Spotlight on Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (March 8-14, 2023)

CCTV picture of the shooter (Watan, March 9, 2023).

CCTV picture of the shooter (Watan, March 9, 2023).

The scene of the attack (Dunia al-Watan, March 9, 2023).

The scene of the attack (Dunia al-Watan, March 9, 2023).

Celebratory parade in Jenin (al-Sahafa News, March 10, 2023).

Celebratory parade in Jenin (al-Sahafa News, March 10, 2023).

The scene of the IED explosion near the Megiddo Junction (Magen David Adom, March 13, 2023).

The scene of the IED explosion near the Megiddo Junction (Magen David Adom, March 13, 2023).

The Lion's Den mourning notice (nablus_news Telegram channel, March 12, 2023).

The Lion's Den mourning notice (nablus_news Telegram channel, March 12, 2023).

The terrorists' vehicle near Jaba (Wafa, March 9, 2023).

The terrorists' vehicle near Jaba (Wafa, March 9, 2023).

The ruins of the building where the terrorist was hiding (Wafa Facebook page, March 7, 2023).

The ruins of the building where the terrorist was hiding (Wafa Facebook page, March 7, 2023).

Documentation of IDF force activity west of the border security fence (Palinfo Twitter account, March 8, 2023).

Documentation of IDF force activity west of the border security fence (Palinfo Twitter account, March 8, 2023).

Documentation of IDF force activity west of the border security fence (Palinfo Twitter account, March 8, 2023).

Documentation of IDF force activity west of the border security fence (Palinfo Twitter account, March 8, 2023).

Mahmoud Abbas meets with the special Chinese envoy to the Middle East peace process (Wafa, March 11, 2023).

Mahmoud Abbas meets with the special Chinese envoy to the Middle East peace process (Wafa, March 11, 2023).

The release of Fuad al-Shubaki (Wafa, March 13, 2023)

The release of Fuad al-Shubaki (Wafa, March 13, 2023)

  • This past week four terrorist attacks were carried out in Judea, Samaria and inside Israel. The most serious was a shooting attack in Tel Aviv in which three Israeli civilian were wounded, two of them critically; an IDF post was attacked with gunfire near the Jit Junction (west of Nablus), with no Israeli casualties reported; a combined stabbing-IED attack was attempted at Dorot Illit Farms (east of Qalqilya); an IED was ignited but did not explode in a bus in Beitar Illit; and what was probably a terrorist attack was carried out at the Megiddo Junction when an IED was detonated (the incident is under investigation). The Israeli security forces’ counterterrorism activities were focused Jenin and Nablus in Samaria; 16 Palestinians were killed, most of them terrorist operatives.
  • A rocket was fired at Israel from the Gaza Strip, apparently in response to Israeli security force operations in Jenin. An IED exploded near an IDF bulldozer engaged in activities near the border security fence in the southern Gaza Strip. The Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s military-terrorist wing held a military exercise in the northern Gaza Strip, which included firing rockets and simulating an attack on an IDF post. Mohammed al-Emadi, chairman of Qatar’s National Committee for the Reconstruction of Gaza, continued his efforts to prevent regional escalation.
  • The Palestinian Authority (PA) leadership continues diplomatic activity: Mahmoud Abbas met with the Chinese special envoy to the Middle East peace process and complained about Israel’s unilateral actions, which he claimed caused “escalation and tension.” The International Court of Justice gave permission for Arab League representatives to participate in deliberations regarding Israel’s activities in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem. On March 13, 2023, Fuad al-Shubaki was released from an Israeli prison after serving a term of 17 years for involvement in an attempt to smuggle arms from Iran to the PA in 2002. He was welcomed with a festive reception by Mahmoud Abbas and the Fatah leadership.

