The Hate Industry: a blatantly anti-Semitic series which incorporates The Protocols of the Elders of Zion has recently been shown on an Iranian TV channel.

courtesy of MEMRI

courtesy of MEMRI

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

photo by

photo by

A selection of anti-Semitic books

A selection of anti-Semitic books

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

A nuclear mushroom cloud

A nuclear mushroom cloud

Ali-Reza Karimi

Ali-Reza Karimi

Shams Al-Din Rahmani

Shams Al-Din Rahmani

Ali-Reza Karimi

Ali-Reza Karimi

courtesy of MEMRI   The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

Der Stürmer style cartoon of an evil Jew seeking to dominate the world, taken from the series (courtesy of MEMRI)


A shot of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion which appeared on the series while a voiceover was being played in the background (courtesy of MEMRI)


1. Throughout the Middle East and the entire world, Iran stands out as the only country to make deliberate, intensive use of "the weapon of anti-Semitism”, combined with a genocidal policy which seeks to destroy Israel , the state of the Jewish people. That characteristic of its policy makes Iran markedly different from other Arab and Muslim countries, which avoid jumping on the Iranian policy bandwagon, and from every other country in the world. In fact, Iran is the first country since Nazi Germany which officially embraces an active policy of anti-Semitism as a means to promote its national objectives. 1

2. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion , a fictitious book distributed worldwide for over a century, is used by the Iranians as an important means of spreading anti-Semitic myths in Iran proper and among target audiences both in the Arab and Muslim world and in Western countries. During the three decades of its existence, the Iranian regime has published new editions and printed many copies of The Protocols, distributing them in the Arab and Muslim world and in Western countries (including translations from Persian to English).

photo by   A selection of anti-Semitic books

The Iranian booth at the October 2005 book fair in Frankfurt (photo by


A selection of anti-Semitic books offered for sale at the Iranian booth during the October 2005 book fair in Frankfurt. At the center are The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (photo by

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion   The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

Right: an English translation of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion displayed at the Iranian booth. Left: the inner cover of the page with details on the Iranian Propaganda Organization which published this edition (photo by

3. Iranian media frequently publish blatantly anti-Semitic incitement and calls for the destruction of Israel . One Iranian news channel which has on several occasions broadcasted anti-Semitic programs is IRINN, 2Iran ‘s official news channel. Such programs claim that the State of Israel was founded on The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which exposed the Jewish plot to take over the world. The programs also depict Jews as murderers, blood-thirsty demons, and criminals. 3 In May and June 2008, IRINN broadcasted an anti-Semitic series based on The Protocols (details follow).

The anti-Semitic series "Secret of the Armageddon” 4

4. In May-June 2008, IRINN showed a series named Secret of the Armageddon, 5which depicts a showdown between the forces of good and the forces of evil on the Day of Judgment. The series is anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, and anti-American. It includes interviews with Iranian "experts” and members of the academia, who spoke out on the Day of Judgment. Those "experts” made extensive use of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and referred to that false publication, which is based on a forgery, as being absolutely true. They used that book to back up false claims that the Jews symbolize the forces of evil and strive to rule the world.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion   A nuclear mushroom cloud

An illustration from the series showing the 24 protocols of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion


A nuclear mushroom cloud shown as a background of the series about the War of the End of Days

5. Following are examples of anti-Semitic expressions in some of the series’ episodes:

a. In the May 10, 2008 episode, Iranian historian Mohammad-Taqi Taqipour said that Christian Evangelists and the Jews believed that the War of the End of Days would begin on the mountain of Megiddo , that Jesus would return, and that the Jews would rule the world for a thousand years under Jesus’ leadership. Ali-Reza Karimi, introduced on the series as a university lecturer, said that Christian Evangelists were inciting war of devastation along with the Zionist Jews, who, according to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, were seeking world domination. He also added that the Zionist Jews would not settle for domination of the region between the rivers of Euphrates and Nile , and that they strove to take over the entire world.

b. In the May 11, 2008 episode, Iranian lecturer Ali-Reza Karimi said: "It is now common knowledge that The Protocols of the Elders of Zion contain the plans and policies of the elders of that sect, whose purpose is to conquer the world and establish a global Jewish government, as discussed in the first Zionist congress in Basel, Switzerland, in 1897.” Shams Al-Din Rahmani, described on the series as an Iranian researcher, 6 said: "The goal of the Zionists is the total destruction of Islam.” He added that they knew that they could not achieve that easily, so they were trying to ‘Americanize’ Islam.

