News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (May 26 – June 1, 2021)

Palestinians riot in Kafr Qaddum (west of Nablus) (QudsN Facebook page, May 28, 2021).

Palestinians riot in Kafr Qaddum (west of Nablus) (QudsN Facebook page, May 28, 2021).

Palestinians riot in Kafr Qaddum (west of Nablus) (QudsN Facebook page, May 28, 2021).

Palestinians riot in Kafr Qaddum (west of Nablus) (QudsN Facebook page, May 28, 2021).

Muhammad Ziyara visits the ruins of the buildings in the Gaza Strip (Palestinian TV, May 27, 2021).

Muhammad Ziyara visits the ruins of the buildings in the Gaza Strip (Palestinian TV, May 27, 2021).

Mai al-Kayla at the Shifaa Hospital in Gaza City (ministry of health in Ramallah Facebook page, May 28, 2021).

Mai al-Kayla at the Shifaa Hospital in Gaza City (ministry of health in Ramallah Facebook page, May 28, 2021).

Cleaning the streets and removing rubble (Wafa, May 26 and 29, 2021).

Cleaning the streets and removing rubble (Wafa, May 26 and 29, 2021).

Cleaning the streets and removing rubble (Wafa, May 26 and 29, 2021).

Cleaning the streets and removing rubble (Wafa, May 26 and 29, 2021).

Hamas rally in Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip, attended by Yahya al-Sinwar (Twitter account of photojournalist Ashraf Abu Amra, May 30, 2021).

Hamas rally in Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip, attended by Yahya al-Sinwar (Twitter account of photojournalist Ashraf Abu Amra, May 30, 2021).

Hamas rally in Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip, attended by Yahya al-Sinwar (Twitter account of photojournalist Ashraf Abu Amra, May 30, 2021).

Hamas rally in Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip, attended by Yahya al-Sinwar (Twitter account of photojournalist Ashraf Abu Amra, May 30, 2021).

PIJ mass rallies (Palinfo Twitter account, May 29, 2021).

PIJ mass rallies (Palinfo Twitter account, May 29, 2021).

PIJ mass rallies (Palinfo Twitter account, May 29, 2021).

PIJ mass rallies (Palinfo Twitter account, May 29, 2021).

