News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (February 6-12, 2019)

"Return march" participants in eastern Khan Yunis (Supreme National Authority Facebook page, February 8, 2019).

"Return march" participants in eastern Khan Yunis (Supreme National Authority Facebook page, February 8, 2019).


The "return march" in the Rafah area (Supreme National Authority Facebook page, February 8, 2019).


The "return march" in the Rafah area (Supreme National Authority Facebook page, February 8, 2019).

Isma’il Radwan during

Isma’il Radwan during "return march" activities (Isma’il Radwan's Facebook page, February 8, 2019).

Isma’il Radwan during

Isma’il Radwan during "return march" activities (Isma’il Radwan's Facebook page, February 8, 2019).

"Night harassment unit" activity (PalinfoAr Twitter account, February 11, 2019).

The knives found in the possession of the two Palestinians at the Qalandia Crossing (Israel Police Force, February 10, 2019).

The knives found in the possession of the two Palestinians at the Qalandia Crossing (Israel Police Force, February 10, 2019).

Mohammad Javad Zarif, the Iranian foreign minister, meeting in Beirut with PIJ secretary general Ziyad al-Nakhalah (Palinfo Twitter account, February 10, 2019).

Mohammad Javad Zarif, the Iranian foreign minister, meeting in Beirut with PIJ secretary general Ziyad al-Nakhalah (Palinfo Twitter account, February 10, 2019).

The Iranian foreign minister meeting in Beirut with Saleh al-'Arouri, deputy head of Hamas' political bureau (al-Mayadeen YouTube channel, February 11, 2019).

The Iranian foreign minister meeting in Beirut with Saleh al-'Arouri, deputy head of Hamas' political bureau (al-Mayadeen YouTube channel, February 11, 2019).

  • At the “return march” in the Gaza Strip on Friday, February 8, 2019, there was a relatively high level of violence. IEDs and hand grenades were thrown at IDF forces and there were several attempts to cross the security fence. In addition, there were indications that Hamas and the other Palestinian terrorist organizations were carrying out their recent threats, renewing the mini-flotillas and the activity of the “night harassment unit.” The declarations of intent to renew the launching of IED balloons (which have not yet been identified in Israeli territory).
  • In ITIC assessment, behind the rise in the level of violence lies the failure of the most recent round of talks in Cairo and the differences of opinion between Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) regarding the desirable dose of violence. Hamas continues to regulate the violence to prevent it from turning into a broad military confrontation with Israel.
  • In Judea and Samaria terrorist events focused on the stabbing attack that killed a young Israeli woman near the Biblical Zoo in Jerusalem. The Israeli security forces quickly found the murderer, a Palestinian from Hebron. Investigation revealed that the murder was nationalistically motivated. The Palestinian Authority (PA) media ignored the murder.
The “return march” of February 8, 2019
  • On February 8, 2019, the 46th “return march” was held with the theme “No compromise with lifting the siege.” About 9,500 Palestinians gathered at five locations (a slight decline from the previous week). The level of violence was relatively high. During the events IEDs and hand grenades were thrown at IDF forces and several attempts were made to cross the security fence.
Rioters sabotage the barbed wire fence near the security fence (Supreme National Authority Facebook page, February 9, 2019).    Rioters sabotage the barbed wire fence near the security fence (Supreme National Authority Facebook page, February 9, 2019).
Rioters sabotage the barbed wire fence near the security fence
(Supreme National Authority Facebook page, February 9, 2019).
  • As they have every Friday, senior figures from Hamas and the other terrorist organizations participated in the events. They said the marches would continue “until they have achieved their objectives,” and criticized the PA decision to stop paying salaries:
  • Senior Hamas figure Isma’il Radwan called on the Arab nation to take steps to lift the “siege” on the Gaza Strip. He strongly criticized the Arab states’ normalization of relations with Israel and the sanctions imposed by the PA on the Gaza Strip, including stopping the payment of salaries to officials and [terrorist] prisoners (al-Aqsa TV, February 8, 2019).
  • Ahmed Bahar, deputy chairman of the Legislative Council, said the “return marches” would continue until they had achieved their objectives. He strongly criticized the PA for stopping the salaries (al-Aqsa, February 8, 2019).
  • The Palestinian News Agency reported that during the most recent “return march” 25 Palestinians were injured (by live fire and tear gas), and two were killed (Wafa, February 9, 2019). One of the rioters who was killed was an operative in the “tire-burning unit” from the Zeitoun region (“tire-burning unit” in Zeitoun Facebook page, February 9, 2019). The other fatality was a 14 year-old boy. Mahmoud Abbas issued a proclamation stating that a meeting room in the Muqata’a in Ramallah would be named for the boy who was killed, as would chairs in the Palestinian National Council and the PLO’s Central Council. Mahmoud Abbas is also expected to invite the boy’s parents to a meeting in Ramallah in about a month (Ma’an, February 9, 2019).
  • In the wake of the two fatalities calls were heard, especially from PIJ operatives, to retaliate for the deaths. PIJ spokesman Musab al-Brim warned that Israel would soon understand that its terrorism would not defeat the Palestinians (Filastin al-Yawm, February 8, 2019). The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) praised the fatalities as shaheeds and said that the methods for lifting the “siege” on the Gaza Strip would escalate. The DFLP said that the Palestinian people would not agree to a lull in return for money and that the “siege” had to be lifted unconditionally (Safa, February 8, 2019).
  • The Supreme National Authority of the Great Return March announced that the theme of the February 15, 2019 march would be “the Gaza Strip cannot be divided or defeated” (al-Aqsa TV, February 8, 2019).
Deliberations over how to proceed with the “return marches”
  • After approximately ten months of weekly “return marches,” PIJ spokesman Da’ud Shehab said that the Supreme National Authority was assessing its first year of activities and planning the activities of the near future. Rabah Muhanna, a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) political bureau, said mistakes had been made during the “return marches” and they would continue to work to make the marches serve the Palestinian cause.
  • After the death of the two Palestinians in the “return march” there was criticism on Hamas’ social networks, especially by Fatah operatives, who opposed the high price the “return marches” claimed and the use of adolescents to promote political objectives. Some even began a twitter campaign to stop the marches with the hashtag “barbedwire_biglie.”
Escalation in violence from the Gaza Strip

