News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (October 28 – November 3, 2015)

"Stabbing attack," "Urgent" (Felesteen, October 29, 2015).

"The grapes of Hebron" (Felesteen, October 26, 2015).

Left: Palestinian terrorist Ziyad Ridha Mar'i (Facebook page of Bala'a media, November 3, 2015). Right: The scene of the stabbing attack in Netanya

Left: Palestinian terrorist Ziyad Ridha Mar'i (Facebook page of Bala'a media, November 3, 2015). Right: The scene of the stabbing attack in Netanya

Palestinians sling stones during riots north of El-Bireh (Wafa News Agency, October 27, 2015).

Palestinians sling stones during riots north of El-Bireh (Wafa News Agency, October 27, 2015).

Official Palestinian reception held for the bodies of five terrorists. The ceremony was attended by the Palestinian national security forces (Wafa News Agency, cot 30, 2015).

Official Palestinian reception held for the bodies of five terrorists. The ceremony was attended by the Palestinian national security forces (Wafa News Agency, cot 30, 2015).

Mass funeral held in Hebron for the terrorists whose bodies were returned to the Palestinians (Wafa News Agency, October 31, 2015).

Mass funeral held in Hebron for the terrorists whose bodies were returned to the Palestinians (Wafa News Agency, October 31, 2015).

Scene from the video issued by Hamas' Nukhba unit showing operatives in training to storm and occupy the Zikim and Yiftah IDF camps south of Ashqelon, near the security fence along the Gaza Strip border

Scene from the video issued by Hamas' Nukhba unit showing operatives in training to storm and occupy the Zikim and Yiftah IDF camps south of Ashqelon, near the security fence along the Gaza Strip border

Mahmoud Abbas and Fatou Bensouda meet in The Hague  (Wafa News Agency, October 30, 2015).

Mahmoud Abbas and Fatou Bensouda meet in The Hague (Wafa News Agency, October 30, 2015).

  • This past week the current wave of Palestinian violence and terrorism that began a month and a half ago continued. It has been characterized by steady stream of stabbing attacks carried out by lone terrorists diverting the locations from site to site.
  • At the beginning of the week there was an increase in stabbing attacks in the Hebron region that mainly targeted Israeli security forces. From there they were diverted to locations inside Israel (Jerusalem, Netanya, Rishon Letzion) and in Samaria (the Jalameh crossing). A number of Israeli soldiers and civilians were wounded. The Palestinians who carried out the attacks were killed or captured.
  • The wave of terrorist attacks continues to be carried out by lone young Palestinians who are ready to risk their lives to carry out attacks from which the chances of returning unharmed are very low. Mahmoud Abbas, Fatah and Hamas support popular terrorism, encourage its continuation, and the same time try to contain it and prevent it from spinning out of control.