Terrorist attacks inside Israel

Shooting attack in Tel Aviv
  •   On the evening of March 9, 2023, a Palestinian 2023 armed with a handgun went to Dizengoff Street in Tel Aviv and indiscriminately shot at Israeli passersby, wounding three, two of them critically. He then fled and hid in a nearby alley. Members of the Israeli security forces, some of them at the site by chance, chased him, and when he left the alley they shot and killed him. Somewhat later the Israeli police detained the driver suspected of having driven him from Ramallah to Tel Aviv (Israeli media, March 9, 2023).
The scene of the attack (Dunia al-Watan, March 9, 2023).    CCTV picture of the shooter (Watan, March 9, 2023).
Right: CCTV picture of the shooter (Watan, March 9, 2023). Left: The scene of the attack
(Dunia al-Watan, March 9, 2023).
  • The terrorist was Mu’ataz Salah al-Khawaja, 23 years old, from the village of Ni’lin (west of Ramallah). In the past he had been imprisoned in Israel for possession of an illegal weapon and involvement in shooting attacks. A few hours before the attack he took a selfie of himself sitting in a café in Israel (Israeli media, March 9, 2023). His father, Sheikh Salah al-Khawaja, is a high-ranking Hamas operative in Ni’lin (al-Araby al-Jadeed, March 10, 2023).
 Mu'ataz al-Khawaja holding a Hamas map of "Palestine" (Khabrani website, March 9, 2023).    Mourning notice issued by Hamas' military-terrorist wing for Mu'ataz al-Khawaja (Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades website, March 10, 2023).
Right: Mourning notice issued by Hamas’ military-terrorist wing for Mu’ataz al-Khawaja (Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades website, March 10, 2023). Left: Mu’ataz al-Khawaja holding a Hamas map of “Palestine” (Khabrani website, March 9, 2023).
  • Hamas said al-Khawaja was an operative in its military wing but did not officially claim responsibility for the attack. Hamas claimed the attack was the “natural response” to Israel’s activities against the Palestinians, and threatened to strike Israel again (al-Andalou News, March 9, 2023).
  •   Fatah, Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) all claimed the attack was a response to Israeli security force counterterrorism activities (Filastin al-Yawm, March 10, 2023). In Samaria and the Gaza Strip, there were outpourings of joy which included spontaneous parades in city streets, shots fired into the air, shouts of glee and the distribution of candy and pastries to passersby in the streets (al-Masdar News, March 9, 2023).
Celebratory parade in Jenin (al-Sahafa News, March 10, 2023).    Distribution of candy and pastries in Nablus (Facebook page of al-Najah TV in Nablus, March 9, 2023).
Right: Distribution of candy and pastries in Nablus (Facebook page of al-Najah TV in Nablus, March 9, 2023). Left: Celebratory parade in Jenin (al-Sahafa News, March 10, 2023).
  • Following the attack, IDF forces raided the terrorist’s house in Ni’lin and detained his father and brother. The forces mapped the house for demolition. Armed local residents rioted against the forces and there were exchanges of fire.
IED explodes near the Megiddo Junction
  • On the morning of March 13, 2023, an IED placed on the shoulder of the road close to the Megiddo Junction in northern Israel exploded near an Israeli vehicle. The driver, from Arab village of Salem in the Jezreel Valley, was seriously injured. The incident is under investigation and is being considered a terrorist attack. Security sources reported the IED was similar to those used to attack IDF forces in south Lebanon (Israeli media, March 13, 2023).
The scene of the IED explosion near the Megiddo Junction (Magen David Adom, March 13, 2023).
The scene of the IED explosion near the Megiddo Junction (Magen David Adom, March 13, 2023).

Terrorist attacks in Judea and Samaria

Shots fired at an IDF post near the Jit Junction
  • On the night of March 12, 2023, a vehicle carrying four Palestinians drove to the IDF post at the Jit Junction. Three of them exited the vehicle and opened fire at the IDF force at the site. The soldiers returned fire, killing two of the terrorists and a third Palestinian who had remained in the vehicle. The fourth Palestinian fled and later turned himself in to IDF forces. Three M-16 assault rifles, a handgun and ammunition magazines were found in the vehicle. No Israeli casualties were reported. The post was riddled with bullet holes and shell casings were found at the scene (IDF spokesman’s Twitter account and the Israeli media, March 12, 2023).
The weapons found in the Palestinian vehicle (IDF spokesman's Twitter account, March 12, 2023).