Recently there was a rise in the level of violence during the marches. It included the renewal of the mini-flotillas and the activities of the “night harassment unit,” and declarations of the intention to renew the launching of incendiary kites and balloons into Israeli territory (which stopped a few months ago, following the understandings reached between Israel and Hamas after the round of escalation on November 13, 2018).[1]

  • The activities of the “night harassment unit” were particularly severe: on the night of February 10, 2019. Dozens of Palestinians rioted against IDF forces near the security fence in the northern Gaza Strip east of Jabalia. The following night the “night harassment unit” held another riot, during which hundreds of Palestinians gathered in the eastern Gaza Strip, burning tires and throwing IEDs (Palinfo Twitter account, Supreme National Authority Facebook page, and the “night harassment unit” Facebook page, February 11, 2019). In addition, there were a number of Palestinian reports of the launching of IED balloons, but none were identified in Israeli territory.
Image may contain: people sitting and outdoor     Operatives of the "night harassment unit" gather in preparation for their activities.
Right: Operatives of the “night harassment unit” gather in preparation for their activities. Left: Wagon of tires for burning (“night harassment unit” Facebook page, February 10, 2019).
Materials prepared by the "night harassment unit" for its activities ("night harassment unit" Facebook page, February 11, 2019).    Materials prepared by the "night harassment unit" for its activities ("night harassment unit" Facebook page, February 11, 2019).
Materials prepared by the “night harassment unit” for its activities
(“night harassment unit” Facebook page, February 11, 2019).
  • In the meantime, the Supreme National Authority held a press conference to announce that the 23rd mini-flotilla would be held in the northern Gaza Strip on February 12, 2019. Its alleged goal is to send a message to the international community and Israel that the Palestinian people and the “resistance” [i.e., the terrorist organizations] will foil all plots against it. It was also declared that the Palestinian people would steadfastly use all forms of “resistance” until the lifting of the “siege” of the Gaza Strip (al-Aqsa, February 11, 2019).
Rocket fire attacking Israel
  • On February 7, 2019, a rocket was launched form the Gaza Strip into the western Negev. No casualties or damage were reported. According to the media, the rocket was launched in retaliation for the death of terrorist prisoner Fares Baroud from the Gaza Strip, who died of an illness in the Beersheba hospital.
  • In response to the rocket fire an IDF tank attacked a Hamas post in the southern Gaza Strip (IDF spokesman, February 6, 2019). The Palestinian media reported that IDF forces had attacked the following targets: a “resistance” observation post east of Rafah (Palinfo Twitter account, February 6, 2019); an observation post of [Hamas’] “restraint force” east of Khan Yunis (Shehab, February 6, 2019); two posts of Hamas’ military wing, one in eastern Rafah and the other east of Deir al-Balah (al-Hadith, February 6, 2019).
  • On the evening of February 10, 2019, residents of the western Negev reported hearing explosions (western Negev spokesman’s unit). According to reports in the Palestinian media, a number of mortar shells were fired from the Gaza Strip.
Monthly Distribution of Rocket and Mortar Shell Fire since January 2018