  • This past week the wave of terrorist attacks, particularly stabbing attacks carried out by lone Palestinian terrorists, continued. Most of them focused on the Hebron region. Three were carried out inside Israel (Jerusalem, Netanya, Rishon Letzion). A number of Israeli soldiers and civilians were wounded. Most of the terrorists were killed or wounded during the attacks.
Attacks and Attempted Attacks during the Past Week
  • On November 2, 2015, an Israeli civilian was critically wounded in a stabbing attack in the center of the coastal city of Netanya. The terrorist was Ziyad Ridha Mar'i, 22, from the village of Bala'a (east of Tulkarm), staying in Israel illegally. According to a Palestinian Facebook page, he had formerly been a prisoner in Israel (Facebook page of the Palestine Prisoners Research Center, November 2, 2015).
  • On November 2, 2015, a Palestinian terrorist wounded three Israelis in a multiple stabbing attack in the central Israeli city of Rishon Letzion. He began on a bus, wounding a 35-year old man. He got off the bus and continued on foot to a shopping district in the center of the city and stabbed two more Israelis. One was an 80 year-old woman, who was critically wounded, and the other was a 26 year-old man, who suffered minor injuries. Passersby overcame the terrorist and held him until the police arrived. He was Imad al-Din Taysir Musa al-Tirda, 19, from the village of Taffuh (west of Hebron). According to the Palestinian media, he was a released prisoner (Samapal and the Facebook page of Taffuh, November 2, 2015).
  • On November 2, 2015, an IDF force stationed at a gas station near the Jalameh crossing in the Jenin region stopped two suspicious Palestinians. When the soldiers tried to examine them one took out a knife and tried to stab them. He was shot and killed and his companion was detained. The Palestinian who was killed was Ahmed Awad Abu al-Rub, 16, from Qabatiya (near Jenin).
  • On November 2, 2015, a Palestinian terrorist stabbed a woman tourist guide in the head with a broken bottle near the Jaffa Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem. The guide suffered minor injuries and was evacuated to a hospital. The attacker fled the scene. The Israeli security forces conducted a search for him and detained him a short time later. He was 22 years old, and from Jabel Mukaber.
  • On November 1, 2015, a Palestinian drove a vehicle directly at Israeli Border Policemen standing at the Beit Anoun Junction at the entrance to Hebron. The policemen opened fire at the vehicle; the Palestinian drove away. Three policemen were injured and evacuated to a hospital (Facebook page of the Israel Police Force, November 1, 2015). Ahmed Ja'abari from Hebron, the Palestinian who carried out the vehicular attack, later turned himself in to the Israeli security forces. He claimed it had been a traffic accident (a claim often made by Palestinians who carry out vehicular attacks).
  • On November 1, 2015, a Palestinian terrorist approached a group of soldiers at Beit Anoun (the entrance to Hebron) and tried to stab one of them. He was shot and killed. There were no casualties. The Palestinian terrorist was Fadi Hassan al-Farouj, 26, from the village of Sa'ir (near Hebron). Hamas claimed al-Farouj was one of its operatives.