The weapons found in the Palestinian vehicle (IDF spokesman’s Twitter account, March 12, 2023).
  • The ministry of health in Ramallah reported the Palestinian fatalities were Jihad Muhammad Wasfi al-Shami, 24 years old; Uday Uthman Rafiq al-Shami, 22 years old; and Muhammad Ra’ed Naji Dabik, 18 years old (Wafa, March 12, 2023). The Lion’s Den network issued a claim of responsibility for the attack (Lion’s Den Twitter account, March 12, 2023). Both the Lion’s Den and Fatah issued mourning notices, and the Nablus district declared a general strike to mourn their deaths (al-Quds, March 12, 2023).
Mourning notice issued by Fatah (nanlugher Telegram channel, March 12, 2023).    The Lion's Den mourning notice (nablus_news Telegram channel, March 12, 2023).
Right: The Lion’s Den mourning notice (nablus_news Telegram channel, March 12, 2023). Left: Mourning notice issued by Fatah (nanlugher Telegram channel, March 12, 2023).
Combined terrorist attack prevented at Dorot Illit Farm
  • On the morning of March 10, 2023, a Palestinian terrorist armed with knives and IEDs went to the Dorot Illit Farm (east of Qalqilya). He threw the IEDs while shouting “Allahu akbar.” The owner of the farm shot and killed him (Israeli media and the IDF spokesman’s Twitter account, March 10, 2023). The ministry of health in Ramallah reported the death of Abd al-Karim Badia al-Sheikh, 21 years old, from the village of Sanniriya (south of Qalqilya). His body is being held by Israel (Wafa, March 10, 2023).
Knives found in the possession of the terrorist (IDF spokesman's Twitter account, March 10, 2023).
Knives found in the possession of the terrorist
(IDF spokesman’s Twitter account, March 10, 2023).
  • According to his Facebook page, he was an electrician and worked in renovations. His posts showed he was an extreme Salafist, rejecting all other schools of Islam and all other religions. He participated in videos and threads preaching Salafism. On September 27, 2022, he shared a post by Islam Faroukh, the ISIS-inspired terrorist who carried out the double terrorist attack in Jerusalem on November 23, 2022, killing two Israelis. The post was entitled “Joy at the death of infidels” (Abd al-Karim al-Sheikh’s Facebook page, September 27, 2022).
  • On November 1, 2022, he wrote, “Before Allah, I utterly shun every infidel who insults Allah and the religion of Islam, even if they are members of my own family, I don’t belong to them and they don’t belong to me. You have your religion and I have mine. Allah, I testify that I am innocent [and apart from] all those who insult you and insult your religion (Abd al-Karim al-Sheikh’s Facebook page, November 1, 2022).
 The terrorist's cover photo (Abd al-Karim al-Sheikh's Facebook page, November 11, 2019).    The terrorist's profile picture (Abd al-Karim al-Sheikh's Facebook page, March 7, 2023).
Right: The terrorist’s profile picture (Abd al-Karim al-Sheikh’s Facebook page, March 7, 2023). Left: The terrorist’s cover photo (Abd al-Karim al-Sheikh’s Facebook page, November 11, 2019).
  • Hamas issued a mourning notice for him, noting that the Palestinians were determined to escalate the “resistance” [terrorist attacks against Israelis], adding that that the “resistance,” which caused pain to “the occupation” in Tel Aviv on March 9 [the shooting attack on Dizengoff Street], would not allow the Palestinians to be easy prey for Israel (Hamas website, March 10, 2023).
IED attack on a bus in Beitar Illit
  • On the evening of March 9, 2023, an IED caught fire on a bus in Beitar Illit (west of Bethlehem). The bus was evacuated, and police demolitions experts were dispatched to the site and neutralized the device. The terrorist who placed the IED escaped from the scene and local residents were requested to remain inside since he might still be in the area. The following day the security forces detained a Palestinian suspected of placing the device and four others suspected of assisting him (IDF spokesman’s Twitter account and the Israeli media, March 10 and 11, 2023).
  • According to the initial investigation, the terrorist, carrying the IEDs in a bag, boarded a number 225 bus near the neighborhood of Gilo in Jerusalem. He placed the bag on a seat and got off the bus at the first stop in Beitar Illit. After a few minutes he attempted to detonate them by remote control; one partially detonated. He then boarded a bus going back to Jerusalem, getting off the stop where a vehicle with his assistants was waiting (Israeli media, March 10, 2023).
Critical Terrorist Attacks in Judea and Samaria since November 2020[1]

