Popular Committee operatives in Judea and Samaria broke through the security fence in the neighborhood of Abu Dis, implementing so-called “creative tactics” *

Popular committee operatives use sledgehammers to break through the security fence in the region of Abu Dis (Bukra.net, July 9, 2013).
Popular committee operatives use sledgehammers to break through the security fence in the region of Abu Dis (Bukra.net, July 9, 2013).


1. On July 9, 2013, several masked operatives of the so-called popular committees against the fence and settlements used sledgehammers to break through the Palestinian side of the security fence in the region of Abu Dis (east of Jerusalem).

2. Salah al-Khawaja, a prominent popular committees activists, told Radio Ajyal (a popular local radio station broadcasting from Ramallah) that dozens of "activists" had broken through the security fence in what he called a "hit and run" attack. He said that initially an announcement had been made of an activity in the village of al-Khader (near Bethlehem), but at the last minute the venue was changed to Abu Dis because of its "symbolic importance" and to outwit the IDF forces. He added that a similar activity was planned for the near future at al-Khader. He said various activities would be held every day during the Muslim religious month of Ramadan after the fast-breaking meal (Radio Ajyal and the Hana al-Quds website, July 9, 2013).

3. Abdallah Abu Rahma, coordinator for the popular resistance committee in Bila'in, told Voice of Palestine Radio that breaking through the security fence at Abu Dis was part of a campaign that began ten days ago. He said the objective was for the Palestinians "to take the law into their own hands." He called on the Palestinians to go to Jerusalem en masse in the coming days to create pressure on the Israeli checkpoints (Voice of Palestine July 10, date, 2013).

4. Breaking through the security fence at Abu Dis is a practical expression of the statements made by popular committee activists regarding the need to initiate new activities against Israel using "creative tactics." They have marked the security fence, the IDF checkpoints and the Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria as targets for their "popular activities."

[*] Follow up of the July 7, 2013 bulletin " Popular Committees Activists in Judea and Samaria Plan a New Wave of Popular Resistance Anti-Israel Activity Using "Creative New Tactics"