Left: Hamas death notice for Fadi Hassan al-Farouj (Facebook page of the Islamic Bloc at Hebron University, November 2, 2015). Right: The scene of the attack at the Beit Anoun Junction (Wafa News Agency, November 1, 2015).
Left: Hamas death notice for Fadi Hassan al-Farouj (Facebook page of the Islamic Bloc at Hebron University, November 2, 2015). Right: The scene of the attack at the Beit Anoun Junction (Wafa News Agency, November 1, 2015).

  • On October 31, 2015, during searches before the opening of the Jalameh (Gilboa) crossing to vehicles entering Israel from the direction of Jenin, one of the security guards saw a Palestinian walking toward the crossing in the car lane. The security guard called to the young Palestinian to halt. In response the Palestinian took out a knife and ran towards him. He security guard called to him again, and when the Palestinian did not stop, the guard shot and killed him. The attacker was Mahmoud Talal Abd al-Karim Nizal, 18, from Qabatiya (near Jenin). Following the attack the Israeli Overland Border Crossing Authority closed the crossing until further notice (Facebook page of Red Alert, October 31, 2015).
  • Mahmoud Nizal left a letter in his home in which he wrote, "Forgive me, mother. I am going to be a shaheed. Forgive me if [the Israelis] destroy our house, for a long time I have wanted to perform the shahadah [death as a martyr for the sake of Allah]…Say goodbye to my father and other relatives" (PalInfo, October 31, 2015). Atallah Khiri, the PA representative in Jordan, sent a formal notice of condolence to the family (Facebook page of Qabatiya Online, October 30, 2015).
  • On October 30, 2015, a Palestinian terrorist stabbed a young Israeli man near the light railway station onAmmunition Hill in Jerusalem. The Israel was seriously wounded. Another man was also seriously wounded, apparently by stray gunfire. The Palestinian, from the village of Aqab, was shot by policemen and security guards and later died.
  • On October 30, 2015, two Palestinian terrorists tried to stab Border Policemen at the Tapuah Junction in Samaria. Holding knives and riding a motorcycle, they tried to speed past the Border Policemen. A Border Policewoman shot them, killing one and critically wounding the other. The terrorist who died was Qasem Saba'ne, 20, from Qabatiya (near Jenin). The other was Bassam Fares Ibrahim al-Na'ssan, 17, from the region of Ramallah (Ma'an News Agency, October 30, 2015). Atallah Khiri, Palestinian representative in Jordan, sent an official condolence notice to the terrorist's family (Facebook page of Qabatiya Online, October 30, 2015).
  • On October 30, 2015, during a riot near Beit El (north of Ramallah) a Palestinian threw a Molotov cocktail at Border Policemen and fled. The force followed him and ran him down. As he was being given medical treatment, another Palestinian tried to stab one of the Border Policemen.
  • On October 29, 2015, a Palestinian terrorist tried to stab Jewish residents in Beit Hadassah in Hebron. He came at them with a knife and was shot and killed by an IDF force stationed in the area. He was Farouq Abd al-Kader Sadr, 19, from Hebron, a law student at Hebron University (Facebook page of the Islamic Bloc in Hebron University, October 29, 2015).
  • On October 29, 2015, a Palestinian terrorist stabbed an IDF soldier at the Jewish settlement in Hebron, near the Cave of the Patriarchs. The Palestinian was Mahdi al-Muhtasab, 22, from Hebron.
  • On October 28, 2015, at the entrance to the commercial center at the Gush Etzion Junction, a Palestinian terrorist stabbed a 40 year-old Israeli woman, seriously wounding her. The terrorist was caught and taken for interrogation.
  • On October 28, 2015, during a routine examination at the roadblock at the entrance to Tel Romeida in Hebron, a Palestinian terrorist took out a knife and tried to stab the soldiers. There were no casualties. The terrorist was shot and killed. He was Islam Abeidu, 23, from Hebron.
  • On October 27, 2015, two Palestinian terrorists went to the bus stop at the Gush Etzion Junction and stabbed a soldier in the face. He was in the force securing the junction. A soldier standing nearby shot and killed the terrorists. They were Izz al-Din Nadi Abu Shkhadam, 17, and Shadi Nabil al-Qudsi, 23, both from Hebron (Facebook pages of the Islamic Bloc at Hebron University and, October 27, 2015).

Left: Fatah – Hebron District death notice for Izz al-Din Nadi Abu Shkhadam (Facebook page of Fatah's Shabiba organization, October 27, 2015). Center: Hamas death notice for Shadi al-Qudsi (Facebook page of the Islamic Bloc at Hebron University, October 27, 2015). Right: The bus stop at the Gush Etzion Junction where the attack was carried out  (Facebook page of, October 27, 2015).
Left: Fatah – Hebron District death notice for Izz al-Din Nadi Abu Shkhadam (Facebook page of Fatah's Shabiba organization, October 27, 2015). Center: Hamas death notice for Shadi al-Qudsi (Facebook page of the Islamic Bloc at Hebron University, October 27, 2015). Right: The bus stop at the Gush Etzion Junction where the attack was carried out  (Facebook page of, October 27, 2015).

