News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (October 28 – November 1, 2016)

A Hamas Facebook page after a Palestinian Authority (PA) policeman carried out a shooting attack in Beit El (northeast of Jerusalem). The page features pictures of three PA security operatives who carried out terrorist attacks during the past year. The Arabic reads,

A Hamas Facebook page after a Palestinian Authority (PA) policeman carried out a shooting attack in Beit El (northeast of Jerusalem). The page features pictures of three PA security operatives who carried out terrorist attacks during the past year. The Arabic reads, "Who's next?" (Facebook page of Paldf, October 31, 2016)

One of Khaled Ahmed Alian Ikhlil's last posts to his Facebook page, October 20 2016:

One of Khaled Ahmed Alian Ikhlil's last posts to his Facebook page, October 20 2016: "Allah determined everything. [Thus] Allah is responsible for this" (Dunia al-Watan, October 30, 2016).

The knives found hidden in the handbag of the Palestinian woman near the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron (Facebook page of QudsN, November 1, 2016).

The knives found hidden in the handbag of the Palestinian woman near the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron (Facebook page of QudsN, November 1, 2016).

A demonstration held by the private sector in the Gaza Strip to protest the mechanism responsible for reconstruction (the Gaza Reconstruction Mechanism – GRM). They claimed the GRM was biased in favor of Israel (Palinfo, October 29, 2016).

A demonstration held by the private sector in the Gaza Strip to protest the mechanism responsible for reconstruction (the Gaza Reconstruction Mechanism – GRM). They claimed the GRM was biased in favor of Israel (Palinfo, October 29, 2016).

A demonstration held by the private sector in the Gaza Strip to protest the mechanism responsible for reconstruction (the Gaza Reconstruction Mechanism – GRM). They claimed the GRM was biased in favor of Israel (Palinfo, October 29, 2016).

A demonstration held by the private sector in the Gaza Strip to protest the mechanism responsible for reconstruction (the Gaza Reconstruction Mechanism – GRM). They claimed the GRM was biased in favor of Israel (Palinfo, October 29, 2016).

Protest demonstration held by the families of Salafist operatives detained by Hamas. The sign reads,

Protest demonstration held by the families of Salafist operatives detained by Hamas. The sign reads, "You detained the Salafists and helped the infidels!!" (dawaalhaq website, October 30, 2016). Most of the Salafist demonstrations were dispersed by the Hamas security forces.

Mahmoud Abbas meets in Doha with Hamas political bureau head Khaled Mashaal (right) and political bureau deputy Ismail Haniyeh (Wafa, October 27, 2016)

Mahmoud Abbas meets in Doha with Hamas political bureau head Khaled Mashaal (right) and political bureau deputy Ismail Haniyeh (Wafa, October 27, 2016)

  • This past week popular terrorism attacks continued. Prominent among them was a shooting attack at an IDF roadblock at the northeastern entrance of Ramallah. It was carried out by a PA policeman who was a Ramallah security guard. He wounded three IDF soldiers, one of them critically. In popular terrorism attacks during past year PA security operatives have carried out at least three attacks, including a previous shooting attack at the same roadblock.
  • Palestinians also carried out a vehicular attack on the Gush Etzion road near Beit Ummar (wounding three Border Policemen), a combined stabbing-vehicular attack at an IDF post near the community of Ofra (no casualties) and a shooting attack in the Gush Etzion region (no casualties).
  • October 31, 2016
  • A Palestinian security guard in uniform carried out a shooting attack at the northeastern entrance to Ramallah. He walked to the roadblock at the entrance to the city armed with a Kalashnikov assault rifle and opened fire at IDF soldiers. He wounded three soldiers, one of them critically. He was shot and killed by other soldiers stationed at the roadblock.
  • The terrorist was Muhammad Abd al-Khaleq Turkeman, 25, from Qabatiya (south of Jenin). He servedthe Palestinian police force, employed as a security guard at facilities in Ramallah.[1] He joined the police about five years ago (Facebook page of QudsN, October 31, 2016).
  • Hamas welcomed the attack and called on other PA security force operatives to participate in the intifada (Hamas website, October 31, 2016). So far the PA has not related to the attack. The Facebook page and official website of the Palestinian police have also not related to it. The Palestinian news agency reported that "a young Palestinian was shot to death by the occupation [forces] near the Beit El roadblock" (Wafa and the website of the Palestinian police force, October 31 and November 1, 2016).

Left: The IDF roadblock where the attack was carried out (Twitter account of Paldaf, October 31, 2016). Right: Muhammad Turkeman (Facebook page of QudsN, October 31, 2016).
Left: The IDF roadblock where the attack was carried out (Twitter account of Paldaf, October 31, 2016). Right: Muhammad Turkeman (Facebook page of QudsN, October 31, 2016).