  • Operation Guardian of the Walls: Egypt, Israel, the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Hamas are negotiating to stabilize the ceasefire declared on May 22, 2021. Hamas objects to creating a linkage between the rebuilding of the Gaza Strip and the return of Israel’s MIAs and prisoners. Despite the loss of life and destruction of the Gazan infrastructure, Hamas continues branding the operation a victory for Hamas, claiming it changed the “equation” with Israel and returned the Palestinian cause to the international agenda. Iran and Lebanon related to Iranian and Hezbollah involvement in the most recent round of hostilities after Yahya al-Sinwar, head of the Hamas political bureau in the Gaza Strip, claimed the rockets fired and UAVs launched had been coordinated by the “resistance” [i.e., terrorist organizations] in the Gaza Strip with the “resistance” [i.e., Hezbollah and Iran] in Lebanon.
  • The Gaza Strip: This past week no rockets or mortar shells were launched from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory. On May 30, 2021, a Palestinian infiltrated into Israel from the Gaza Strip and stabbed a security guard in one of the Israeli settlements near the border.
  • Judea and Samaria: The number of rocks and Molotov cocktails thrown by7 the Palestinians at Israeli vehicles this past week was larger than usual, apparently triggered by the recent tensions and violence. Hamas called on the Palestinians in Jerusalem intensify their activity, especially at al-Aqsa mosque.
  • Rebuilding the Gaza Strip: Senior Hamas figures do not look favorably upon the idea of PA involvement in rebuilding the Gaza Strip. Three ministers in the PA government, including the prime minister, visited the Gaza Strip to assess the extent of the damage in preparation for rebuilding with PA involvement. In the meantime, Gazans have been removing rubble, repairing roads, cleaning the streets and returning to routine life.
  • Palestinian boycott campaign: In the wake of recent events in east Jerusalem and Operation Guardian of the Walls in the Gaza Strip, the PA has launched a campaign to boycott Israeli-manufactured goods, led by local BDS operatives.
  • The coronavirus: Dr. Samer al-Assad, head of preventive medicine in the ministry of health in Ramallah, reported a significant decline in the extent of coronavirus infection in the PA territories. The minister of health reported that 102,960 doses of the Pfizer vaccine had been delivered to the PA by COVAX, of which 46,800 were transferred to the Gaza Strip.
Egyptian mediation for a ceasefire
  • Egypt is continuing contacts with Israel, the PA and Hamas to put the ceasefire declared on May 22, 2021 on a firm footing. A delegation from Egyptian General Intelligence headed by Ahmed Abd al-Khalq, who holds the Palestinian portfolio, visited the Gaza Strip three times for talks with the Hamas leadership to prepare the ground for indirect negotiations with Israel in Cairo, most recently after the visit of the American Secretary of State. The Egyptians and Hamas leadership discussed stabilizing the ceasefire and rebuilding the Gaza Strip, which will be conducted under Egyptian supervision, and the exchange of prisoners.
  • Quoting a “source in the Hamas leadership,” the Egyptian negotiating team promised Hamas that in the coming week Israel would reverse the recent “punishments” imposed on the Gaza Strip during the operation, i.e., reopen the crossings, increase the fishing zone, allow the delivery of fuel for the power station, repair damaged electric lines and allow the delivery of the money from Qatar (al-Akhbar, May 29, 2021).
  •   On May 31, 2021, a delegation led by Abbas Kamel, head of Egyptian General Intelligence, arrived in the Gaza Strip after visiting Israel and the PA. The delegation entered through the Erez Crossing and spoke for several hours with Yahya al-Sinwar, head of the Hamas political bureau in the Gaza Strip and other members of the Hamas leadership. They focused on stabilizing the ceasefire, an oversight mechanism for rebuilding the Gaza Strip, and the issue of the prisoners and MIAs held in Gaza. Abbas also went to inspect several sites earmarked for reconstruction.
Abbas Kamel, head of Egyptian General Intelligence, visits the Gaza Strip and meets with Yahya al-Sinwar, head of the Hamas political bureau in the Gaza Strip (QudsN Facebook page, May 31, 2021).     Abbas Kamel, head of Egyptian General Intelligence, visits the Gaza Strip and meets with Yahya al-Sinwar, head of the Hamas political bureau in the Gaza Strip (QudsN Facebook page, May 31, 2021).
Abbas Kamel, head of Egyptian General Intelligence, visits the Gaza Strip and meets with Yahya al-Sinwar, head of the Hamas political bureau in the Gaza Strip (QudsN Facebook page, May 31, 2021).
UN Human Rights Council appoints commission to investigate Operation Guardian of the Walls
  • On May 27, 2021, the UN Human Rights Council voted to appoint an independent [sic] international commission to gather evidence about violations of international law in Israel and the “occupied” territories, including east Jerusalem, carried out as of April 13, 2021 (about a month before Operation Guardian of the Walls). The commission will collect, analyze and publish all information indicating such violations. The resolution was passed with 24 countries voting in favor, 14 abstaining and nine voting against. The American delegation to international institutions in Geneva said in an announcement that it “deeply regretted” the decision (American delegation website, May 27, 2021).
  •  According to Michelle Bachelet, UN high commissioner for human rights, Israeli forces may have committed “war crimes” during the most recent operations by attacking densely populated areas from the air, causing a disproportionally high number of civilian casualties and extensive damage to the civilian infrastructure. She also related to Hamas’ system of locating military assets in densely populated civilian areas and launching rockets from such sites. She said the rockets were fired without discriminating between civilian and military targets and were clearly in violation of international humanitarian law. She said neither side absolved the other under international law (AP, May 27, 2021).

The vote to appoint the commission (UN Human Rights Council Twitter account, May 27, 2021).
The vote to appoint the commission (UN Human Rights Council Twitter account, May 27, 2021).