  • On October 27, 2015, a Palestinian terrorist tried to stab a soldier at the roadblock at the entrance to Tel Romeida in Hebron. There were no casualties; the terrorist was shot and killed by soldiers stationed at the site. He was Humam Adnan Yahya Issid, 23, from Hebron.
  • In the meantime, this past week riots and the throwing of stones, Molotov cocktails and pipe bombs continued throughout Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem. The prominent attacks were the following:
  • On November 1, 2015, Palestinians threw stones at a vehicle at the Zif Junction (southeast of Hebron). An Israeli woman suffered minor injuries. The vehicle was damaged (Facebook page of Red Alert, November 1, 2015).
  • On November 1, 2015, a number of IEDs were thrown at an IDF guard post near the Tomb of Rachel, across from the Aida refugee camp. There were no casualties (Facebook page of Red Alert, November 1, 2015).
  • On October 31, 2015, Palestinians threw Molotov cocktails at an IDF post near the Jewish cemetery in Hebron. There were no casualties. IDF forces shot at the Palestinians and they drove away. Palestinians also threw Molotov cocktails at Israeli security force roadblocks in Hebron (Facebook page of Red Alert, October 31, 2015).
  • On October 31, 2015, Palestinians threw stones at a bus near Karmei Tzur (north of Hebron). There were no casualties and no damage was reported (Facebook page of Red Alert, October 31, 2015).
  • On October 31, 2015, Palestinians threw an improvised hand grenade at the Tomb of Rachel in Bethlehem. There were no casualties and no damage was reported (Facebook page of Red Alert, October 31, 2015).
  • On October 30, 2015, Palestinians threw Molotov cocktails and metal balls at an IDF force near the Tomb of Rachel. A Border Policeman suffered minor injuries (Facebook page of Red Alert, October 30, 2015).
  • On October 30, 2015, Palestinians threw stones at an IDF force near Tekoa. A soldier suffered minor injuries (Facebook page of Red Alert, October 30, 2015).
  • On October 29, 2015, Palestinians threw four Molotov cocktails at an IDF post in Hebron. There were no casualties (Facebook page of Red Alert, October 29, 2015).
  • On October 29, 2015, an Israeli woman suffered minor injuries when Palestinians threw stones at her car between Karmei Tzur and Halhul, and the front windshield of her vehicle shattered. Palestinians also threw stones at an Israeli vehicle near Bayt Umar. There were no casualties; the vehicle was damaged (Facebook page of Red Alert, October 29, 2015).
  • On October 29, 2015, Palestinians shot at Israelis in a drive-by shooting at a bus stop near the community of Ofra (north of Ramallah). There were no casualties. The vehicle fled from the scene (Facebook page of Red Alert, October 29, 2015).
  • On October 29, 2015, Palestinians threw a pipe bomb at Israeli security forces in A-Tor, east Jerusalem. The bomb hit a car; the terrorists fled (Facebook page of Red Alert, October 29, 2015).
Preventive Security Activities
  • The Israeli security forces detained Abd al-Aziz Mar'i, a 21 year-old Palestinian student from Abu Dis, on suspicion of initiating a terrorist attack in the Old City of Jerusalem in which two Israelis were killed.[1] Abd al-Aziz Mar'i is suspected of helping the terrorist, Muhannad Halabi, to plan and carry out the attack, and of accompanying him throughout the day of the attack.
  • The interrogation of Abd al-Aziz Mar'i revealed that for a long time he had been helping Palestinians cross the border security fence from Abu Dis into Jerusalem. On the morning of the stabbing attack he helped Muhannad Halabi enter Israeli territory illegally so that he could pray at Al-Aqsa mosque. After the two were refused entry into the mosque compound, Abd al-Aziz Mar'i convinced Muhannad Halabi to carry out the attack. He led him to a store in the Old City of Jerusalem near the Nablus Gate and bought him a knife (Ynet, November 1, 2015).
Returning the Bodies of Terrorists to the Palestinians
  • On October 30, 2015, in the wake of an Israeli government decision, Israel began returning to the Palestinians the bodies of terrorists killed in recent weeks by Israeli security force fire while carrying out terrorist attacks. The bodies of the terrorists, most of them from Hebron, were transferred to the Palestinians through the Tarqumia crossing. They were given state funerals attended by hundreds of Palestinians, among them official PA representatives (Facebook page of the Islamic Bloc at Hebron University, November 1, 2015; Facebook page of PALINFO, November 2, 2015).
Rocket Fire Attacking Israel
  • On October 30, 2015, a rocket was fired at Israel. It fell inside the Gaza Strip. An ISIS-affiliated jihadist network calling itself the Companies of Sheikh Omar Hadid claimed its operatives had fired a 107mm rocket at an IDF tank post east of Dir al-Balah. According to the claim, a Hamas restraint force arrived and confiscated another rocket, which was ready for firing (Twitter account of the Companies of Sheikh Omar Hadid, October 30, 2015).