Ali-Reza Karimi   Shams Al-Din Rahmani

Ali-Reza Karimi: "The Jews seek to conquer the world and establish a global Jewish government.”


Shams Al-Din Rahmani: "The goal of the Zionists is the destruction of Islam.”

c. In the May 12, 2008 episode, Iranian lecturer Ali-Reza Karimi said that the Jewish Rothschild family acted as a secret political body, and initiated the establishment of the Jewish state in Palestine . According to Karimi, this was possible thanks to the political and economic power of the Rothschild family, who, as he claimed, also controlled the British government.

d. In the May 13, 2008 episode, the narrator said that the Balfour Declaration was made after British politicians associated with the Zionists embraced the agenda of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion . In that episode, Rahmani claimed that Oliver Cromwell, the British 17th century Prime Minister, put the British Empire at the Jews’ disposal, thus allowing the Jews to rule as far as India . He claimed that the Jews created and controlled the slave trade, and that most of the slaves were black Muslims (note: this is a blatant lie, as the Arabs played a key role in the slave trade).

e. In the May 14, 2008 episode, historian Taqipour said that Iran , similarly to Turkey , became a target for European and American Jews due to its wealth.

f. In the May 28, 2008 episode, lecturer Karimi said: "Historical documents show a link between the leaders of the Baha’i faith and the Rothschild family, which financed and led the World Zionist Organization.” Karimi claimed that members of the Baha’i faith shared similar views with the Zionist Jews (note: members of the Baha’i religion are persecuted in Iran , and their association with the Zionist Jews is meant to besmirch them).

Ali-Reza Karimi
Ali-Reza Karimi, a lecturer in an Iranian university:
"The Jews strive to conquer the world and lead it, and are associated
with the Baha’is (a persecuted religion in Iran )

g. In the June 5, 2008 episode, Iranian researcher Sayyid Hashem Mir-Louhi claimed that Hollywood was mobilized for Zionism. The narrator added that the US was flooding Iran with video tapes, CDs and DVDs in Persian translation to corrupt Muslim society. The Iranian researcher quoted from The Protocols of the Elders of Zion to back his claims.

h. In the June 7, 2008 episode, the narrator said that there was much evidence that the Zionists were responsible for the September 11 terrorist attacks. It was claimed that the Jews were perpetrating acts of terrorism to rule Iraq and Afghanistan in order to bring to life the vision of "greater Israel ”. Sayyid Hashem Mir-Louhi, introduced on the show as a researcher, claimed that there was a Jewish plan to destroy humanity in order to rule the world.

Sayyid Hashem Mir-Louhi
Researcher Sayyid Hashem Mir-Louhi: anti-Americanism
combined with anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism

1 For an analysis of Iran ‘s policy of anti-Semitism, see the following study by the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center : "Contemporary Arab-Muslim anti-Semitism, its Significance and Implications (Updated to March 2008) (April 17, 2008), hereinafter: "Contemporary Arab-Muslim anti-Semitism”.

2 IRINN is Iran ‘s major official news channel. Its dominant broadcasting language is Persian, but programs in Arabic and in English are shown as well.

3 For details, see the chapter on Iran in "Contemporary Arab-Muslim anti-Semitism”.

4 For scenes from the series, see: The still images included in the present document were taken from the video fragments on the MEMRI website.

5 Armageddon is a term referring to a Christian belief in an apocalyptic war between the forces of good and the forces of evil. It is believed that the war will begin on the mountain of Megiddo , in northern Israel .

6 According to the November 10, 2005 issue of Al-Wifaq, an Iranian newspaper in Arabic, Rahmani gave a lecture at the Tabatabai University . In the lecture, titled "Writing History by the Jews and the Zionists”, he claimed that the Jews were highly skilled in distorting history.