  • The Palestinian foreign ministry welcomed the Human Rights Council resolution, stressing that the investigation would relate to events beginning on April 13, 2021, and would include the “root causes” [i.e., Israel’s actions in east Jerusalem]. The foreign ministry thanked the countries that voted in favor of the resolution and criticized those that opposed it, claiming their position was “immoral” and warning they were on the wrong side of history. The ministry also urged the rapid appointment of the commission and called for cooperation from the international community (Wafa, May 27, 2021).
  • Muhammad al-Shalaldeh, the PA minister of justice, said the resolution was a “victory” for the civilian victims of the hostilities and for the Palestinian cause, adding that all the reports brought before the Human Rights Council would also serve as criminal evidence and legal proof for the International Criminal Court (ICC) (Wafa, May 28, 2021). Shaawan Jabarin, head of the Ramallah-based al-Haq organization, welcomed the resolution, claiming it set a “precedent” that would serve the Palestinians politically, “morally” and legally. He also said it was a statement from international legal authorities and contained specific recommendations that would be transmitted to the ICC. The Ramallah-based al-Mezan Center for Human Rights also welcomed the resolution and called for the rapid appointment of the commission.
Iranian and Hezbollah involvement in the Gaza Strip hostilities
  • After Yahya al-Sinwar said the rocket barrages and UAV launches during Operation Guardian of the Walls were “coordinated” by the “resistance” in the Gaza Strip and the “resistance” in Lebanon, various commentators said the following:
    • Ibrahim al-Amin, editor of the Hezbollah-affiliated newspaper al-Akhbar in Lebanon, said in an interview that a joint operations room was established in Beirut which included officers from Hezbollah, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps’ Qods Force, Hamas and other Palestinian organizations. He claimed the joint operations room was responsible for coordination. He also claimed that Esmail Ghaani, commander of the IRGC’s Qods Force, had visited Beirut twice and stayed at the joint operations room (al-Manar, May 29, 2021). A source in the Qods Force issued a denial, claiming the “Palestinian resistance” had waged the war itself, efficiently and in a praise-worthy fashion. However, according to the source, the “resistance in Lebanon” had managed to transfer “items” to the Gaza Strip that the “resistance” needed.
    • Na’im Qassem, deputy Hezbollah secretary general, said there had been a high level of collaboration between Iran, Hezbollah and the Palestinian “resistance,” making the “resistance’s” achievements possible (al-Manar, May 29, 2021).
    • Al-Arabiya TV reported that Iranian and Palestinian engineers had recently cooperated to make the range of the rockets more precise and improve the capabilities of Hamas military wing’s UAVs. The rockets safely arrived in the Gaza Strip and [allegedly] Hamas used them to attack Tel Aviv (al-Hadath, May 29, 2021).
    • The Lebanese newspaper al-Akhbar claimed that Israel’s plan to destroy Hamas’ tunnels (the “metro”) and kill hundreds of operatives had failed because of joint Hamas and Lebanese Hezbollah surveillance and intelligence collaboration. According to al-Akhbar, the Palestinians in Gaza used Hezbollah’s accumulated experience and placed false targets, such as rocket launchers, communications centers and control rooms for Israeli Air Force to attack (al-Akhbar, May 31, 2021).
Terrorists apprehended