Critical Terrorist Attacks in Judea and Samaria since November 2020

Interview with Saleh al-‘Arouri
  • Saleh al-‘Arouri, deputy chairman of Hamas’ political bureau, was interviewed by the Hamas website. He said the “resistance” [anti-Israeli terrorist activities] in Judea and Samaria would not stop because the Palestinians had no other option, and Israel had to know “the future would be more difficult.” He said the Palestinians would respond to Israel’s attempts to “exploit” [the Muslim religious month of] Ramadan to enforce its policies and enable the settlers to hold religious ceremonies [sic] (Hamas website, March 14, 2023).
Counterterrorism Activities
  • This past week the Israeli security forces continued intensive counterterrorism activities in Judea and Samaria, focusing on Jenin and Nablus, detaining Palestinians suspected of involvement in terrorist activities and confiscating large quantities of weapons.
Cartoon of the amoebic replication of terrorist squads in Judea and Samaria. The Arabic reads, "The squads multiply in the West Bank" (Alaa' al-Laqta's Facebook page, March 9, 2023).
Cartoon of the amoebic replication of terrorist squads in Judea and Samaria. The Arabic reads, “The squads multiply in the West Bank” (Alaa’ al-Laqta’s Facebook page, March 9, 2023).
Security force activity in the village of Jaba
  •  On the morning of March 9, 2023, Israeli security forces operated in the village of Jaba (southwest of Jenin) to detain Palestinians wanted for planning shooting attacks. During the activity they were shot at from a vehicle with Israeli license plates. The forces returned fire and killed the occupants of the vehicle, two of whom had been targets of the activity. Two rifles, a handgun and four IEDs were found in the vehicle (Israeli media, March 9, 2023).
The terrorists' vehicle near Jaba (Wafa, March 9, 2023).
The terrorists’ vehicle near Jaba (Wafa, March 9, 2023).
  • The terrorists, all of them from Jaba and all of them PIJ terrorist operatives, were (Wafa, March 9, 2023):
    • Safian Adnan Isma’il al-Fakhouri, 30 years old, reportedly a ground commander. He was imprisoned in Israel for nine months and released in October 2022. His brother, Naman al-Fakhouri, has been in administrative detention since February 2023.
    • Naif Ahmed Yusuf Malaysha, 25 years old, spent 18 months in an Israeli prison, and was released a month ago (Facebook page of the prisoners’ club in the Jenin district, March 9, 2023).
    • Ahmed Muhammad Dhib Fashafsha, 22 years old. His mother said she was proud of the rank he achieved [i.e., a shaheed] (al-Mayadeen, March 9, 2023).
Left: Naif Ahmed Yusuf Malaysha (Faracamp Telegram channel, March 9, 2023). Center: Safian al-Fakhouri (Safian al-Fakhouri’s Facebook page). Right: Ahmed Fashafsha (Faracamp Telegram channel, March 9, 2023).
  • The Jerusalem Brigades, the PIJ’s military-terrorist wing, claimed all three were operatives in its Jaba Battalion, and promised to avenge their deaths (Jerusalem Brigades website, March 9, 2023). Hamas said the response to their killing would come quickly (Hamas website, March 9, 2023). The PA condemned their “execution” and claimed Israel was responsible [for the situation on the ground] (Wafa, March 9, 2023). Their bodies were wrapped for burial in PIJ flags.
Activities to apprehend the terrorist who carried out the shooting attack in Hawwara
  • On the morning of March 7, 2023, the Israeli security forces operated in the Jenin refugee camp to detain Abd al-Fatah Hussein Ibrahim Kharousha, a Hamas terrorist who killed two Israeli civilians in Hawwara on February 26, 2023. The forces fired RPGs and used other measures to attack the building where the terrorist had barricaded himself, and he was killed. Armed Palestinians fired massive volleys at the forces, who responded with gunfire. Some Palestinian terrorists shot at the forces from inside an ambulance, which they used as cover. Two IDF drones were intercepted during the activity. In the meantime, the Israeli security forces operated in the Askar refugee camp in Nablus and detained two of his sons, Khaled and Muhammad Kharousha, on suspicion of planning and carrying out the attack. They two were taken for interrogation (IDF spokesman’s Twitter account, March 7, 2023).
The ruins of the building where the terrorist was hiding (Wafa Facebook page, March 7, 2023).    The ruins of the building where the terrorist was hiding (Wafa Facebook page, March 7, 2023).
The ruins of the building where the terrorist was hiding (Wafa Facebook page, March 7, 2023).
  • The PIJ’s Jenin Battalion, al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades (AAMB) Battalion and Hamas’ military-terrorist wing announced their operatives had clashed with the forces which attacked the building in the Jenin district. The Jenin Battalion also claimed responsibility for intercepting the drones (Jerusalem Brigades’ Jenin Battalion, AAMB Telegram channel and Shehab, March 7, 2023).
 One of the intercepted drones (Daffa_media Telegram channel [the PIJ Telegram channel in the West Bank].    Palestinian terrorist shoots at Israeli forces from a window.
Right: Palestinian terrorist shoots at Israeli forces from a window. Left: One of the intercepted drones (Daffa_media Telegram channel [the PIJ Telegram channel in the West Bank].
  • The ministry of health in Ramallah reported that six Palestinians were killed in the activity and 26 were wounded, three of them seriously (Wafa, March 7, 2023). Two days later, a wounded Palestinian adolescent was reported to have died. The fatalities were the following:
    • Abd al-Fatah Hussein Ibrahim Kharousha (Abu Khaled), 49 years old, from the Askar refugee camp in Nablus, father of four. Hamas’ military-terrorist wing issued a mourning notice for him stating he was an operative its ranks (Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades website, March 7, 2023). His brother Samih was shot and killed in 1987 during the first intifada after he rammed into soldiers. Abd Kharousha went to the UNRWA elementary school in the Askar refugee camp. He dropped out of school and later earned his living as a truck driver. He was known for being a devout Muslim and as one of the Hamas leaders in the refugee camp. Beginning in 2007 he was detained a number of times and spent nine years in Israeli jails. In August 2019 he was detained with one of his sons after he acquired a gun and planned to shoot at a bus carrying soldiers in Hawwara. He was last released from jail on December 13, 2022. He was summoned and detained by the PA’s security services for his anti-Israeli activities. He had been in hiding since the attack in Hawwara he was (Palestine Online, March 7, 2023;, March 8, 2023).
Abd al-Fatah Kharousha wearing an Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades headband (Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades website, March 7, 2023).
Abd al-Fatah Kharousha wearing an Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades headband
(Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades website, March 7, 2023).
  •  Mu’tassem Nasser Sabaa’, 22 years old, from the Jenin refugee camp. Hamas’ military-terrorist wing claimed him as an operative (Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades website, March 7, 2023).
Mu'tassem Nasser Sabaa'. Left: His body wrapped for burial in a Hamas flag and wearing an Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades headband (Green Jenin Telegram channel, March 8, 2023).   Mu'tassem Nasser Sabaa'. Left: His body wrapped for burial in a Hamas flag and wearing an Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades headband (Green Jenin Telegram channel, March 8, 2023).
Mu’tassem Nasser Sabaa’. Left: His body wrapped for burial in a Hamas flag and wearing an Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades headband (Green Jenin Telegram channel, March 8, 2023).
  • Tareq Ziyad Mustafa Natour, 27 years old, from Jenin. The PIJ’s military-terrorist wing issued a mourning notice for him claiming he was a Jerusalem Brigades-Jenin Battalion operative (Jerusalem Brigades website, March 7, 2023).

Tareq Ziyad Natour (Jenin Battalion Telegram channel, March 7, 2023).
Tareq Ziyad Natour (Jenin Battalion Telegram channel, March 7, 2023).