Rocket Fire Attacking Israel

Riots and Attacks near the Border Security Fence
  • Palestinians held riots and violent demonstrations at several locations near the border security fence in the Gaza Strip: the Erez crossing, Nahal Oz, al-Bureij and Khan Yunis. They threw stones and clashed with IDF soldiers.
  • Inside the Gaza Strip public criticism of the riots has begun to be heard. A Gazan journalist put a post on his Facebook page claiming that the Gazans had to change their methods. There had been enough young Palestinians, he said, who had gone to the fence and thrown stones or Molotov cocktails, and in return the "Zionist soldiers" had shot at them, wounding and killing them. He said new methods had to be thought of that would have an influence, even the smallest one, on the Israeli occupation.
  • During demonstrations this past week Gazans carried out three terrorist attacks:
  • On October 29, 2015, Gazan snipers fired at one of the communities in the western Negev north of the Gaza Strip. There were no casualties; a bullet hit the wall of a house (Facebook page of Red Alert, October 29, 2015). A network calling itself "The Companies of the Great Messenger" claimed responsibility for sniper fire at an IDF force east of al-Bureij. It came in response to the death of network operative Ahmed al-Sarhi (Abu Bilal), killed by IDF fire on October 20, 2015 (Facebook page of The Companies of the Great Messenger, October 29 2015).
  • On October 30, 2015, a Palestinian threw a pipe bomb at IDF forces near the Gaza Strip border close to the community of Nahal Oz. There were no casualties. IDF forces shot at the Palestinian (Facebook page of Red Alert, October 30, 2015).
The Rafah Crossing
  • The Rafah crossing remains closed. The Palestinians reported that an agreement might be reached for opening the crossing, including the presence of international overseers. Zakaria al-'Agha, a member of the PLO's Executive Committee, claimed Mahmoud Abbas was supposed to visit Cairo to examine the possibility of having the Rafah crossing open on a regular basis (Dunia al-Watan, November 1, 2015).
Hamas Calls for the Wave of Violence and Terrorism to Continue
  • Hamas continues its intense incitement for the continuation and expansion of the current wave of terrorism. At the same time senior Hamas figures continue to express objections to any international initiative that would bring calm. Some of their statements were the following:
  • In the wake of the understandings reached between American Secretary of State John Kerry and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the issue of the Temple Mount, Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri stated that Hamas objected to installing cameras in Al-Aqsa mosque. He warned that installing cameras would lead the Palestinian people to escalating the intifada to foil Israel's plots against Al-Aqsa mosque (Dunia al-Watan, October 27, 2015).
  • Ismail Haniya, deputy head of the Hamas' political bureau, claimed the lone attacks had had unprecedented success in defending Al-Aqsa and had forced Israel to stop its actions against the mosque. He claimed victory was closer than expected by those who relied on the peace process (Al-Risala, October 29, 2015).
  • Ismail Radwan, a senior Hamas figure, claimed that international and regional activity to end the intifada would fail. He called on Fatah and the PA to support the intifada to protect the Palestinian people. He claimed it would continue until Al-Aqsa mosque was liberated (Safa News Agency, November 1, 2015).
  • Salah al-Bardawil, a senior Hamas figure, speaking at a demonstration held in Khan Yunis, claimed that the "Al-Quds intifada" was a torch that would not be extinguished. He called on the Palestinian leadership to reap the fruits of the intifada (Filastin al-'Aan, October 30, 2015).
  • Mahmoud al-Zahar, a senior Hamas figure, delivered a sermon in which he claimed that the intifada had returned the Palestinian issue to the center of political discourse after it had been lost because of the negotiations. He also claimed that "the struggle against the occupation" was a divine imperative from the Qur'an and that the resistance in Palestine was a religious determination.
  • On the other hand, Musa Abu Marzouq, a member of Hamas' political bureau, was obliged to explain why Hamas did not fire rockets at Israel while it called for an escalation in Judea and Samaria. He claimed that if Hamas fired rockets at Israel the Gaza Strip would be dragged into a new campaign and the spotlight would move from "the revolution of the Palestinian people" throughout the West Bank to the limited area of the Gaza Strip. Therefore, he claimed the "popular intifada" should not include rocket fire (Al-Aqsa TV, October 30, 2015).


