The shaheed culture and encouraging terrorism at an event held at Bir Zeit University on the anniversary of Fatah’s founding

  • On January 1, 2018, as part of the ceremonies held to mark the 53th anniversary of Fatah’s founding, the Fatah student movement at Bir Zeit University organized an event. During the event students held a march, some of them wearing uniforms, some of them wearing shrouds and explosive belts representing suicide bombers. The ceremony was another example of the shaheed culture and encouragement for terrorism against Israel in the Palestinian educational system, from kindergarten through university. It completely contradicts the statement made by Mahmoud Abbas during a visit to the United States, where he said “We educate our children, our descendants and our sons on a culture of peace.”[1]

[1] For further information, see the date bulletin, "The anniversary of Fatah's founding was marked at universities and colleges in Judea and Samaria by glorifying shaheeds and encouraging terrorism."