  • Muhammad Ahmed Salim Khalouf, 22 years old,[2] from the village of Burqin in the Jenin district. The AAMB issued a mourning notice claiming him as one of its operatives in the Jenin refugee camp (AAMB Telegram channel, March 7, 2023). The PIJ’s military-terrorist wing also issued a mourning notice for him claiming him as an operative in the its Jerusalem Brigades-Burqin Squads (Jerusalem Brigades website, March 7, 2023). His father published the will Muhammad Khalouf wrote on March 3, 2023, adding after his signature, “operative in the Jerusalem Brigades-Burqin Squads.” He wrote he was following the path of his friends and brother-in-law, Muhammad Mahmoud Sabah and the brothers Muhammad and Nouri Ghanim (both Burqin Squads operatives killed on January 26, 2023). He called on all Palestinians not to abandon the “land of Palestine” or al-Aqsa mosque. He asked his body be wrapped for burial in a Palestinian flag and his forehead to be decorated with a PIJ headband (Muhammad Salim Khalouf’s Facebook page, March 7, 2023).
 The mourning notice issued by the Jerusalem Brigades (Daffa_media Telegram channel, March 7, 2023).  Muhammad Ahmed Khalouf reads an announcement from a group of armed terrorists belonging to Fatah, according to the flags and their headbands (Muhammad Khalouf's Facebook page, December 16, 2022).
Right: Muhammad Ahmed Khalouf reads an announcement from a group of armed terrorists belonging to Fatah, according to the flags and their headbands (Muhammad Khalouf’s Facebook page, December 16, 2022). Left: The mourning notice issued by the Jerusalem Brigades (Daffa_media Telegram channel, March 7, 2023).
  • Ziyad Amin al-Zarayini, 29 years old, from Jenin. The AAMB in the Jenin refugee camp claimed him as one of its operatives. According to the mourning notice, he was the first to expose the forces encircling the building and fought them until he was killed (AAMB Telegram channel, March 7, 2023). He also had the rank of captain in the PA’s customs service (customs police Facebook page, March 7, 2023).
Ziyad Amin al-Zarayini (Right: New Press Twitter account, March 7, 2023. Center: @Layan48 Twitter account, March 7, 2023. Left: PA customs services mourning notice (PA customs services Facebook page, March 7, 2023).
Ziyad Amin al-Zarayini (Right: New Press Twitter account, March 7, 2023. Center: @Layan48 Twitter account, March 7, 2023. Left: PA customs services mourning notice
(PA customs services Facebook page, March 7, 2023).
  • Muhammad Wa’el Ghazawi (Abu Ali), 26 years old, from the Jenin refugee camp. The AAMB issued a mourning notice for him claiming him as one of its Jenin refugee camp operatives (AAMB Telegram channel, March 7, 2023). He was formerly imprisoned in Israel, spent a year and a half in administrative detention, and was released in 2022 (Facebook page of the prisoners’ club in the Jenin district, March 7, 2023). He was a friend of Jamil al-Amouri, a PIJ terrorist operative and Jenin Battalion founder, who was killed on June 10, 2021 (@Layan1948 Twitter account, March 7, 2023).
Ghazawi with Jamil al-Amouri (@Layan1948 Twitter account, March 7, 2023).    Muhammad Wa'el Ghazawi (New Press Twitter account, March 7, 2023).
Right: Muhammad Wa’el Ghazawi (New Press Twitter account, March 7, 2023). Left: Ghazawi with Jamil al-Amouri (@Layan1948 Twitter account, March 7, 2023).
  •  On March 9, 2023, the ministry of health in Ramallah reported the death of Walid Sa’ad Daoud Nassar, 14 years old, who died after having been wounded in the security force activity in Jenin on March 7, 2023 (Wafa and the AlqudsAlbawsala Facebook page, March 9, 2023). He was a student in the Hittin Boys School in Jenin (the AlqudsAlbawsala Facebook page, March 9, 2023).
Mourning notice issued by the PA ministry of education (PA ministry of education Facebook page, March 9, 2023).
Mourning notice issued by the PA ministry of education
(PA ministry of education Facebook page, March 9, 2023).
  • The PA, Hamas and the PIJ reacted to the deaths of the six with rage. Nabil Abu Rudeineh, spokesman for Mahmoud Abbas, called the “daily killing” of Palestinians “a comprehensive war.” He called on the American administration to take immediate action to exert effective pressure on the government of Israel. PA Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh called on human rights organizations to condemn the “crime” and assign full responsibility to Israel for all its “crimes” (Wafa, March 7, 2023).
  • Hamas called on the Palestinians to escalate the “resistance” and avenge the blood of the shaheeds (Hamas website, March 7, 2023). Hamas spokesman Hazem Qassem said the “resistance” in Judea and Samaria would continue their escalation, and would not stop until all the Palestinians objectives of “freedom and independence” had been attained (Hamas website, March 7, 2023). The PIJ called on the masses to continue the path of the shaheeds and clash with “Israel’s aggression” (PIJ website, March 7, 2023).
  •   The Hamas-affiliated media outlets reported that the PA’s security services tried to sabotage the funeral held for Abd al-Fatah Kharousha in Nablus (al-Araby al-Jadeed and Shehab, March 8, 2023). Hamas issued a condemnation, stating that the oppression of the funeral by the PA was “a new moral stain on its black record of oppression and abuse” of the Palestinians and their national symbols, and a gross violation of national and religious principles. Hamas said that attacking mourners at funerals and detaining several of them crossed all the red lines (Hamas website, March 8, 2023).
Teargas used against funeral participants (Shehab, March 8, 2023).    Teargas used against funeral participants (Shehab, March 8, 2023).
Teargas used against funeral participants (Shehab, March 8, 2023).
Palestinian killed in a riot in Qalqilya
  • The ministry of health in Ramallah reported the death of Amir Mamoun Muhammad Rashid Awda, 16 years old, who was critically wounded during a riot near the military roadblock at the northern entrance of Qalqilya. He was in the 9th grade in the “Palestine” school in Qalqilya (Wafa, March 10, 2023). The Fatah branch in Qalqilya issued a mourning notice for him, claiming he was a movement activist (Facebook page of the Fatah branch in the Qalqilya district, March 10, 2023). He may also have been an AAMB operative because his body was wrapped for burial in an AAMB flag and an AAMB headband was placed on his forehead.
 Amir Awda's body with an AAMB headband ( Twitter account, March 10, 2023).     Amir Mamoun Muhammad Awda pointing a gun (Amir Awda's Facebook page, February 7, 2023).
Right: Amir Mamoun Muhammad Awda pointing a gun (Amir Awda’s Facebook page, February 7, 2023). Left: Amir Awda’s body with an AAMB headband ( Twitter account, March 10, 2023).
  • PA Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh, relating to the killings of Amir Awda and Abd al-Karim al-Sheikh (who tried to carry out a terrorist attack at the Dorot Illit Farm), called on the American administration to exert pressure on Israel (Wafa, March 10, 2023). Hamas said in a statement that the Palestinians would avenge the blood of the shaheeds and continue the path of revolution and “resistance” [terrorism and violence] (Hamas website, March 10, 2023). The PIJ issued a mourning notice for the deaths of Awda and al-Sheikh, stating that the “crimes of the enemy and the herds of settlers” would make it easier for the Palestinians to retain their firm stance and the heroism of the “resistance” fighters [terrorist operatives] (Daffa_media Telegram channel, March 10, 2023)
Rocket and mortar shell fire into Israel
  • On the night of March 8, 2023, a rocket was fired at Israel from the Gaza Strip, and sirens were sounded in the Israeli communities near the border. After searches carried out in the morning, the rocket was found in Israeli territory near the border security fence (Israeli media, March 8, 2023).
  • “Hamas sources” reported that the movement told the international mediators it was monitoring developments in the internal Israeli arena and that if the government of Israel attempted to evade internal pressure through a “war” on the Gaza Strip, the price would be much higher than what Israel could imagine. Hamas also claimed it would not remain quiet if Israel crossed the red lines and there would be no calm in the Gaza Strip as long as Israel continued its “crimes” in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem (al-Akhbar, March 8, 2023).
Monthly Distribution of Rocket and Mortar Shell Fire since March 2021