  • The Israeli security forces detained the operatives of a terrorist squad from Burka (east of Ramallah) who, on April 29, 2021, set fire to a building in Givat Assaf (north of Burka) with Molotov cocktails. The Israeli security forces also detained a Palestinian who threw a rock at an Israeli vehicle on May 26, 2021. The rock shattered the windshield and a passenger was injured by flying glass (United Hatzalah, May 31, 2021).
Palestinian killed in riot south of Nablus
  •   The Palestinian media reported that during clashes between Palestinians and the Israeli security forces near the village of Bayta, south of Nablus, Zakariya Nahr Hamayil, 28, from Bayta, was killed (QudsN Facebook page, May 28, 2021). Pictures of the events taken by Palestinian media clearly show dozens of Palestinians rioting, throwing rocks and burning tires (Wafa, May 28, 2021).
Palestinians riot near Bayta (QudsN Facebook page, May 28, 2021).      Zakariya Hamayil from the village of Bayta.
Right: Zakariya Hamayil from the village of Bayta. Left: Palestinians riot near Bayta (QudsN Facebook page, May 28, 2021).
  • In Judea and Samaria Palestinians continued throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at Israeli civilians and vehicles driving on the roads. The number of attacks has increased with the recent tensions and hostilities. Hamas issued a call to the Palestinians living in Jerusalem to increase their activity throughout the ribat (locations for the voluntary defense of Islam), especially at al-Aqsa mosque.
  • The more prominent events were the following:[1]
    • June 1, 2021: Rocks were thrown at Israeli vehicles south of Nablus. The vehicle of an Israeli Arab was hit by a rock and the driver crashed into a pole.
    • June 1, 2021: Three Molotov cocktails were thrown at Israeli vehicles near Hebron. No casualties or damage were reported.
    • May 31, 2021: Rocks were thrown at Israeli vehicles and on the road north of Hebron. No casualties were reported. The windshields and windows of the vehicles were damaged.
    • May 30, 2021: Rocks were thrown at Israeli vehicles north of Hebron. No casualties were reported. The windshield of a bus was damaged.
    • May 30, 2021: Rocks were thrown at Israeli vehicles north of Hebron. No casualties were reported. The windshield of a bus was damaged.
    • May 28, 2021: A Molotov cocktail was thrown at an Israeli bus south of Nablus. No casualties or damage were reported.
    • May 28, 2021: Several dozen Palestinians threw rocks and set fire to structures under construction southeast of Ramallah. No casualties were reported.
    • May 28, 2021: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle south of Nablus. No casualties were reported. The vehicle as damaged.
    • May 28, 2021: Rocks were thrown at vehicles on the road north of Hebron. No casualties were reported. The windshield of a vehicle was damaged.
    • May 27, 2021: An IED was thrown at an Israeli bus west of Jenin, possibly by a Palestinian on a motorcycle. No casualties were reported.
    • May 27, 2021: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle in Jerusalem. A seven month-old baby girl was hit and evacuated for medical treatment. The vehicle was damaged.
    • May 27, 2021: Rocks were thrown at a bus north of Hebron. No casualties were reported. The front windshield of the bus was damaged.
    • May 27, 2021: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle northeast of Ramallah. No casualties were reported. The vehicle was damaged.
    • May 26, 2021: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle northeast of Hebron. A woman was injured by flying glass. The front windshield of the vehicle was damaged.
    • May 25, 2021: A Palestinian truck driver was stopped by Border Police fighters, and an examination of tools revealed items that were suspected of being intended for attacks. The Palestinian, 30, from Kafr ‘Aqab, was taken for interrogation.
Significant Terrorist Attacks in Judea and Samaria since January 2020[2]