  • October 30, 2016 – A Palestinian carried out a vehicular attack targeting Border Policemen on the Gush Etzion road near Beit Ummar. Other Border Policemen at the site shot and killed the driver of the car. The Palestinian media reported the terrorist was Khaled Ahmed Alian Ikhlil, 23, a student (university not mentioned) from Beit Ummar (Facebook page of QudsN, October 30, 2016). His personal Facebook page was closed a few hours after the attack. One of his last posts read, "Allah determined everything. [Thus] Allah is responsible for this" (Dunia al-Watan, October 30, 2016).

Left: The scene of the vehicular attack near Beit Ummar (Facebook page of QudsN, October 30, 2016). Right: Khaled Ahmed Alian Ikhlil (Facebook page of Paldf, October 30, 2016).
Left: The scene of the vehicular attack near Beit Ummar (Facebook page of QudsN, October 30, 2016). Right: Khaled Ahmed Alian Ikhlil (Facebook page of Paldf, October 30, 2016).

  • October 29, 2016A Palestinian carried out a combined stabbing and vehicular attack near the community of Ofra (northeast of Ramallah). He drove to an IDF checkpoint and tried to run over soldiers stationed at the site, who shot at him. He got out of his car and tried to attack them with a meat cleaver. The soldiers shot at him again, wounding him critically. The Palestinian media reported he was Ahmed Amin Hamed, 19, from Silwad (north of Ramallah) (Twitter account of Paldf, October 29, 2016). His family claimed he worked at a restaurant in Silwad and was shot by IDF soldiers on his way home (Watan, October 29, 2016).

Left: The meat cleaver used by Ahmed Amin Hamed in his attempted attack on IDF soldiers (Facebook page of Silwad News, October 29, 2016) Right: Ahmed Amin Hamed (Twitter account of Paldf, October 29, 2016).
Left: The meat cleaver used by Ahmed Amin Hamed in his attempted attack on IDF soldiers (Facebook page of Silwad News, October 29, 2016) Right: Ahmed Amin Hamed (Twitter account of Paldf, October 29, 2016).

  • October 29, 2016 – Palestinians shot at an IDF vehicle on the road between Karmei Tzur and Beit Ummar (Gush Etzion). There were no casualties. IDF forces searched the area and found two shell casings. The driver of the car said the shooter was masked.
Riots, Clashes and Popular Terrorism
  • In the meantime, riots, the throwing of stones, Molotov cocktails and pipe bombs continue in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem.
  • The more prominent events were the following:
  • November 1, 2016 – A young Palestinian woman went to the checkpoint near the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron. Her behavior was suspicious and she was detained by Border Policemen. Two knives were found hidden in her handbag. According to the initial interrogation, she was planning to carry out a stabbing attack. She was Fatma Badran Umran Abu Miyala, 17, from Hebron (Facebook page of QudsN, November 1, 2016).
  • October 30, 2016 – Palestinians threw stones at Israeli vehicles near Tekoa in Gush Etzion. A five-year-old boy was hit in the head and evacuated to a hospital. Two vehicles were damaged.
  • October 30, 2016 – Palestinians threw stones at an ambulance on the road between Gush Etzion and Hebron, near the al-Aroub refugee camp. There were no casualties (Facebook page of Red Alert, October 30, 2016).
  • October 28, 2016 – A suspicious Palestinian from Hebron was detained by the Israeli security forces at the roadblock at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron. A knife was found in his possession.
  • October 28, 2016 – Palestinians threw stones at an ambulance near Beit El. There were no casualties (Facebook page of Red Alert, October 28, 2016).
  • October 28, 2016 – Several local Palestinian residents attacked Border Policemen in the Abu Tor neighborhood of east Jerusalem during a police operation. There were no casualties (Facebook page of Red Alert, October 28, 2016).
  • October 28, 2016 – A Palestinian who threw stones at a vehicle in Gush Etzion was shot and killed by an IDF force (Facebook page of Red Alert, October 28, 2016).
  • October 27, 2016 – Two eight-year-old Palestinians boys from Beit Fajjar were detained for interrogation after they were found by an IDF force near the security fence of the community of Migdal Oz in Gush Etzion. The two were carrying knives. During interrogation they said a man had given them the knives and told them to carry out a stabbing attack. The children were turned over to the PA police.
  • October 26, 2016 – Palestinians shot at an Israeli police force near Abu Dis in east Jerusalem. There were no casualties (Facebook page of Red Alert, October 26, 2016).

Significant Terrorist Attacks in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem during the Past Year

Rocket Fire Attacking Israel
  • This past week no rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory.

