List of Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center bulletins dealing with Hamas and the other terrorist organizations’ use of the civilian population as human shields


1. During and after Operation Cast Lead, the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center issued a large number of bulletins exposing how Hamas and the other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip use the civilian population in the Gaza Strip as human shields. The bulletins were based on research begun by the ITIC six months before the operation and updates were issued regularly during it.

2. After the operation additional evidence was received from various sources, which was issued in separate bulletins translated into English and other languages.

3. In addition, a study will be issued in the near future dealing with how Hamas and the other Palestinian terrorist organizations use the mosques for military and political purposes. It is based on experience gained in the Gaza Strip, Judea and Samaria , south Lebanon and around the world.

4. The bulletins listed here can be found on the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center English website at .

5. The following is a list of the ITIC bulletins:

a) The basic study of the use of the civilian population as human shields, issued in January 2009, can be found at .

b) Gazans Tell How Hamas Used Them As Human Shields: Among others, an ambulance driver said that during Operation Cast Lead Hamas operatives used ambulances to leave battle sites, a tactic familiar from the past (January 28, 2009), at .

c) Using the Civilian Population in the Gaza Strip as Human Shields Aerial photographs show locations of terrorist bases and weapons in the heart of civilian neighborhoods in the Gaza Strip (January 21, 2009), at .

d) Civilians as Human Shields: Operational sketches seized during Operation Cast Lead show Hamas locates firing positions, anti-tank positions and IEDs in military compounds situated in the heart of densely-populated neighborhoods in the northern Gaza Strip (January 19, 2009), at .

e) Using civilians as humans shields: launching rockets at Israel from locations close to buildings and schools (January 19, 2009), at .

f) Evidence of the Use of the Civilian Population as Human Shields: Hamas operatives detained during Operation Cast Lead related that weapons were situated in schools, mosques and residential dwellings, that operatives shot from within residential neighborhoods, and that Hamas operatives stole the humanitarian aid for their own use (February 4, 2006), at

g) Israeli Air Force film clips show use Hamas makes of Gazan
civilians as human shields – File No. 1 (January 28, 2009), at .

h) Israeli Air Force Film clips show the use made by Hamas of children as human shields during Operation Cast Lead – File No. 2 ( Note : Currently being translated into English and will shortly appear on our website).

i) Evidence from Operation Cast Lead shows Hamas uses mosques to store weapons and as sites launch rockets and mortar shells – File No. 3 (February 16, 2009), at .

j) Israeli Air Force Film Clips and IDF Spokesman pictures show use the Hamas made of a school for military purposes during Operation Cast Lead – File No. 4 (February 16, 2009), at .

k) Civilians as human shields: additional evidence from various sources demonstrating the use made by Hamas of civilian houses for military purposes during Operation Cast Lead – File No. 5 (February 18, 2009), at

6. The following is a list of the daily bulletins issued during Operation Cast Lead in which the issue of civilians as human shields appears:

a) Operation Cast Lead – Update No. 15 ( January 15, 2009 ), at .

b) Operation Cast Lead – Update No. 14 ( January 14, 2009 ), at .

c) Operation Cast Lead – Update No. 13 ( January 13, 2009 ), at .

d) Operation Cast Lead – Update No. 12 ( January 12, 2009 ), at .

e) Operation Cast Lead – Update No. 11 ( January 11, 2009 ), at .

f) Operation Cast Lead – Update No. 9 ( January 7, 2009 ), at .

g) Operation Cast Lead – Update No. 8 ( January 6, 2009 ), at .