Significant Terrorist Attacks in Judea and Samaria since January 2020

Rocket and mortar shell fire into Israel
  • Since the ceasefire went into effect on May 22, 2021 no rocket hits have been identified in Israeli territory.
Monthly Distribution of Rocket and Mortar Shell Fire since January 2020
Monthly Distribution of Rocket and Mortar Shell Fire since January 2020
(May-21 “Guardian Of The Walls”)
Annual Distribution of Rocket Hits

Annual Distribution of Rocket Hits

Stabbing attack in the western Negev
  • On the night of May 30, 2021, a civilian in the western Negev saw a suspicious figure walking down the road. He reported the man to the security guard of one of the Israeli communities near the border, who came to the site and began questioning the suspect. The Palestinian took out a knife and stabbed and superficially wounded him. The security guard shot and wounded him in the leg. Another knife was found in the Palestinian’s possession. The Palestinian media reported the stabber was Imad al-Sufi al-Tarabin, 24, from Rafah (Gpress Twitter account, May 31, 2021).
  • According to the initial investigation, the Palestinian infiltrated Israel from the southern Gaza Strip through a region damaged by mortar fire. He was not identified by Israeli surveillance due to human error (IDF spokesman, May 31, 2021)
Foreign aid for the Gaza Strip
  • Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani, foreign minister of Qatar, said the emir of Qatar had instructed him to give the Gaza Strip $500 million towards its rebuilding. PA Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh thanked Qatar and said rebuilding the Gaza Strip was currently his government’s top priority (Wafa, May 28, 2021).
  • Egypt sent the Gaza Strip two aid convoys, one of 52 trucks containing equipment and another of 20 trucks (Wafa, May 31, 2021).
Rebuilding the Gaza Strip
  • The rebuilding of the Gaza Strip has met with objections from Hamas, whose leadership does not look favorably on the PA’s involvement. Meeting with Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah, Abbas Kamel, head of Egyptian General Intelligence, said the PA would supervise the rebuilding projects (al-Arabiya, May 30, 2018). Hamas is looking for alternatives, and “sources close to Hamas” reported Hamas had proposed forming an independent body headed by mutually acceptable figures who would be responsible for overseeing the projects (al-Jazeera, May 31, 2021).
  • To promote the rebuilding, Muhammad Shtayyeh and Palestinian foreign minister Riyad al-Maliki paid visits to neighboring countries, among them Jordan, Kuwait and Oman, and possibly Qatar as well. The objective of the visits was to stabilize the ceasefire and in preparation for reconstruction in the Gaza Strip (Wafa, May 31, 2021). A delegation of PA government ministers headed by Ziyad Abu Amro, deputy PA prime minister, went to the Gaza Strip to examine the humanitarian situation. Muhammad Ziyara, PA minister of housing and public works, went to the Gaza Strip to personally estimate the damages, meet with local residents and visit civilian institutions, and formulate a plan for rebuilding. He alleged Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip amounted to “war crimes” (Palestinian TV, May 27, 2021).
  • Mai al-Kayla, PA minister of health, also went to the Gaza Strip, accompanied by doctors. She visited hospitals, met with wounded Gazans, visited medical facilities damaged in the hostilities and was informed of Gaza’s current medical needs by senior figures in the ministry of health in Gaza (ministry of health in Ramallah Facebook page, May 27 and 28, 2021).
  • Hamas also opposes conditioning the rebuilding of the Gaza Strip on a prisoner and MIA exchange deal. According to al-Araby al-Jadeed, Egypt made it clear to Hamas that its consultations with the involved parties would include the issue of a prisoner exchange deal because Israel insists that any negotiations for a ceasefire or the rebuilding of the Gaza Strip be related to the issue. An Egypt delegation entered the Gaza Strip on May 28, 2021, and met with Marwan Issa, deputy commander of Hamas’ military-terrorist wing, to facilitate contacts regarding a prisoner exchange deal. Hamas, however, is determined to keep such a deal separate from any negotiations for a long-term ceasefire or rebuilding the Gaza Strip (al-Araby al-Jadeed, May 28, 2021). Hamas claims a prisoner exchange deal is the responsibility of its military wing (al-Jazeera, May 30, 2021).
  • Yahya al-Sinwar, head of the Hamas political bureau in the Gaza Strip, said there could an opportunity to promote negotiations concerning a prisoner exchange deal, but his condition was the release of 1,111 [terrorist] prisoners in Israeli jails. He also said Hamas opposed any conditions regarding the prisoner issue and that it would have no connection to rebuilding the Gaza Strip and easing its situation (Palinfo, May 31, 2021). Khalil al-Haya, a member of Hamas’ political bureau, said the return of the prisoners could not be a condition for rebuilding the Gaza Strip because they were two separate issues (al-Aqsa, May 31, 2021).
Hamas’ victory narrative
  •   Despite the loss of life and extensive damage to the Gaza Strip infrastructure, Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) continue branding the operation a “victory” for the Gaza Strip that changed the “equation” with Israel and returned the Palestinian issue to the international agenda. Events were held throughout the Gaza Strip, including rallies and military displays with the Hamas leadership in attendance. The PIJ held a military display in Gaza City where Palestinians held pictures of the late Qassem Soleimani, commander of the Qods Force, referred to as “the shaheed of the resistance axis.” Yahya al-Sinwar also gave a series of interviews to the media, including foreign news outlets.[3]
Hamas rally in Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip, attended by Yahya al-Sinwar (Twitter account of photojournalist Ashraf Abu Amra, May 30, 2021).   Hamas rally in Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip, attended by Yahya al-Sinwar (Twitter account of photojournalist Ashraf Abu Amra, May 30, 2021).
Hamas rally in Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip, attended by Yahya al-Sinwar (Twitter account of photojournalist Ashraf Abu Amra, May 30, 2021).