Demonstrations in the Gaza Strip in Support of the Wave of Terrorism against Israel

Gazan women affiliated with the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) in Khan Yunis hold a rally in support of the wave of terrorism. They carried pictures of Palestinians killed in the recent attacks and burned Israeli flags and pictures of senior Israeli figures  (Facebook page of Shihab, November 1, 2015).
Gazan women affiliated with the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) in Khan Yunis hold a rally in support of the wave of terrorism. They carried pictures of Palestinians killed in the recent attacks and burned Israeli flags and pictures of senior Israeli figures  (Facebook page of Shihab, November 1, 2015).

A Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) protest rally held in the northern Gaza Strip. Left: Masked participants hold knives and meat cleavers  (Website of the PFLP, November 1, 2015).
A Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) protest rally held in the northern Gaza Strip. Left: Masked participants hold knives and meat cleavers  (Website of the PFLP, November 1, 2015).

On November 1, 2015, the families of Palestinian terrorists imprisoned in Israel held their weekly demonstration in front of the Red Cross offices in Gaza City. Left: Demonstrations burn an Israeli flag, apparently with the word "bastard" painted on it. Right: Demonstrators hold a banner equating Israel with Nazi Germany (Facebook page of Shihab, November 1, 2015).
On November 1, 2015, the families of Palestinian terrorists imprisoned in Israel held their weekly demonstration in front of the Red Cross offices in Gaza City. Left: Demonstrations burn an Israeli flag, apparently with the word "bastard" painted on it. Right: Demonstrators hold a banner equating Israel with Nazi Germany (Facebook page of Shihab, November 1, 2015).

