters and gas filling stations (Facebook page of journalist Samer al-Sha’arawi, July 1, 2020)
Implications of the COVID-19 crisis on the financial situation
  • Speaking at a press conference, PA Finance Minister Shukri Beshara said that due to the economic crisis in the PA as a result of the spread of COVID-19 and the termination of the agreements with Israel, the government had decided to cut officials’ salaries (Palestinian TV, July 2, 2020). The Currency Authority announced that due to the spread of the virus, banks would be closed from July 4 to July 7, 2020 (Dunya al-Watan, July 2, 2020).
Return of Palestinians to the PA
  • Palestinian Health Minister Mai al-Kaila announced (on July 1, 2020) that as of July 1, all those returning to PA from abroad would be sent to self-isolate at home and would not be forced to stay at the isolation facility at the Palestinian General Security Service training camp in Al-Noeima. According to her, those returning from abroad would be tested on the spot and if the results are positive, the healthcare authorities in each district would be informed (Wafa News Agency, July 1, 2020).
  • The Palestinian Health Minister mentioned laborers working in Israel who return to the PA after spending three weeks in Israel. According to her, upon arrival their temperatures will be taken and they will be sent to self-isolate at home. Those with symptoms will be tested and quarantined (Palestinian TV, July 4, 2020).
 Palestinians who returned from overseas to the PA and entered via the Allenby Crossing being tested (Wafa News Agency, June 30, 2020)      Palestinians who returned from overseas to the PA and entered via the Allenby Crossing being tested (Wafa News Agency, June 30, 2020)
Palestinians who returned from overseas to the PA and entered via the Allenby Crossing being tested (Wafa News Agency, June 30, 2020)
The Gaza Strip
Extent of the infection

In complete contrast to the spike in the number of COVID-19 cases in Judea and Samaria, and despite the great potential for infection, so far Hamas has successfully prevented the uncontrolled spread of the virus inside the Gaza Strip. On July 2, 2020, the Health Ministry in the Gaza Strip announced that three additional patients had recovered. Today, there are only 11 active cases in the Gaza Strip at the isolation hospital at the Rafah Crossing (Twitter account of the Gaza Strip Health Ministry, July 2, 2020). According to the daily report issued by the Gaza Health Ministry, as at July 4, 2020, the number of active COVID-19 cases in the Gaza Strip stands at 72. All of them arrived from outside the Gaza Strip. A total of 60 patients have recovered. Only one has died (Al-Rai, July 4, 2020). There are still 287 Gazans in five quarantine centers around the Gaza Strip (Shehab, July 3, 2020).

Preparations for a possible spike
  • In spite of the small number of active cases, the Gaza authorities continue to maintain safety procedures and precautionary measures and even take extra precautions regarding those in isolation. Women who accompanied family members to medical treatment in West Bank hospitals and were quarantined at the Turkish Hospital in the Islamic University of the Gaza Strip upon their return to the Gaza Strip complained that at the end of the 21 days of their quarantine, the Health Ministry decided to extend their quarantine period for additional 14 days. According to Dr. Ashraf al-Qidra, the Health Ministry’s spokesman, the quarantine of the guests and workers in all the quarantine centers was extended due to failure to comply with the regulations and medical procedures (Amad, July 3, 2020).
  • Police spokesman in the Gaza Strip said that police had closed three cafés and two function halls for 72 hours since they did not comply with the precautionary measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and their owners violated their commitments on this issue (website of the Gaza Strip Interior Ministry, July 3, 2020).
  • The Gaza Strip Health Ministry continues to prepare the medical teams for a possible COVID-19 spike. On July 1, 2020, a drill was carried out in Rafah in coordination with several medical organizations in order to assess the performance of the medical teams and their readiness to cope with patients who require ventilation in the emergency centers which were prepared by the ministry (website of the Gaza Strip Health Ministry, July 2, 2020).

 (website of the Gaza Strip Health Ministry, July 2, 2020)
(website of the Gaza Strip Health Ministry, July 2, 2020)

  • At the same time, the process of lifting restrictions on a localized basis continues. Iyad al-Buzum, the spokesman for the Gaza Strip Interior Ministry, said that a decision had been made to reopen public facilities. As part of this decision, the Gaza port has reopened after having been closed for several months. Al-Buzum noted that the decision to open the port was taken based on restrictions approved by the authorities, including wearing masks and maintaining social distancing (Anatolia, July 3, 2020).
The Gaza port after it reopened (Twitter account of the Anatolia News Agency, July 4, 2020)       The Gaza port after it reopened (Twitter account of the Anatolia News Agency, July 4, 2020)
The Gaza port after it reopened
(Twitter account of the Anatolia News Agency, July 4, 2020)
Preparations to open the Rafah Crossing to Palestinians
  • Preparations are underway in the Gaza Strip for the entrance of additional Palestinians arriving in the Gaza Strip through the Rafah Crossing. According to Iyad al-Buzum, the spokesman for the Gaza Strip Interior Ministry, no date has been set for reopening the crossing and the subject is still under examination and assessment by all the parties involved (Sabaq24, July 4, 2020).
  • A meeting of the “crisis cell” for the struggle against COVID-19 headed by Tawfiq Abu Naim, the deputy minister of the interior, was held in the Interior Ministry. The participants discussed the steps that should be taken in view of the expected arrival of Palestinians in the forthcoming days. Abu Naim noted that about 2,000 Palestinians who were stuck in various countries are expected to arrive. The officials discussed the arrangements for the entrance of the Palestinians who are due to arrive and the renovation and preparation of the quarantine centers in collaboration and coordination with the Health Ministry. The subject of building a new quarantine center in the central Gaza Strip was also discussed (website of the Gaza Strip Health Ministry, July 2, 2020).
  •   The meeting in the Health Ministry also dealt with the operation of the Erez (Beit Hanoun) checkpoint in receiving Palestinians arriving from Israel in the forthcoming period. Quarantine centers in the northern and southern Gaza Strip were renovated to receive those Palestinians. Abu Naim said that a force of 500 police officers and policemen had completed a training course on safety and precautionary measures at quarantine centers. According to him, this force will be assigned on a permanent basis to provide service in the quarantine centers, since they accumulated experience in their work over the past few months (website of the Gaza Strip Interior Ministry, July 2, 2020).
Preparation of an area in Deir al-Balah for the construction of a new quarantine center   The portable rooms which will be part of the center (Facebook page of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing in the Gaza Strip, July 1, 2020)
Preparation of an area in Deir al-Balah for the construction of a new quarantine center. Right: The portable rooms which will be part of the center (Facebook page of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing in the Gaza Strip, July 1, 2020)

[1] According to the ITIC’s count, there are three additional patients who are not included in the Palestinian Health Ministry’s morbidity data due to a calculation error.