Picture of Qassem Soleimani at a PIJ rally in Gaza City (islamtimes website, May 29, 2021).
Picture of Qassem Soleimani at a PIJ rally in Gaza City (islamtimes website, May 29, 2021).

  • Isma’il Haniyeh, head of Hamas’ political bureau, called the “victory” of the “resistance” a “strategic victory” because the days after the hostilities were different from those before it. He claimed the hostilities opened new doors to the “resistance” and would make many future victories and successes possible (Hamas website, May 26, 2021). On another occasion he claimed that after the ceasefire the “resistance” had to act in a number of directions. It had to reinforce its victory narrative, preserve the rules of engagement, add Jerusalem to the “equation,” act quickly to help the residents of the Gaza Strip and rebuild the buildings attacked by Israel. It also had to achieve internal Palestinian peace. He claimed one of the important aspects of the most recent hostilities was the integration of Palestinian forces in the Gaza Strip, Judea, Samaria, east Jerusalem and the Arabs living in Israel (al-Jazeera, May 26, 2021).
  • To inculcate Hamas’ victory narrative Yahya al-Sinwar was interviewed several times, including by foreign media outlets. He told the American magazine VICE News that “[Hamas] just wanted to send a message to the Israelis that we will not allow them to take over al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem, or the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood.”[4] He claimed Hamas had been willing to call a ceasefire a few hours after the hostilities began, and that during the first and second days Hamas told Egyptian and UN mediators it was prepared to unconditionally stop shooting. He also claimed the war with Israel was open-ended, but that the Palestinians did not want a war and killing, and Hamas had changed its path to peaceful resistance [sic]. As for firing rockets at Israeli cities, he claimed that if Hamas had had the capabilities to shoot only at military targets, it would have done so (RT in Arabic, May 30, 2021).
  • In meeting with the media he related to the following topics:
  • Hamas [allegedly] knew Israel intended to attack its tunnels and instructed its operatives not to enter them. He claimed Israel had destroyed about 100 of 500 kilometers [60 of 300 miles] of tunnels and no more than 5% [sic] of the tunnels, adding that repairing the damage would be quick and easy.
  • Hamas planned to end the hostilities by firing a simultaneous barrage of 300 rockets at Tel Aviv and central Israel, but the plan was aborted by mediations for a ceasefire.
  • Hamas prefers to “resist” the “occupation” peacefully but if red lines are crossed there will be no alternative to armed “resistance.” If the entire world does not stop Israel and put an end to its activities in east Jerusalem and Sheikh Jarrah, that will be a reason sufficient to ignite a religious war in the entire Middle East.
  •   Israel, according to Hamas’ claims, killed 39 women, 66 children and 27 old people. Yahya al-Sinwar also claimed Hamas enforced a “lockdown” on Tel Aviv.
Yahya al-Sinwar walks to his house in Khan Yunis, demolished during the hostilities, after holding a press conference (Palinfo Twitter account, May 26, 2021).    Yahya al-Sinwar walks to his house in Khan Yunis, demolished during the hostilities, after holding a press conference (Palinfo Twitter account, May 26, 2021).
Yahya al-Sinwar walks to his house in Khan Yunis, demolished during the hostilities, after holding a press conference (Palinfo Twitter account, May 26, 2021).
  • Musheir al-Masri, spokesman for the Hamas faction in the Palestinian Legislative Council, gave a speech at a Hamas rally in Rafah where he said the “resistance” had forced new rules of engagement on Israel and are now not limited to the Gaza Strip, but also include Jerusalem. He also claimed the ceasefire was not mutual and would continue only as long as the “resistance” wanted it to. He said every location in Israel was within range of the “resistance’s” rockets (al-Aqsa, May 28, 2021).
