News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (September 27 – October 9, 2016) *

Site of the rocket hit in the city of Sderot (Facebook page of QudsN, October 5, 2016).

Site of the rocket hit in the city of Sderot (Facebook page of QudsN, October 5, 2016).

Site of the shooting attack in Jerusalem that killed two Israelis and wounded five, carried out near Israel Police headquarters (Facebook page of the Israel Police Force, October 9, 2016).

Site of the shooting attack in Jerusalem that killed two Israelis and wounded five, carried out near Israel Police headquarters (Facebook page of the Israel Police Force, October 9, 2016).

Clashes between Palestinians and IDF forces as the Palestinians riot near the border security fence west of Nahal Oz (Twitter account of Paldaf, September 30, 2016).

Clashes between Palestinians and IDF forces as the Palestinians riot near the border security fence west of Nahal Oz (Twitter account of Paldaf, September 30, 2016).

Ahmed Assad Mit aids in the removal of an unexploded shell  (Facebook page of Khan Yunis al-Aan, September 29,2016).

Ahmed Assad Mit aids in the removal of an unexploded shell (Facebook page of Khan Yunis al-Aan, September 29,2016).

Support demonstration for Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah (Wafa, October 4, 2016).

Support demonstration for Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah (Wafa, October 4, 2016).

The PA's high court rules that local elections can be held only in Judea and Samaria, not the Gaza Strip (Wafa, October 3, 2016).

The PA's high court rules that local elections can be held only in Judea and Samaria, not the Gaza Strip (Wafa, October 3, 2016).

PIJ rally in Gaza to mark the first anniversary of the so-called

PIJ rally in Gaza to mark the first anniversary of the so-called "Jerusalem intifada" (Paltoday, October 2, 2016).

The passengers aboard the boat at sea, about 20 miles from the shore of the Gaza Strip (Twitter account of Paldaf, October 5, 2016).

The passengers aboard the boat at sea, about 20 miles from the shore of the Gaza Strip (Twitter account of Paldaf, October 5, 2016).

  • The current wave of popular terrorism that broke out after five months of relative calm continued during the past week. The most significant attack was a shooting attack from a car carried out by a Palestinian from Silwan in east Jerusalem. It began at the light railway station across from the Israel Police Force headquarters and ended in the neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah. A policeman and a woman were killed, and five people were wounded. The terrorist was shot and killed. There were also two stabbing attacks, one at the Qalandia crossing (north Jerusalem) and the other at the Negohot junction in Mt. Hebron.
  • On October 5, 2016, a rocket hit was identified in the southern Israeli city of Sderot, the fourth since the end of Operation Protective Edge. A Salafist-jihadist network in the Gaza Strip claimed responsibility. In response Israeli Air Force aircraft attacked a number of targets belonging to Hamas, which Israel considers responsible for preventing rocket fire from the Gaza Strip. On October 6, 2016, another rocket was fired at the western Negev. The IDF responded by firing from tanks at a Hamas post.
  • On October 9, 2016, a Palestinian drove from French Hill to the light railway station across form the Israel Police Force's headquarters in north Jerusalem. At the station he opened fire on people waiting for the train, then drove away and shot at a woman sitting in her car. From there he drove to the neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah and stopped at the side of the road. Israeli policemen detected him and shot at him. Israeli security forces shot and killed him. He killed a policeman and a woman, and wounded five other Israelis (Spokesperson for the Israel Police Force and ZAKA, October 9, 2016). According to the initial investigation, the terrorist was 40 years old, lived in Silwan in east Jerusalem and carried an Israeli identity card.
  • On September 30, 2016, a Palestinian terrorist carried out a stabbing attack at the Qalandia crossing (north of Jerusalem). He went to the crossing, took out a knife and stabbed and seriously wounded an IDF soldier. The terrorist was shot and killed. About 250 Palestinians gathered at the site and threw stones and shot fireworks at the Israeli security forces. The Palestinian media reported that the stabber was Nasib Abu Mayzar, 28, from the village of Aqab, north of Jerusalem (Twitter account of Paldaf, October 1, 2016).

