Spotlight on Global Jihad (May 30 – June 4, 2019)

Clouds of dust rising in the wake of Russian airstrikes in the center of the village of Ahsam, about 23 km south of Idlib.

Clouds of dust rising in the wake of Russian airstrikes in the center of the village of Ahsam, about 23 km south of Idlib.

Buildings hit in central Ahsam, south of Idlib, following a Russian airstrike, according to a report by the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham (Ibaa, June 1, 2019)

Buildings hit in central Ahsam, south of Idlib, following a Russian airstrike, according to a report by the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham (Ibaa, June 1, 2019)

The “Russian-handled agents” before being executed by operatives of the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham (Ibaa, June 1, 2019)

The “Russian-handled agents” before being executed by operatives of the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham (Ibaa, June 1, 2019)

ISIS fuel reserve located by the Iraqi security forces (, June 2, 2019)

ISIS fuel reserve located by the Iraqi security forces (, June 2, 2019)

Photo released by ISIS showing the organization’s operatives in northeastern Congo (Amaq News Agency, as posted on Telegram, May 30, 2019)

Photo released by ISIS showing the organization’s operatives in northeastern Congo (Amaq News Agency, as posted on Telegram, May 30, 2019)

The moment of the explosion, as documented by ISIS (Photo issued by ISIS’s Amaq News Agency, as posted on Telegram, May 30, 2019).

The moment of the explosion, as documented by ISIS (Photo issued by ISIS’s Amaq News Agency, as posted on Telegram, May 30, 2019).

The suicide bomber codenamed Fallah al-Din (Photo issued by ISIS’s Khorasan Province, as posted on Telegram, May 30, 2019)

The suicide bomber codenamed Fallah al-Din (Photo issued by ISIS’s Khorasan Province, as posted on Telegram, May 30, 2019)

Main events of the week
  • The Syrian arena: The momentum of the Syrian army’s ground operation in the Idlib area resumed after a week of no progress. The Syrian army took over several villages east of the Al-Ghab Plain, where the main effort of the attack is taking place, and advanced northward. In the secondary effort, in the Kabanah area on the Kurd Mountains, the rebel organizations managed to halt the progress of the militias supporting the Syrian army.
  • This week, ISIS carried out a wave of attacks accompanied by a media campaign entitled the Raids of Attrition. This wave of attacks, like its predecessor following the loss in Al-Baghouz[1], was intended to reinforce the message that ISIS was enhancing its presence and activity around the world, even after the blow that it suffered in Syria. This combination of extensive propaganda and operational activity is intended to encourage ISIS’s supporters around the world and to enhance the organization’s image of strength. In practice, this week there was a quantitative increase in ISIS’s activity in several provinces as part of the Raids of Attrition campaign (mainly in Syria and Iraq). However, in most of the cases, these were “routine” operations (detonating IEDs, shooting attacks, liquidating opponents), with the exception of the showcase attacks in Afghanistan (see below).
  • In the Iraqi arena this week, there was an increase in the volume of ISIS’s activity in the various provinces, which was manifested in the activation of IEDs, the detonation of car bombs, targeted killings and sniper fire. The main targets of this activity were the Iraqi security forces and Shiite militias operating as part of the Popular Mobilization. In addition, setting fire to agricultural land owned by Shiites continued, although still on a limited scale.
  • In ISIS’s provinces around the world, “routine” activity continued, except in Afghanistan, where ISIS carried out several showcase attacks: a suicide bombing attack among Afghan army cadets (6 dead and 16 wounded); detonation of an IED against a bus belonging to the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Kabul (five dead); and the detonation of an IED in Kabul against a bus carrying Shiites (25 dead and wounded. Subsequently, seven others were killed when two IEDs were detonated).
Main events in Syria
The Idlib area


In the Idlib area, battles between the Syrian army and the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham and other rebel organizations increased this week in the two main fighting zones: the area of Kafr Nabudah, east of the Al-Ghab Plain, where the main Syrian war effort is taking place, in the ITIC’s assessment; and the Kabanah area in the Kurd Mountains, southeast of Jisr al-Shughur, where the secondary effort is taking place. In Kafr Nabudah, the Syrian army managed to advance and take over other sites, whereas in the Kabanah area, they were not making any progress.

The Kafr Nabudah area
  • This week, the Syrian army continued to advance northward from the area of the village of Kafr Nabudah along the Al-Ghab Plain, in spite of strong resistance of the rebel organizations. The Syrian forces reportedly took over the village of Al-Hawiz, in the central Al-Ghab Plain. Subsequently (June 3, 2019), the Syrian army took over the village of Al-Qasabiya, north of Kafr Nabudah (Enab Baladi; Ibaa, June 3, 2019).

Right: Villages taken over by the Syrian army: Kafr Nabudah (1); Al-Qasabiya (2); Al-Hawiz (3); (Google Maps). Left: Map showing the layout of the forces in the rural area northwest of Hama. The area controlled by the rebel organizations is marked in green; The area controlled by the Syrian army and the forces supporting it is marked in red; The area where the Syrian army advanced during the recent week, with Al-Qasabiya at its northern tip, is marked in blue; Kafr Nabudah is marked with a yellow circle; Airstrike targets are marked with explosion symbols (Khotwa, June 3, 2019)
Right: Villages taken over by the Syrian army: Kafr Nabudah (1); Al-Qasabiya (2); Al-Hawiz (3); (Google Maps). Left: Map showing the layout of the forces in the rural area northwest of Hama. The area controlled by the rebel organizations is marked in green; The area controlled by the Syrian army and the forces supporting it is marked in red; The area where the Syrian army advanced during the recent week, with Al-Qasabiya at its northern tip, is marked in blue; Kafr Nabudah is marked with a yellow circle; Airstrike targets are marked with explosion symbols (Khotwa, June 3, 2019)