  • PIJ leader Ziyad al-Nakhalah gave a speech at a rally in Gaza City where he claimed his organization had been victorious despite the “siege.” He also claimed the “resistance” was stronger than what many people thought. He said the events had returned “Palestine” to the world’s center stage. He thanked Iran, which he called an example for everyone because it stood firm in support of the Palestinian people, and the Houthis [the Shi’ites in Yemen] and the leadership of the Houthi Ansar Allah for collecting donations for the sake of the Gaza Strip. He said the hostilities had not ended and the PIJ was prepared to continue at a moment’s notice, but, he claimed, they had agreed to the call from Egypt and Qatar for a ceasefire. He also threatened that if Israel killed a PIJ operative or commander anywhere at any time, they would respond by firing rockets at Tel Aviv (Filastin al-Yawm, May 29, 2021).
  • Abu Hamza, spokesman for the PIJ’s military-terrorist wing, claimed the organization had defeated Israel and its leadership for the second time. He also claimed Israel had exhausted its list of targets when it finished destroying multistory and civilian buildings, and boasted that his organization had many surprises waiting for Israel. He said they were still on alert and had a reserve of rockets, and only the smallest part of their capabilities had been revealed during the hostilities (Filastin al-Yawm, May 29, 2021).
PA-American relations
  • American Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with Mahmoud Abbas. During the meeting he stressed the United States’ commitment to reconstruct relations with the PA and the Palestinian people, which had been cut off in 2018. Blinken noted a series of steps to restore the status quo ante, including the reopening of the American consulate in east Jerusalem and $75 million in aid for development in 2021, $5.5 million for immediate relief in the Gaza Strip, and $32 million for UNRWA. He said they would make sure Hamas would not profit from the efforts to rebuild the Gaza Strip and that what was built would not be lost following a Hamas decision to fire more rockets in the future. He also said the United States would enlist the international community to provide 1.5 million doses of coronavirus vaccine (Israeli media, May 26, 2021).
  • Hussein al-Sheikh, chairman of the authority for civilian affairs, said reopening the American consulate was one of the most important political acts the new American administration had carried out since it was sworn in. He claimed it ended the “deal of the century” (Sawa, May 26, 2021). Musa Abu Marzouq, deputy “external” Hamas leader, was critical of Mahmoud Abbas’ meeting with Antony Blinken, claiming the United States was part of the problem and allowed Israel to shed Palestinian blood. He added that the United States would never be part of the solution because of its foreign policy (Dunia al-Watan, May 26, 2021).
Mahmoud Abbas meets the British foreign secretary
  • Mahmoud Abbas met with Dominic Raab, the British foreign secretary, who visited the PA. They discussed recent developments in the Palestinian arena and measures to stop Israeli actions against the Palestinians in Judea, Samaria, east Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip. Mahmoud Abbas called on Raab to act quickly to end the “Israeli occupation” and to establish an independent Palestinian state with east Jerusalem as its capital (Wafa, May 26, 2021).
The Temple Mount and east Jerusalem neighborhoods
  • The Palestinian media continue their extensive coverage of Jewish visits to the Temple Mount compound. Every day they publish pictures and videos documenting the visits, showing the visitors protected by Israeli police (Wafa, May 31, 2021). Sheikh Ikrima Sabri, who delivers sermons at al-Aqsa mosque, condemned the Israeli police who, he claimed, keep Muslims away from the Temple Mount in retaliation for Israel’s failure during the most recent hostilities in Jerusalem. He called on Muslims not to surrender to Israel’s restraining orders because they were illegal and violated international law. The answer, he said, was mass Muslim visits to the Temple Mount (al-Alam TV, May 30, 2021).