Left: The knife used to carry out the stabbing attack at the Qalandia crossing (Panet, September 30, 2016). Right: Nasib Abu Mayzar, who carried out the stabbing attack  (Twitter account of Paldaf, October 1, 2016).
Left: The knife used to carry out the stabbing attack at the Qalandia crossing (Panet, September 30, 2016). Right: Nasib Abu Mayzar, who carried out the stabbing attack (Twitter account of Paldaf, October 1, 2016).

  • On September 30, 2016, a Palestinian went to the Negohot junction in Mt. Hebron, approached the vehicle of the commander of the Yehuda Brigade and tried to stab him with a knife. Israeli security forces at the site apprehended him and took him for interrogation. He was from the village of Dura.
Riots, Clashes and Popular Terrorism
  • In the meantime, riots, the throwing of stones, Molotov cocktails and pipe bombs and light-arms fire continue in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem.
  • The more prominent events were the following:
  • October 9, 2016 – Palestinians threw a Molotov cocktail at an Israeli vehicle at the Gush Etzion Junction, setting it on fire. There were no casualties (Judea and Samaria Rescue, October 9, 2016).
  • October 8, 2016 – An IDF vehicle mistakenly entered the village of Dura (near Hebron). It was stoned and extracted without casualties (Judea and Samaria Rescue, October 8, 2016).
  • October 6, 2016 – Israeli security forces detained seven Palestinians between the ages of 16 and 17 in the al-Aida refugee camp (near Bethlehem). They were suspected of having manufactured IEDs during the past several months, using instructions downloaded from the Internet. They threw the IEDs at the compound of the Tomb of Rachel (Facebook page of Red Alert, October 6, 2016).
  • October 4, 2016 – Palestinians threw stones at Israeli security forces south of Bethlehem. One soldier incurred minor injuries (Facebook page of Red Alert, October 4, 2016).
  • October 3, 2016 – Palestinians threw a pipe bomb at Israeli security forces in east Jerusalem. There were no casualties (Facebook page of Red Alert, October 3, 2016).
  • October 2, 2016 – Palestinians threw an IED at the Qalandia crossing. There were no casualties (Facebook page of Red Alert, October 2, 2016).
  • October 1, 2016 – Palestinians threw a Molotov cocktail at an Israeli vehicle near the Azzun junction in Samaria. There were no casualties and no damage was reported (Facebook page of Red Alert, October 1, 2016).
  • October 1, 2016 – Palestinians threw an improvised hand grenade at the compound of the Tomb of Rachel. There were no casualties and no damage was reported. Israeli security forces searched the area for the terrorists (Facebook page of Red Alert, October 2, 2016).
  • October 1, 2016 – Palestinians threw an IED at Israeli security forces in al-Aida refugee camp (near Bethlehem). There were no casualties and no damage was reported (Facebook page of Red Alert, October 1, 2016).
  • September 30, 2016 – Palestinians threw stones at an Israeli vehicle at the Zif junction (southeast of Hebron). There were no casualties; the front windshield of the car was damaged (Facebook page of Red Alert, September 30, 2016).

Significant Terrorist Attacks in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem during the Past Year

Detention of Palestinian Suspected of Manufacturing and Dealing Weapons
  • During an operation carried out by Israeli security forces in the regions of Yatir and Hebron, a number of Palestinians were detained on suspicion of manufacturing and dealing weapons. While detained they revealed the location of weapons they had manufactured, parts for M-16 assault rifles, ammunition, a pipe bomb and knives. The location of a lathe for manufacturing weapons was also revealed, and a large amount of money was seized, suspected of having been received as payment in an arms deal (Israel Security Agency website, September 27, 2016).
Rocket Fire Attacking Israel
  • On October 5, 2016, a rocket hit was identified near a school in the southern Israeli city of Sderot. Three civilians were treated for shock. A number of vehicles were damaged. It was the fourth time since the end of Operation Protective Edge that a rocket hit was identified in Sderot. The most recent was on August 21, 2016, when a rocket landed between two residential buildings.
  • A Salafist-jihadist network calling itself the Descendants of the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad/the Corners of Jerusalem claimed responsibility for the rocket fire. The network said in an announcement that they fired a rocket they had manufactured themselves, with a diameter of 168 mm (about 6.6 inches) (Network Twitter account, October 5, 2016). In addition to the claim of responsibility they posted a threat to Sderot in Hebrew and Arabic of further rocket fire, and a warning to the "cowardly" Jews in Israel, claiming they would never know security and that Avigdor Lieberman, the Israeli defense minister, would fail as his predecessors had failed (Haq, October 5, 2016).