Monthly Distribution of Rocket and Mortar Shell Fire since January 2018

Annual Distribution of Rocket Hits

Annual Distribution of Rocket Hits

Entrance into Israel by sea
  • IDF forces identified a Palestinian crossing the border fence in the northern Gaza Strip into Israeli territory. Unarmed, he was detained and taken for interrogation (IDF spokesman, February 10, 2019).
Young Israeli woman stabbed to death
  •  On the morning of February 7, 2019, a 19 year-old Israeli woman left her place of work to go to Ein Yael outdoor museum near the Biblical Zoo in Jerusalem. When she did not return she was reported missing. Her body was found in the evening; she had been violently attacked and murdered.

Ori Ansbacher, 19, from the community of Tekoa (Israeli media, February 8, 2019).
Ori Ansbacher, 19, from the community of Tekoa
(Israeli media, February 8, 2019).

  • The Israeli security forces searched for and quickly found her murderer. On the evening of February 8, 2019, a Palestinian from Hebron was detained near the Abd al-Nasser mosque in al-Bireh, where he had fled after the murder. Two days later, and after he had confessed to the murder, the Israel Security Agency determined the murder had been committed for Palestinian nationalist reasons (Israel Security Agency spokesman’s unit, February 10, 2019).
  • The murderer was Arafat Irfayia, 29, who lived in the Abu Sneineh neighborhood of Hebron. On the morning of the murder he left Hebron carrying a knife and went to Beit Jala. On his way he saw the Ori Ansbacher and attacked and murdered her. He is known to the security forces, and in the past was imprisoned in Israel for being in possession of a knife and incitement against Israel (QudsN website, February 9, 2019).

Arafat Irfayia, from the Abu Sneineh neighborhood of Hebron (Palinfo Twitter account, February 10, 2019).
Arafat Irfayia, from the Abu Sneineh neighborhood of Hebron
(Palinfo Twitter account, February 10, 2019).