Right: The Palestinian media gives extensive coverage to the visit of Jews to the Temple Mount (Palinfo Twitter account, May 27, 2021). Left: Sheikh Jarrah, "the heart of Jerusalem," an idea promoted by the PA to illustrate the determination to fight against the eviction of Palestinian families from the neighborhood (al-Hayat al-Jadeeda, June 1, 2021).
Right: The Palestinian media gives extensive coverage to the visit of Jews to the Temple Mount (Palinfo Twitter account, May 27, 2021). Left: Sheikh Jarrah, “the heart of Jerusalem,” an idea promoted by the PA to illustrate the determination to fight against the eviction of Palestinian families from the neighborhood (al-Hayat al-Jadeeda, June 1, 2021).
  • On May 26, 2021, deliberations were held in the Jerusalem district court regarding the eviction of Arab families from houses in the Silwan neighborhood of east Jerusalem. No ruling has been handed down yet. While the court was in session dozens of Silwan and Sheikh Jarrah residents demonstrated outside the courthouse. The PA’s foreign ministry criticized Israel’s ruling about evicting the Palestinian families from Silwan, calling it a test case for the American Secretary of State, who said the United States objected to the eviction of the families in Sheikh Jarrah and to unilateral action (Dunia al-Watan, May 26, 2021). Social network users discussed the issue at length and there were some who said the Gaza Strip would continue to protect them, including in the issue of evictions from Silwan.
Campaign to boycott Israeli-manufactured goods
  • The London-based newspaper al-Araby al-Jadeed reported that on May 26, 2021, Palestinian BDS operatives in Ramallah launched a campaign to boycott goods manufactured in Israel in the wake of the events in east Jerusalem and Operation Guardian of the Walls in the Gaza Strip. The operatives visited stores in Ramallah, pasted stickers on windows with pictures of merchandise from Israel and distributed material explaining why the merchandise should be boycotted (al-Araby al-Jadeed, May 26, 2021). According to Mahmoud Nowaja, coordinator of the campaign to boycott Israel, it began in Ramallah and would spread to the other cities. Its objective is to develop the local Palestinian economy and reduce unemployment. He called the campaign “a peaceful, popular weapon” (Ma’an TV, May 27, 2021).
Stickers in Ramallah calling for a boycott of Israeli-manufactured goods (QudsN Facebook page, May 28, 2021).    Stickers in Ramallah calling for a boycott of Israeli-manufactured goods (QudsN Facebook page, May 28, 2021).
Stickers in Ramallah calling for a boycott of Israeli-manufactured goods (QudsN Facebook page, May 28, 2021).
The PA and the ICC
  • Al-Haq posted a guide on its website for participation in complaints lodged with the ICC. Reportedly, the guide is for those who think they were harmed in an action under the jurisdiction of the ICC or any other court, and want to participate in ICC proceedings or demand reparations. Any question should be directed to the department of victims’ affairs (al-Haq website, May 30, 2021).
Fatah mourning tents
The Fatah movement in Ramallah opened a mourning tent to commemorate the Palestinians killed in the Gaza Strip, Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria (Wafa, May 25, 2021).    The Fatah movement in Ramallah opened a mourning tent to commemorate the Palestinians killed in the Gaza Strip, Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria (Wafa, May 25, 2021).
The Fatah movement in Ramallah opened a mourning tent to commemorate the Palestinians killed in the Gaza Strip, Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria (Wafa, May 25, 2021).

[1] All information, pictures and reports are from Rescue Without Borders in Judea and Samaria unless otherwise noted.
[2] A significant attack is defined by the ITIC as involving shooting, stabbing, a vehicular attack, the use of IEDs, or a combination of the above. Stones and Molotov cocktails thrown by Palestinians are not included.

[3] Several sources reported that the Egyptian delegation demanded that the Hamas leadership, especially Yahya al-Sinwar, not challenge the Israeli leadership and make do with press conferences and military displays (al-Araby al-Jadeed, May 28, 2021).