Left: The threats accompanying the claim of responsibility. Right: The claim of responsibility (Haq, October 5, 2016).
Left: The threats accompanying the claim of responsibility. Right: The claim of responsibility (Haq, October 5, 2016).

  • In response the IDF fired from tanks at rocket launching positions in the Beit Hanoun region of the northern Gaza Strip. Later Israeli Air Force aircraft attacked a number of Hamas targets (IDF spokesman, October 5, 2016). The Palestinian media reported that among other targets the IDF had attacked a Hamas post east of Beit Hanoun, a post east of Gaza City, a Hamas training facility west of Khan Yunis and a naval police post northwest of Gaza City. Fearing an Israeli response, other Hamas posts and headquarters were evacuated (Twitter account of Gaza al-Aan and Shehab, October 5, 2016). One of the IDF planes returning from the attack crashed during landing and the pilot was killed.
  • Hamas condemned what it called "Israel's escalation" and warned Israel against continuing it. Hamas also appealed to the international community to restrain Israel (Hamas website, October 5, 2016). The Palestinian national consensus government condemned the "Israeli escalation" in the south. Yusuf al-Mahmoudi, spokesman for the national consensus government, demanded the international community act to prevent "Israel's escalation" (Wafa, October 6, 2016).
  • In the meantime, Hamas' security forces in the Gaza Strip reportedly detained the squads that had fired the rockets at Sderot (Watan24, October 6, 2016). A senior Hamas figure told Israeli radio that Hamas was investigating to learn the identity of whoever was behind the rocket fire at Sderot. He claimed that through a third party Hamas had informed those responsible that Hamas did not want an escalation and would not allow anyone to ruin the understandings reached by the various organizations in the Gaza Strip. He claimed that as far as Hamas was concerned, the incident had ended (Naba Press, October 6, 2016).
  • On October 6, 2016, another rocket was fired from the southern Gaza Strip and fell in an open field; there were no casualties and no damage was reported. In response IDF forces fired at a Hamas post east of al-Bureij.
Rocket Fire Attacking Israel
Violence at the Border Security Fence
  • On September 30, 2016, a riot developed when masked Palestinians clashed with IDF forces west of the village of Nahal Oz. Seven Palestinians were injured (Facebook page of Palinfo and Twitter account of Paldf, September 30, 2016). On October 7, 2016, there were clashes at the same location.
Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades Terrorist Killed
  • The Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades, Hamas' military-terrorist wing, announced the death of Ahmed Assad Mit, 30, an organization operative from the Al-Bureij refugee camp. He was killed during an incident in Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip. Hamas also reported that three of its operatives were wounded. According to the report, Ahmed Assad Mit was killed during the removal of an unexploded IDF shell left from Operation Protective Edge. However, according to other reports, he was killed in a tunnel collapse (Al-Quds, September 29, 2016). The Khan Yunis al-Aan Facebook page posted a picture of him aiding in the removal of an unexploded shell (Hamas, September 30, 2016; Facebook page of Khan Yunis al-Aan, September 29,2016).
Gaza Strip Incitement against the Israeli and American Leadership
  • Shortly before the funeral of former Israeli President Shimon Peres a demonstration was held in Gaza City during which Palestinians burned pictures of American President Obama, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and the late former Israeli President Shimon Peres. Each picture had the word "Murderer" written on it. Demonstrators also painted an Israeli flag and wrote "Death to Israel" on it (Paltoday, September 30, 2016).