  • The PA ignored the murder of Ori Ansbacher, and so far no senior PA figure has condemned it. The Palestinian Wafa News Agency (subordinate to the office of PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas) and the daily newspaper al-Hayat al-Jadeeda (the official PA organ) did not report the murder. The only item that rated a headline on the front page of the newspaper was that Israeli security forces entered the Abd al-Nasser mosque in al-Bireh (to detain the murderer who was hiding inside), without explaining the circumstances (a well-known PA media tactic). Hamas websites and websites not affiliated with the PA provided informative reports even published a picture of the victim and of the person they referred to as “the suspected murderer” (Palinfo Twitter account, February 10, 2019).
Other events on the ground
  • Israeli security forces carried out counterterrorism activities throughout Judea and Samaria, detaining several dozen Palestinians suspected of terrorist activity, confiscating funds used to finance terrorist activities, and seizing weapons. Palestinians continued throwing stones and Molotov cocktails at Israeli vehicles and communities. Several vehicles were damaged. Some prominent events were the following:
    • February 11, 2019: An IED was thrown at IDF soldiers on the outskirts of the village of Ya’bed (west of Jenin). No casualties or damage was reported (IDF spokesman, February 11, 2019).
    • February 11, 2019: During Israeli security force activities to locate illegal weapons a sniper rifle and an improvised weapon were seized. In searches in Hebron tens of thousands of shekels for financing terrorism seized (IDF spokesman, February 11, 2019).
    • February 11, 2019: Border Policemen detained a Palestinian at one of the posts at the entrance to the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron. The Palestinian tried to enter while armed with a knife (Border Police spokesman’s unit, February 11, 2019).
    • February 11, 2019: Stones were thrown at an Israeli vehicle on the Gush Etzion-Jerusalem road. No casualties were reported (Rescue Without Borders in Judea and Samaria, February 11, 2019).
    • February 9, 2019: Two young Palestinians went to the Qalandia Crossing north of Jerusalem. They aroused the suspicions of the Israeli security forces stationed at the crossing and were searched. Knives were found in their possession (Israel Police Force spokesman’s unit, February 9, 2019).
    • February 7 and 9, 2019: Pipe bombs were thrown at IDF forces in the village of Ya’bed (west of Jenin). No casualties or damage was reported. (IDF spokesman February 9, 2019).
    • February 8, 2019: Stones were thrown at a bus on the Gush Etzion-Hebron road north of Halhul. No casualties were reported. The windshield of the bus was damaged (Rescue Without Borders in Judea and Samaria February 8, 2019).
Significant terrorist attacks in Judea and Samaria during the past year and a half [2]

Significant terrorist attacks in Judea and Samaria during the past year and a half

The Rafah Crossing
  • According to Hamas spokesman Hazem Qassem, Egypt announced the Rafah Crossing would remain open to ease the passage of travelers (Arab48, February 10, 2019).
Egypt continues attempts to establish a lull in the Gaza Strip
  • Egyptian efforts continue to establish a lull. A delegation of senior Hamas figures headed by Isma’il Haniyeh and a delegation of senior PIJ figures, headed by Ziyad al-Nakhalah, arrived in Cairo for another round of talks. Sources reported that the Palestinians demanded Egypt exert pressure on Mahmoud Abbas to stop imposing sanctions on the Gaza Strip and stop forming a new government without their consent. If the sanctions continue, Hamas suggested that Egypt provide the Gaza Strip with significant support and ask Israel to transfer revenue from taxes to the Gaza Strip for humanitarian purposes. In return Egypt demanded Hamas stop the “return marches” and keep demonstrators away from the border fence (al-Akhbar, February 6, 2019).