Monthly Distribution of Rocket and Mortar Shell Fire since March 2021

Annual Distribution of Rocket Hits

Annual Distribution of Rocket Hits

IED explodes in the southern Gaza Strip
  • On the afternoon of March 8, 2023, an IDF bulldozer ran over an IED the southern Gaza Strip. No Israeli casualties were reported. In response, IDF tanks fired shells at a Hamas military post. In IDF assessment, the IED was an old one (IDF spokesman’s Twitter account and the Israeli media, March 8, 2023).
  •   The Palestinian media outlets reported that two mortar shells were fired at IDF engineering vehicles which crossed the border in the al-Sarij region of eastern al-Qarara in the southern Gaza Strip and that following the shelling the vehicles retreated. It was further reported that in response an observation post was attacked (according to Radio Sawt al-Aqsa, two posts) which belonged to the al-Qarara restraint force. One or two restraint force operatives were wounded (Radio Sawt al-Aqsa, Ma’an and Wafa, March 8, 2023).
Documentation of IDF force activity west of the border security fence (Palinfo Twitter account, March 8, 2023).    Documentation of IDF force activity west of the border security fence (Palinfo Twitter account, March 8, 2023).
Documentation of IDF force activity west of the border security fence
(Palinfo Twitter account, March 8, 2023).
  • Hamas spokesman Abd al-Latif al-Qanua claimed the presence of the “resistance” heroes in the Gaza Strip confronting the IDF equipment that entered eastern Khan Yunis, and the fact that they had forced the IDF to retreat, “proved” the “preparedness of the resistance.” Hamas leader Hamad al-Raqab claimed the Palestinian “resistance” was prepared to deal with “Israel’s foolishness” in trying to enforce a situation on the ground. He claimed Israel was responsible for all the regional escalation and would be fully responsible for its results and consequences (Sama, March 8, 2023).
Mohammed al-Emadi visits the Gaza Strip
  • Mohammed al-Emadi, chairman of Qatar’s National Committee for the Reconstruction of Gaza, who is visiting the region, met with Palestinian and international figures in Ramallah, and with Israelis in Jerusalem, in an attempt to promote a regional lull, especially in view of the upcoming Muslim religious month of Ramadan. In the Gaza Strip he met with representatives of the PIJ leadership. PIJ leader Khaled al-Batash expressed his esteem for Qatar’s efforts for the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip and it support of the Gazans, and called on him for continued support (PIJ website, March 8, 2023).[3]
  •   On March 9, 2023, al-Emadi met with Tor Wennesland, special UN envoy to the Middle East peace process. Al-Emadi briefed him on local developments and said Qatar would continue its efforts to calm the situation and support the Palestinians in various ways. Al-Emadi also met with Thomas White, UNRWA director in the Gaza Strip, who expressed his esteem for Qatar’s efforts and its continuing support for UNRWA (Qatar’s National Committee website, March 9, 2023).
Al-Emadi meets with Tor Wennesland (Qatar's National Committee website, March 9, 2023).    Al-Emadi meets with the PIJ leadership (PIJ website, March 8, 2023).
Right: Al-Emadi meets with the PIJ leadership (PIJ website, March 8, 2023). Left: Al-Emadi meets with Tor Wennesland (Qatar’s National Committee website, March 9, 2023).
Iran and Saudi Arabia renew relations
  • On March 10, 2023, Iran and Saudi Arabia announced they would renew diplomatic relations. Hamas welcomed the renewal and said it was an important measure which would contribute to strengthening security and understanding between the Arab-Islamic states and to regional stability. Hamas also said the renewal of relations was in the interests of the Palestinian cause and supported the “resistance” [terrorist organizations] and the Palestinian people in the face of “Israel’s ongoing aggression” (Hamas Telegram channel, March 10, 2023).
PIJ military exercise
  •  On March 13, 2023, the Jerusalem Brigades, the PIJ’s military-terrorist wing, held an exercise as part of what it calls its “program for developing military capabilities.” The exercise, called “Loyalty to [West] Bank revolutionaries,” began at six in the morning with a volley of rockets fired towards the sea, and ended in the afternoon. According to “security sources” in the Jerusalem Brigades, all the “military units” participated in the exercise, including the engineering and artillery units, the snipers, and the anti-tank and the mortar units (all using live ammunition, including rockets and artillery). The operatives were deployed and the various units were given specific missions. One of the scenarios simulated storming an IDF post (Paltoday, March 13, 2023). Apparently, the exercise was carried out on the lands of Elei Sinai, an evacuated Israeli settlement in the northern Gaza Strip.
Rockets fired towards the sea at the beginning of the exercise (Right: New Press Twitter account, March 13, 2023. Left: Twitter account of Abood al-Wahidi, New Press reporter, March 13, 2023).    Rockets fired towards the sea at the beginning of the exercise (Right: New Press Twitter account, March 13, 2023. Left: Twitter account of Abood al-Wahidi, New Press reporter, March 13, 2023).
Rockets fired towards the sea at the beginning of the exercise (Right: New Press Twitter account, March 13, 2023. Left: Twitter account of Abood al-Wahidi, New Press reporter, March 13, 2023).
Simulating the storming of an IDF post (Jerusalem Brigades website, March 13, 2023).    Simulating the storming of an IDF post (Jerusalem Brigades website, March 13, 2023).
Simulating the storming of an IDF post (Jerusalem Brigades website, March 13, 2023).
Mahmoud Abbas meets with a foreign diplomat
  •   On March 11, 2023, Mahmoud Abbas met in Ramallah with the special Chinese envoy to the Middle East peace process. Mahmoud Abbas thanked him for the aid China gave the Palestinians, adding that they were working to develop and strengthen bilateral relations. The Chinese envoy said China would continue to support the Palestinians, either through the Security Council or other international venues (Wafa, March 11, 2023).
Right: Mahmoud Abbas meets with the special Chinese envoy to the Middle East peace process (Wafa, March 11, 2023). Left: Muhammad Sabaana cartoon depicting Israel destroying the idea of the two-state solution (al-Quds al-Arabi, March 11, 2023).