Gazans tear and burn pictures of President Obama, Prime Minister Netanyahu and former President Peres (Paltoday, September 30, 2016).
Gazans tear and burn pictures of President Obama, Prime Minister Netanyahu and former President Peres (Paltoday, September 30, 2016).

Mahmoud Abbas Attends Funeral of Shimon Peres
  • Mahmoud Abbas, chairman of the Palestinian Authority (PA), headed a delegation of senior PA figures to the funeral of Shimon Peres in Jerusalem. He was accompanied by Saeb Erekat, secretary general of the PLO's Executive Committee, andHussein al-Sheikh, minister of civil affairs. Majid Faraj, head of general intelligence, was supposed to attend but was involved in a traffic accident in al-Bireh on his way to the funeral (, September 30, 2016).
  • Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), and even elements within Fatah, criticized Mahmoud Abbas for attending Peres' funeral. There were also reports, which were denied, that Palestinians had shot at his house (Dunia al-Watan, October 1, 2016). Protest demonstrations were held in a number of cities in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip where demonstrators called Mahmoud Abbas a "collaborator" and demanded he be removed from office(Shafa, October 2, 2016). On the other hand, there were also manifestations of support, although weak, for Mahmoud Abbas.
  • Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum called the attendance of the Palestinian delegation at Peres' funeral "despicable and disgraceful." He claimed such a delegation could not represent the Palestinian people and did not express its understanding, perception or history. He said that the way to liberate Palestine was through "jihad and resistance" [i.e., terrorism] (Facebook page of Fawzi Barhoum, September 30, 2016). Mahmoud al-Zahar, a member of Hamas' political bureau, claimed the entire Palestinian population opposed Mahmoud Abbas' attendance at the funeral and that he did not represent the Palestinian people (Shabakat Quds, September 30, 2016).
  • Fatah activists affiliated with Muhammad Dahlan, a rival of Mahmoud Abbas, held a protest demonstration in Gaza City. They burned pictures of an Israeli flag with Mahmoud Abbas' face on it (Twitter account of Paldaf, October 6, 2016). The Fatah leadership in the Gaza Strip called on all Fatah members and activists not to participate in the anti- Abbas rally, and warned than anyone who did participate would bear the consequences (, October 5, 2016).

Left: Hamas cartoon criticizing Mahmoud Abbas, a claiming that by participating in Shimon Peres' funeral Mahmoud Abbas dug his own grave. Right: Dahlan supporters demonstrate in Gaza City (Twitter account of Safa, October 1, 2016).
Left: Hamas cartoon criticizing Mahmoud Abbas, a claiming that by participating in Shimon Peres' funeral Mahmoud Abbas dug his own grave. Right: Dahlan supporters demonstrate in Gaza City (Twitter account of Safa, October 1, 2016).