Hamas Elite Unit Holds Military Exercises
  • The Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas' military-terrorist wing, issued a video of exercises conducted by its elite Nukhba unit. The video shows operatives armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles and RPG launchers simulating attacks on IDF posts flying the Israeli flag. They are also shown simulating the abduction of Israeli soldiers (Filastin al-'Aan, October 31, 2015).
Mahmoud Abbas' Speech to the UN Human Rights Council
  • On October 28, 2015, Mahmoud Abbas gave a belligerent speech before the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) in Geneva. In it he accused Israel of being solely responsible for the deterioration of the current situation and asked the international community to protect the Palestinians. However, he claimed his objectives were peace and negotiations, on the condition that Israel "stop committing crimes." Some of his themes were the following (Palestinian TV, date, 2015):
  • Israel, he claimed, had pushed the Palestinians to rise up by limiting their rights, changing the nature of Jerusalem, continuing construction in the settlements, excavating under Al-Aqsa mosque, enabling the settlers to commit crimes and acting as a country above the law. According to Mahmoud Abbas, Israel continued its crimes by executing Palestinians, not returning their bodies, employing collective punishment, destroying houses and imposing closures on entire neighborhoods (Note: Mahmoud Abbas made no mention of the terrorist attacks Palestinians carry out on Israel. The terrorists who were killed while carrying out attacks were falsely represented as Palestinian civilians who were "executed" by Israel).
  • According to Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinians are not responsible for the deterioration in the situation because the current uprising is the result of "Israel's crimes." He claimed the hopelessness, closure, tension and insecurity have frustrated young Palestinians and caused them to rebel. Mahmoud Abbas called on the UN Security Council to establish a mechanism for international protection of the Palestinian people. He claimed Israel had violated its commitments and had to bear full responsibility as an occupying country.
  • Mahmoud Abbas claimed there was an urgent need for international intervention before time ran out, especially by the UN Security Council. He called for the immediate establishment of an international mechanism to protect the Palestinian people and demanded the Geneva Conventions be imposed on the "territories of Palestine."
  • Mahmoud Abbas appealed to Israel for peace, which would ensure stability. He claimed now was perhaps the last change to implement the two-state solution, in view of the "winds of change sweeping over the region," and called on Israel to promote the peace process.
The PA Appeal to the International Criminal Court (ICC)
  • On October 30, 2015, Mahmoud Abbas headed a PA delegation and met with Attorney General Fatou Bensouda at the ICC headquarters in The Hague. Present at the meeting were Saeb Erekat, secretary of the PLO's Executive Committee, Riyadh al-Maliki, the PA foreign minister, Nabil Abu Rudeina, the presidential spokesman, and Majdi al-Khaldi, Mahmoud Abbas' diplomatic advisor (Wafa News Agency, October 30, 2015).
  • While in The Hague Foreign Minister Maliki gave the attorney general legal documents dealing with the recent escalation, in particular what he called "the killing of Palestinians civilians without a trial " by Israel. Maliki claimed the Palestinians hoped the materials presented to the ICC would make it possible to determine that war crimes were being committed in the Palestinian territories (Wafa News Agency, October 30, 2015). He also said that during the meeting Mahmoud Abbas had asked the attorney general to send an ICC delegation to examine the events on the ground and to document the so-called "Israeli crimes" to speed up an official investigation of the Israeli government and its crimes against the Palestinian people (Wafa News Agency, October 31, 2015).
  • According to Saeb Erekat, secretary of the PLO's Executive Committee, the Palestinians presented the ICC with five files. They dealt with Operation Protective Edge, the settlements (neighborhoods of Jerusalem), the Palestinian prisoners, "Israeli terrorism," the arson attacks in which the Dawabsha family and Muhammad Abu Khdeir were burned to death, the "executions" Israel carries out in the territories and its "crimes" against the Palestinian people (apparently a reference to the current wave of terrorism) (Dunia al-Watan, November 2, 2015). Attorney General Fatou Bensouda warned against worsening the situation on the ground, saying that her office would decide if Israel's alleged crimes were within ICC jurisdiction.
Encouragement for the Current Wave of Terrorism in the Palestinian Media
Ongoing Incitement in the Social Networks
  •  During the past week incitement to violence, stabbing attacks and the wave of terrorism continued on the Hamas-affiliated website, Facebook pages of the Palestinian media and Facebook pages of individual Palestinians. The most prominent theme was the call for more stabbing attacks (Facebook page of QudsN, October 2, 2015; the PalInfo website and the Facebook page of the Islamic Bloc at Hebron University, November 1, 2015).

Notices on a Hamas website. Left: A bloody hand wrapped in a bandage clutches Al-Aqsa mosque. The Arabic reads, "We will protect it with our blood. The intifada broke out. Al-Quds intifada." Right: The Arabic reads, "The intifada broke out. The revolution of knives. The [West] Bank struggles" (Website of PalInfo).
Notices on a Hamas website. Left: A bloody hand wrapped in a bandage clutches Al-Aqsa mosque. The Arabic reads, "We will protect it with our blood. The intifada broke out. Al-Quds intifada." Right: The Arabic reads, "The intifada broke out. The revolution of knives. The [West] Bank struggles" (Website of PalInfo).