  • Several sources reported that during the talks Hamas and the PIJ argued over the “return marches,” the methods they used and the nature of the response to Israel’s [so-called] “violations of the lull.” They disagreed over previous PIJ attempts to coordinate its positions with the PFLP and to escalate the struggle and the methods used during the “return marches.” Sources affiliated with the PIJ reported that Ziyad al-Nakhalah, the organization’s secretary general, left Cairo after an argument with Hamas. According to the sources arguments with Hamas have escalated since the shooting of the Israeli officer near the border, which Hamas claims was carried out by the PIJ (al-Quds, February 8, 2019).
Relations with Iran
  • PIJ secretary general Ziyad al-Nakhalah gave a speech in Lebanon on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. He said Iran symbolized the continuous “resistance” to American and Israeli aggression. He said the Palestinians were fighting the [Israeli] “occupation” in every way and were not deterred by Israel’s arms or technology. He claimed the Palestinians could fight more and hold out longer thanks to Iran, which had stood beside the Palestinians since the victory of the Revolution (al-Manar, February 6, 2019).
  • Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif met with a Hamas delegation while on a visit to Lebanon. After the meeting, delegation head Saleh al-‘Arouri, deputy head of Hamas’ political bureau said Iran had taken a positive position regarding the Palestinian cause and the “resistance” (al-Mayadeen, February 11, 2019).
Closing al-Quds TV
  • Employees of the Hamas-affiliated al-Quds satellite TV channel reported that they had been informed the channel would stop broadcasting because of its financial crisis. Employees were asked not to come to work after February 10, 2019. They have not been paid for several months. The sudden announcement surprised al-Quds viewers. There were many tweets expressing sorrow and praising the channel’s activities during the past ten years (, February 10, 2019).
  • Al-Quds began broadcasting as a satellite channel in November 2008. Its main studio is in Beirut. About 50 people worked in its Gaza Strip offices (Ma’an, February 10, 2019).
 "al-Quds. The al-Quds satellite channel" and on the arrow,"the financial crisis" (Palinfo Twitter account, February 10, 2019).    Cartoons about the closing of the al-Quds satellite TV channel. (Right: Alaa al-Laqta's Facebook page, February 10, 2019).
Cartoons about the closing of the al-Quds satellite TV channel. (Right: Alaa al-Laqta’s Facebook page, February 10, 2019). Left: “al-Quds. The al-Quds satellite channel” and on the arrow,”the financial crisis” (Palinfo Twitter account, February 10, 2019).
Donating virtual currencies to al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade in the Gaza Strip
  • The Nabil Masoud Units of al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade (operating in the Gaza Strip) posted a notice calling for virtual currency donations (Bitcoins and Dogecoins). Addresses of electronic wallets were given to which donors could transfer money. The Nabil Masoud Units of the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade operate in the Gaza Strip and claim coordination and close relations with Hamas military-terrorist wing.