Right: Mahmoud Abbas meets with the special Chinese envoy to the Middle East peace process (Wafa, March 11, 2023). Left: Muhammad Sabaana cartoon depicting Israel destroying the idea of the two-state solution (al-Quds al-Arabi, March 11, 2023).
Aid from Qatar for Hawwara
  • On March 12, 2023, Hussein al-Sheikh, general secretary of the PLO’s Executive Committee and PA minister of civilian affairs, gave Hawwara mayor al-Moeen Dmeidi half a million dollars, a present from Tamim al-Thani, the emir of Qatar. The money will help local residents repair the recent damage caused by Jewish settlers (PLO website, March 12, 2023). The Arab League receives authorization to participate in International Court of Justice deliberations
  • The International Court of Justice (ICJ) authorized the Arab League’s participation in deliberations dealing with “the legal consequences arising from Israel’s policies in the occupied Palestinian territories, including east Jerusalem,” after the UN General Assembly passed a resolution in December 2022 to appeal to the Court for an advisory legal opinion about the “legal implications of the Israeli presence in Judea and Samaria” (ICJ Twitter account, March 10, 2023).
Palestinian organizations appeal to the Human Rights Council
  • On February 28, 2023, a number of Palestinian human rights organizations sent a report to the UN Human Rights Council’s rapporteur who deals with human rights and fundamental freedoms. The report dealt with “Israel’s systematic oppression of the Palestinian people,” and was sent in response to an open letter issued by the rapporteur asking for information to be used in an investigation of the influence on the war on terrorism on the civilian population. According to the report, Israeli law defines terrorism “too broadly,” and not in accordance with the law for the war on terrorism from 2016 and the emergency regulations of 1945. The result, claimed the report, was that many Palestinian “civilian” organizations were outlawed and designated as terrorist organizations. The organizations claimed the Israeli law gave a great deal of leeway for employing severe means of punishment against the Palestinians, leading to activities that contravened international law. Among the reports requests were the recognition of “Israel’s crimes” against the Palestinians and putting a stop to the Israeli policies which led to the preservation of its “apartheid regime.” The Palestinians want Israel to cancel its war on terrorism which, they claim, serves as the foundation for institutionalizing the persecution of “the defenders of human rights” [terrorists], to reduce its colonial control over the Palestinian people and their lands, and to reject the application of the war on terrorism to the Palestinian NGOs. (al-Haq website, March 6, 2023). Note: The list of organizations which signed the report includes al-Dameer and al-Haq, two organizations designated by Israel as terrorist organizations in 2021.[4]
Fuad al-Shubaki released from prison
  • On March 13, 2023, Fuad al-Shubaki (Abu Hazem), the oldest Palestinian prisoner, was released after serving 17 years in an Israeli prison. Al-Shubaki, 83 years old, was born in the Gaza Strip and was a member of Fatah and a confidant of Yasser Arafat, as well as Palestinian general security’s CFO. He was accused of responsibility for and the funding of the Karine A, a weapons ship headed for the Gaza Strip. It was captured by the Israeli navy in the Red Sea on January 3, 2002. In its hold were 50 tons of Iranian weapons consigned to the Palestinian terrorist organizations, primarily the AAMB. Al-Shubaki was detained on March 14, 2006.[5]
  •   He was released through the Tarqumiya Crossing (west of Hebron) and from there taken to Ramallah (Wafa, March 13, 2023), Fatah, the Palestinian prisoners’ institutions and the Ramallah district called on the Palestinian public to participate in his reception. After placing a wreath on Yasser Arafat’s grave, he went to a formal reception at Mahmoud Abbas’ office in the Muqata’a. Present at the reception were members of the Fatah leadership, including Hussein al-Sheikh, Mahmoud al-‘Aloul and Muhammad al-Madani (Wafa, March 13, 2023).
The formal reception held for Fuad al-Shubaki in the Muqata'a (Mahmoud Abbas' Facebook page, March 13, 2023).    The release of Fuad al-Shubaki (Wafa, March 13, 2023)
Right: The release of Fuad al-Shubaki (Wafa, March 13, 2023), Left: The formal reception held for Fuad al-Shubaki in the Muqata’a (Mahmoud Abbas’ Facebook page, March 13, 2023).
Rocks, Molotov cocktails and other attacks
  • In Judea, Samaria and east Jerusalem Palestinians continued throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at Israeli vehicles driving on the roads. The more prominent events were the following:[6]
    • March 13, 2023: Four Molotov cocktails were thrown at Israeli vehicles north of Ofra (northeast of Ramallah). No casualties were reported; vehicles were damaged.
    • March 13, 2023: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle between the Yakir Junction and Revava (west of Salfit). No casualties were reported; the vehicle was damaged.
    • March 13, 2023: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli bus near Beitar Illit (west of Bethlehem). No casualties were reported; the bus was damaged.
    • March 12, 2023: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle in Arab Teqoa (southwest of Bethlehem). No casualties were reported; the vehicle was damaged.
    • March 10, 2023: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle in Hawwara (south of Nablus). A woman was injured by flying glass.
    • March 9, 2023: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli bus near Bayt Ummar (north of Hebron). No casualties were reported; the bus was damaged.
    • March 9, 2023: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle between Ariel and Tapuah (northeast of Salfit). No casualties were reported; the vehicle was damaged.
    • March 8, 2023: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle between Shavei Shomron and Kedumim (east of Qalqilya). No casualties were reported; the vehicle was damaged.
    • March 8, 2023: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli bus near Bayt Ummar (north of Hebron). No casualties were reported; the bus was damaged.
    • March 8, 2023: Rocks were thrown at an Israeli vehicle near Beit Horon (west of Ramallah). No casualties were reported; the vehicle was damaged.