Left: Incitement to carry out stabbing attacks. The text reads, in Hebrew and Arabic, "We came to slaughter you" (Facebook page of Susan Musa, November 1, 2015). Right: A Hamas notice. The Arabic reads, "The intifada broke out. The Al-Quds intifada is a red line"  (Website of PalInfo).
Left: Incitement to carry out stabbing attacks. The text reads, in Hebrew and Arabic, "We came to slaughter you" (Facebook page of Susan Musa, November 1, 2015). Right: A Hamas notice. The Arabic reads, "The intifada broke out. The Al-Quds intifada is a red line" (Website of PalInfo).

Incitement for the Wave of Terrorism at Universities in Judea and Samaria
  •  On October 28, 2015, an exhibition opened at Bir Zeit University, devoted to the current wave of terrorism. It was organized by operatives of the Hamas-affiliated Islamic Bloc at the university. It featured displays calling for the continuation of the "resistance," inciting terrorist attacks and hatred of Israel, and glorifying the Palestinian terrorists carrying out attacks in the current wave of terrorism (Facebook page of the Islamic Bloc at Bir Zeit University, October 28 2015).

Left: An Israeli flag on the floor at the entrance to the exhibition for visitors to walk on. Center: A display of slingshots and signs calling for the continuation of the struggle. The signs read, "They won't take the stone out of my hand," "Oppose by a boycott [against Israel]," "Bir Zeit will remain the torch of the resistance." Right: The Arabic reads, "I am a Bir Zeit student and I have chosen the option of resistance." The poster was signed by students who agreed (Facebook page of the Islamic Bloc at Bir Zeit University, October 28, 2015).
Left: An Israeli flag on the floor at the entrance to the exhibition for visitors to walk on. Center: A display of slingshots and signs calling for the continuation of the struggle. The signs read, "They won't take the stone out of my hand," "Oppose by a boycott [against Israel]," "Bir Zeit will remain the torch of the resistance." Right: The Arabic reads, "I am a Bir Zeit student and I have chosen the option of resistance." The poster was signed by students who agreed (Facebook page of the Islamic Bloc at Bir Zeit University, October 28, 2015).

  •  On November 1, 2015, students at Al-Najah University held a rally organized by the Islamic Bloc with the theme "The trumpet call of Al-Aqsa." At the rally they stressed that the university would continue to be a "stronghold of the resistance" and that students would remain at the forefront of the confrontation. Representatives of Hamas and senior figures attended the rally. A notice was put in the papers saying that at the last minute the university administration had forbidden [live] presentations that would reinforce and encourage the "resistance" in Jerusalem. The Islamic Bloc called on the university administration "to stand beside the young revolutionaries and allow the student movement to fulfill its role in central national issues" (Hamas website and the Facebook page of the Islamic Bloc at Al-Najah University, November 1-2, 2015).

Incitement to carry out stabbing attacks. The Arabic reads, "Stab! The revolution of knives. Hebron struggles" (The Facebook page of the Islamic Bloc at Hebron University, November 1, 2015).
Incitement to carry out stabbing attacks. The Arabic reads, "Stab! The revolution of knives. Hebron struggles" (The Facebook page of the Islamic Bloc at Hebron University, November 1, 2015).

[1]On October 3, 2015, a Palestinian terrorist from the El-Bireh region went to Hagai Street in the Old City in Jerusalem near the Lions' Gate. He took out a knife and stabbed three members of an Israeli family and a passerby who rushed to help them. The terrorist grabbed the pistol of one of the men and shot at Border Policemen sent to the scene. They returned his fire, shooting and killing him. Two of the wounded Israelis died. They were Nehemiah Lavie, from Jerusalem, and Corporal Aharon Bennett from Beitar Ilit. Lavie's wife was critically wounded and their infant son was seriously wounded.
[2]As of  November 3,2015. The statistics do not include mortar shell fire or rockets which misfired and fell inside the Gaza Strip.
[3]The statistics do not include mortar shell fire or rockets which misfired and fell inside the Gaza Strip.