Rocket Fire Attacking Israel

Reconstructing the Gaza Strip
  • Regarding reconstruction, the director of UNRWA in the Gaza Strip told a newspaper that only partial progress had been made. He said the reconstruction process had to be reevaluated and better ways had to be found to meet the urgent needs of the Gazan population. He claimed that during the past two years Israel had posed a number of obstacles relating to permits for the import of building materials into the Gaza Strip necessary for its reconstruction. There had also been problems, he said, in receiving funds from the donor countries (al-Quds,, October 30, 2016).
  • A conference was held in the Gaza Strip to mark the second anniversary of the meeting in Cairo of countries that pledged donations to the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip. Omar Shaban, head of the Palestinian organization PalThink for Strategic Studies, said so far the Gaza Strip had received only a small portion of the money that had been promised by donor countries. The conference participants said they opposed the current oversight mechanism of contributions. They also called for Israel to be excluded from the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip and for the establishment of an independent board to deal with the issue (Filastin al-A'an, October 30, 2016).
Hamas Activity against the Salafist Organizations in the Gaza Strip
  • Tensions between Hamas and the Salafists in the Gaza Strip recently worsened after Hamas' security forces dispersed riots and detained Salafist activists (among them Khaled al-Ashqar, a senior Gazan Salafist activist). Salafist operatives threatened they would take action that would "hurt Hamas" (probably a hint at firing rockets at Israel).
  • Salafist activists issued flysheets and posted notices on the social networks accusing Hamas of failing in its ongoing efforts to oppress Salafist operatives and confiscate their weapons. They claimed Hamas used the excuse of rocket fire to carry out arrests even when no rockets had been fired [at Israel]. The Salafists noted they did not want the situation to worsen and that for the time being they would restrain themselves, but warned there were limits to their patience.
Mahmoud Abbas Meets with Khaled Mashaal
  • On October 27, 2016, while on a visit to Doha, Qatar, Mahmoud Abbas met with Khaled Mashaal, the head of Hamas' political bureau. Ismail Haniyeh also attended the meeting, as did the foreign minister of Qatar. They discussed promoting the Fatah-Hamas reconciliation. After the meeting Hamas said it had presented its position regarding the importance of adherence to national cooperation (Hamas website, October 27, 2016). Mahmoud Abbas said national unity was necessary and that the causes of the rift had to be removed by holding elections and forming a national unity government (Wafa, October 27, 2016).
  • Palestinian sources reported that no progress had been made at the meeting. Moreover, the foreign minister of Qatar said he despaired of the Palestinians' moving toward a reconciliation. Newspaper commentators said they doubted Mahmoud Abbas had been sincere. They said he had been motivated to hold the meeting by the deterioration of his relations with Muhammad Dahlan and by the pressure exerted on him by the international community, especially Egypt (al-Akhbar, Felesteen, October 30, 2016).
PA Security Force Activity
  • The PA security forces continue to clash with armed Palestinians in the refugee camps in Judea and Samaria. Clashes were reported in the Balata refugee camp (near Nablus). There were reportedly a number of wounded on both sides (Palinfo, October 29, 2016). There were also clashes in the Jenin refugee camp after security force operatives entered the camp and destroyed a house (Paltoday, October 28, 2016). In ITIC assessment, the clashes reflect power struggles within Fatah in the twilight of the Mahmoud Abbas era.
  • Hamas was critical of the PA security force actions. Bassam al-Zaarir, a Hamas member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, said the PA security forces carry out detentions and summon Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) activists for interrogation. He claimed those activities served Israel. He also claimed the security forces were trying to divert public opinion away from internal Fatah conflicts, and that Hamas and the PIJ were paying the price (Hamas website, October 27, 2016). 
  • This past week Fatah's information commission website issued two cartoons anti-Israel anti-Semitic cartoons:

Israel is responsible for the hatred between Shi'ites and Sunnis in the Muslim world (Fatah's information commission website, October 18 and 25, 2016).
Israel is responsible for the hatred between Shi'ites and Sunnis in the Muslim world (Fatah's information commission website, October 18 and 25, 2016).

Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman sow the seeds of fascism (Fatah's information commission website, October 18 and 25, 2016)
Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman sow the seeds of fascism (Fatah's information commission website, October 18 and 25, 2016)


[1]During the past year at least three terrorist attacks were carried out with the involvement ofPA security force operatives. One of the attacks was carried out on January 31, 2016, by a Palestinianwho worked as a bodyguard for the Palestinian attorney general in Ramallah shot at IDF soldiers at the same roadblock.
[2]The statistics do not include mortar shell fire or rockets which misfired and fell inside the Gaza Strip.