[1] A critical attack is defined by the ITIC as involving shooting, stabbing, a vehicular attack, the use of IEDs, or a combination of the above. Stones and Molotov cocktails thrown by Palestinians are not included.
[2] The age given the mourning notices. However, the page devoted him on the Jerusalem Brigades website states his birthday as November 5, 1988, that is, he was 34 years old at the time of his death.
[3] According to Palestinian sources, the unprecedented request made by the PIJ to al-Emadi for Qatar's continued help for Gaza Strip came after it stopped funding the damages caused by Operation Breaking Dawn (in which Israel attacked the PIJ, which operated against Israel), and al-Emadi notified Hamas that Qatar would not rebuild the houses destroyed during the operation. So far the authorities in the Gaza Strip have not managed to obtain funding for rebuilding, with the exception of very small amounts given by the Islamic Jihad and some welfare institutions (Sada News, March 8, 2023).
[4] For further information see the November 2, 2021 report, "Palestinian reactions to Israel’s decision to outlaw organizations affiliated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)."
[5] For further information see the May 19, 2006 report, "Funding terrorism: Yasser Arafat ordered financial aid funds transferred to the Palestinian Authority by the international community, as well as tax money transferred by Israel, to be used to purchase significant amounts of arms and ammunition."
[6] Information and pictures from Rescue Without Borders in Judea and Samaria unless otherwise noted.