  • However, there was also certain support for Mahmoud Abbas. Fatah held a support demonstration in the center of the city or Ramallah (Wafa, October 4, 2016). In certain instances action was also taken against some of his critics. The Palestinian security forces ended the employment of Osama Mansour Abu Arab, head of public relations for the Palestinian military liaison, after he posted a condemnation of Mahmoud Abbas on his Facebook page (, October 1, 2016). In addition, the Palestinian security forces dispersed the protest demonstration organized by Hamas student activists against Mahmoud Abbas' attendance at the Peres funeral (Safa, October 4, 2016).
  • The Shabiba, Fatah's student faction at Bir Zeit University, issued a condemnation of Mahmoud Abbas' attendance at the funeral and demanded he tender his resignation and apologize to the Palestinian people (Al-Kofia Press, October 1, 2016). A source in Fatah rushed to note that the Shabiba did not represent the position of the entire faction and that an internal investigation was being held to find those responsible for the announcement (Watan24, October 1, 2016). Fatah also decided to freeze the Shabiba's activities and close its Facebook (, October 2, 2016).
Local Palestinian Elections Postponed
  • On October 3, 2016, the Palestinian high court in Ramallah ruled that local elections could only be held in Judea and Samaria, because the process in the Gaza Strip is not implemented correctly. As a result the Palestinian national consensus government voted to postpone local elections in Judea and Samaria for four months. The government also decided that interim committees would be appointed to replace the heads of the local municipalities, most of whom had quit to be able to run in the elections (Wafa, October 4, 2016). Rami Hamdallah, prime minister of the national consensus government, said the government had postponed the elections because of its duty to the supreme interest of the Palestinian people and its unity (Wafa, October 4, 2016). Hamas was extremely critical of the high court's ruling.
The First Anniversary of the Wave of Palestinian Terrorism
  • The first anniversary of the wave of Palestinian terrorism in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem (the so-called "Jerusalem intifada") was marked by many organizations in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip, in order to reawaken it. Hamas issued a formal announcement to mark the date, stressing that the "Jerusalem intifada" continued and would not stop until Israel withdrew from Jerusalem and the West Bank. It also said that Hamas did not recognize Israel or the dictates it was trying to impose on Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa mosque. It was the right of the Palestinian people, claimed Hamas, to "resist Israeli aggression" in every way (Hamas' official website, September 30, 2016).
  • The PIJ held a mass rally in the Gaza Strip, attended by senior organization figures. Participants held up pictures of Muhannad al-Halabi[3] (considered by the Palestinians as having initiated the wave of terrorism in October 2015). Masked Palestinians waved knives, Molotov cocktails and stones, and called for more attacks against Israel. According to Ahmed Mudallal, a senior PIJ figure in the Gaza Strip who spoke at the rally, "the Jerusalem intifada will continue until the expulsion and defeat of the Israeli occupation." PIJ spokesman Daoud Shehab said that the Palestinians had to defend and support the intifada (Paltoday, October 2, 2016).
  • Palestinian websites (mainly those affiliated with Hamas) posted notices to mark the day, calling for continuing terrorist attacks against Israel (Twitter account of Paldaf, October 4, 2016).

Hamas call for the continuation of the Jerusalem intifada. Left: The Arabic reads, "Arise and protest. The intifada of Palestine." Right: Hamas call for the continuation of the Jerusalem intifada. The Arabic reads, "Jerusalem intifada. One people. One homeland. One blood" (Twitter account of Paldaf, October 4, 2016).
Hamas call for the continuation of the Jerusalem intifada. Left: The Arabic reads, "Arise and protest. The intifada of Palestine." Right: Hamas call for the continuation of the Jerusalem intifada. The Arabic reads, "Jerusalem intifada. One people. One homeland. One blood" (Twitter account of Paldaf, October 4, 2016).

The Women's Flotilla to the Gaza Strip
  • On October 5, 2016, the Zaytouna, with 13 women passengers aboard, approached the Gaza Strip. The Israeli navy was sent to intercept, made contact and warned the boat not to continue towards the Gazan shore. When the boat did not heed the warning it was boarded and taken over by Israeli navy soldiers without violence or incident. The Zaytouna was towed to the southern Israeli port of Ashdod and its cargo was examined. The passengers were turned over to the relevant government authorities.
  • The PA's foreign ministry condemned what it called "Israel's hijacking of the Zaytouna," and claimed it reflected the international community's lack of interest in "Israel's piracy" and its lack of concern for the siege of the Gaza Strip. Israel, according to the PA's statement, violated international law by towing the boat and its women passengers to an Israeli port (, October 6, 2016). Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum condemned "Israel's aggression" towards the boat. He claimed it was piracy and reflected Israel's desire to increase its "aggression" against the Palestinian people. He also claimed it was an attempt by Israel to conceal the harsh conditions in the Gaza Strip, which constituted a "crime against humanity" (Facebook page of Fawzi Barhoum, October 5, 2016).

[*] Because of the Jewish holidays the next weekly update will appear on October 27, 2016. We wish all our readers that their names be inscribed in the Book of Life on Yom Kippur and a happy Sukkot holiday.
[2] The statistics do not include mortar shell fire or rockets which misfired and fell inside the Gaza Strip.
[3] Muhannad al-Halabi carried out a stabbing attack in Jerusalem on October 3, 2015, killing two Israelis.