Notice calling for donations of Bitcoins and Dogecoins (al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade – Nabil Masoud Units Facebook page, February 2, 2019).
Notice calling for donations of Bitcoins and Dogecoins
(al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade – Nabil Masoud Units Facebook page, February 2, 2019).

  • The al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade’s request for virtual currency donations is another in a series of such requests recently issued to the public by Palestinian organizations (including Hamas military wing and the Popular Resistance Committees).[3]
Forming a new PA government
  • The PA continues to deal with forming a new government. According to reports, Mahmoud Abbas decided to postpone forming the government after most of the organizations in the PLO refused to participate. Therefore, according to reports, the current government will continue to function until a new government can be formed. A number of senior figures also said the new government would be formed after the elections in Israel (April 2019) because the results would influence future Palestinian policies (al-Hayat, February 9, 2019).
Meeting of Palestinian organizations in Moscow
  • Preparations are being made for a meeting of the Palestinian organizations in Moscow. Mahmoud Abbas praised the Russian reconciliation efforts, claiming representatives of Fatah and the other PLO organizations had been invited to hold reconciliation talks with Russian mediation (sputnik, February 6, 2019).
  • Isma’il Haniyeh, head of Hamas’ political bureau, will not attend the talks in Moscow. Hamas will be represented by Musa Abu Marzouq, a member of Hamas’ political bureau, and Hamas spokesman Husam Badran (Dunia al-Watan, February 7, 2019).
  • On February 10, 2019, a PIJ delegation arrived in Moscow. The delegation was headed by Muhammad al-Hindi, a member of the PIJ’s political bureau (Ma’an, February 10, 2019).
  • A DFLP delegation headed by Fahed Suleiman, deputy secretary general, also arrived in Moscow (Ma’an, February 11, 2019).
  • A Fatah delegation is also supposed to arrive
Reactions to the death of a Palestinian terrorist in an Israeli jail
  • On February 6, 2019, Palestinian terrorist prisoner Fares Baroud died after his health deteriorated. He was 51 years old and was imprisoned for murdering an Israeli civilian and sentenced to a term of 28 years. His death led to criticism from Palestinians who accused Israel of causing his death and responsibility for it:
    • Yusuf al-Mahmoud, spokesman for the interim government, expressed sorrow at the death of the prisoner and said Israel had responsibility for his life and for the lives of all the prisoners in Israeli jails. He called on the international humanitarian organizations to take responsibility for Israel’s alleged “new crimes” against Palestinian prisoners (Wafa, February 6, 2019).
    • Saeb Erekat, secretary of the PLO’s Executive Committee, expressed sorrow at the death of the prisoner and called on the international community and the UN to install international supervision of the jails in Israel. He also called on the attorney general of the International Criminal Court in The Hague (ICC) to institute an investigation into Israel’s [alleged] “crimes” (Dunia al-Watan, February 6, 2019).
    • Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum expressed sorrow at the death of the prisoner and claimed Israel was fully responsible for his death because, he claimed, Israel had neglected his medical condition (Filastin al-Yawm, February 6, 2019).
Israel’s intention to cut PA funds for terrorism and initial reactions
  • After the terrorist attack in Jerusalem in which a young Israeli woman was murdered, Israeli minister of education Naphtali Bennet called for the immediate implementation of the law cutting funds for terrorism. At the beginning of the weekly government meeting the prime minister said, “By the end of the week, the staff work necessary for implementing the law on deducting [Palestinian] terrorists’ salaries will be completed. Next Sunday I will convene the Security Cabinet and we will approve the necessary decision to deduct the funds…” (website of the prime minister’s office, February 10, 2019). According to new Israeli law the government can deduct an amount equal to the salaries the Palestinian Authority pays imprisoned terrorists and their families from tax and tariff revenue Israel collects on behalf of the PA (Knesset website).
  • The Fatah movement claimed the United States and Israel were again hurting the Palestinians by intensifying the “financial siege” instituted because of the Palestinians’ objections to the “deal of the century.” Fatah also claimed the United States had warned banks not to transfer funds to the PA and that Israel was trying to confiscate Palestinian tax money (Dunia al-Watan, February 11, 2019).
PA increases fight against teaching Israeli curriculum in east Jerusalem schools
  • A well-attended meeting was held in the Palestinian ministry of education in Ramallah, attended by Adnan al-Husseini, the minister for Jerusalem affairs. At the meeting PA minister of education Sabri Sidam announced that his ministry would increase its efforts to maintain the nature of education in Jerusalem. He said that first and foremost, the fatwa against teaching the Israeli curriculum would be implemented. In addition, he stressed his refusal to close the UNRWA and Arab schools in Jerusalem. He said the program to defend education would continue, including support for various areas in the educational and higher educational sectors, activity with groups opposing the “Israelization” of education, and taking legal action against anyone who leased property to the Jerusalem municipality to be used as a school.
  • As part of the program prepared by the Palestinian ministry of education to support the students in the Old City, they will be entitled to free academic studies at government universities and to scholarships at all the Palestinian universities. The program also includes support for private schools and kindergartens in the Old City, especially those subordinate to the waqf. The PA will also provide its textbooks free of cost to students in the Old City. The ministry is examining the possibility of having the schools teach in two shifts to be able to accept more students (Wafa, January 28, 2019; the PA ministry of education website, January 28, 2019;, January 29, 2019).
The meeting in Ramallah headed by Palestinian minister of education Sabri Sidam (PA ministry of education Facebook page, January 29, 2019).     The meeting in Ramallah headed by Palestinian minister of education Sabri Sidam (PA ministry of education Facebook page, January 29, 2019).
The meeting in Ramallah headed by Palestinian minister of education Sabri Sidam
(PA ministry of education Facebook page, January 29, 2019).

Slide showing the decrease in the number of students in schools in the Old City of Jerusalem since 2012 (, January 29, 2019).
Slide showing the decrease in the number of students in schools in the Old City of Jerusalem since 2012 (, January 29, 2019).

[1] For further information, see the February 5, 2019 bulletin, "Hamas and other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip threaten to escalate the "return marches."
[2] A significant attack is defined by the ITIC as involving shooting, a vehicular attack, the use of IEDs, or a combination of the above. Stones and Molotov cocktails thrown by Palestinians are not included.

[3] For further information, see the February 3, 2019 bulletin "Hamas and the Popular Resistance Committees called on their supporters to donate money using the virtual currency Bitcoin."