The Kabanah area
  • The Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham reported that on June 3, 2019, the organization operatives had halted several attempts of the militias supporting the Syrian army to advance in the Kabanah route, on the Kurd Mountains. Over ten militiamen were killed and many were wounded. Clashes continue between the sides in the Kabanah area (Ibaa, May 3, 2019).
  • This week as well, intense aerial activity by the Syrian and Russian air forces continued. In their activity, they supported the Syrian army ground forces in the fighting zones in the Al-Ghab Plain and Kabanah, and also hit rebel targets in the Idlib area. In the ITIC’s assessment, the Russian airstrikes took place in areas closer to the city of Idlib in order to increase the pressure on the rebel organizations.
Rebel organization UAV attacks
  • On the evening of June 1, 2019, four rebel UAVs attempted to attack a helipad (apparently, of the Syrian army) in the area of the village of Jab Ramleh, 29 km west of Hama (25 km south of Kafr Nabudah). The Syrian army shot down the UAVs with anti-aircraft guns. Previously on that day, another UAV attempt to attack in that same area was thwarted (Butulat Al-Jaysh Al-Suri, June 2, 2019). It seems that these attack attempts were intended to hit Syrian helicopters taking part in the fighting in the Al-Ghab Plain (the areas of Kafr Nabudah and Al-Hawiz).

According to a report by a website affiliated with the Syrian army, during 2018, the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham acquired hundreds of UAVs, obtaining them through the Turkish-Syrian border. According to the same report, a hundred miniature UAVs were delivered to the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham in December 2018 by a Turkish dealer. He brought them from the Syrian village of Harem, 32 km north of Idlib (near the Syrian-Turkish border), to one of the command posts of the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham (Butulat Al-Jaysh Al-Suri, June 2, 2019).

  • The jihadi rebel organizations controlling the Idlib area make routine use of UAVs for offensive missions. The UAV attacks target the Hmeymim Russian airbase as well as Syrian army targets in the Idlib –Hama area. Thus, Syrian TV and the Russian media reported that in April 2019, UAVs attacked the Hmeymim airbase and Jableh several times (most of the UAVs were allegedly intercepted by the Russians). In addition, the “Awaken the Believers” operations room (affiliated with Al-Qaeda) announced that on May 3, 2019, its UAVs had attacked Syrian army positions in the Al-Ghab Plain, south of Jisr al-Shughur (Telegram, June 3, 2019).
IED dropped from a UAV of the "Awaken the Believers" operations room hits its target (Telegram, June 3, 2019)    An offensive UAV of the Al-Qaeda-affiliated "Awaken the Believers" operations room drops an IED on a Syrian army position in the Al-Ghab Plain.
Right: An offensive UAV of the Al-Qaeda-affiliated “Awaken the Believers” operations room drops an IED on a Syrian army position in the Al-Ghab Plain. Left: IED dropped from a UAV of the “Awaken the Believers” operations room hits its target (Telegram, June 3, 2019)
Execution of “Russian-handled agents”
  • The Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham announced that its security apparatus had executed seven “agents” of the “Russian occupier” in the Idlib area. Photos were released showing their execution (Ibaa, June 1, 2019). The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that they had been executed in the Idlib Province on account of “collaboration with the Hmeymim [airbase] and the forces of the [Syrian] regime” (Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, June 1, 2019).
  • The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that since April 30, 2019 (due to the ground offensive), a total of 985 people had been killed. At least 392 of the dead belonged to the rebel forces, 276 to the Syrian army and the forces supporting it, and 317 were civilians (Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, June 1, 2019).
Eastern Syria
The area of Al-Sukhnah and the desert west of the Euphrates River

ISIS continued its terrorism and guerrilla activity (Al-Sham Province – Al-Khayr region) against the Syrian army forces in the desert between Al-Sukhnah and the Euphrates Valley. A wave of terrorist attacks was carried out by ISIS in its various provinces in Syria, Iraq and throughout the globe, under the name of Raids of Attrition.

  • As part of the Raids of Attrition, on the night of May 31, 2019, ISIS operatives attacked Syrian army positions 54 km southwest of Al-Mayadeen. Seventeen Syrian army soldiers, including officers, were killed, others were wounded, and large quantities of weapons and equipment were seized (announcement of the Al-Sham Province – Homs region, as posted on Telegram, June 1, 2019). The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that in clashes between the sides in these attacks in the Syrian Desert south of Deir ez-Zor, at least 13 soldiers of the Syrian army and the forces supporting it and four ISIS operatives were killed (Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, June 1, 2019).
  • On June 1, 2019, ISIS operatives set up an ambush for the forces supporting the Syrian army west of Al-Sukhnah, killing four Syrian soldiers (announcement of the Al-Sham Province – Homs region, posted on Telegram, June 1, 2019).
The region of Al-Mayadeen and Deir ez-Zor

This week, there was a major increase in the scope of ISIS’s terrorism and guerrilla activities in the Al-Mayadeen area of the Euphrates Valley. The activities are carried out by the Al-Sham Province – Al-Khayr region, and ISIS’s media network reports on them on a regular basis. The most common forms of activity were the activation of IEDs against SDF vehicles, shooting attacks, and killing SDF operatives.

  • Following are the main activities carried out in the past week:
    • On May 29, 2019, an SDF “agent” was shot at about 14 km southeast of Al-Mayadeen (ISIS’s Amaq News Agency’s as posted on Telegram, May 29, 2019).
    • On May 29, 2019, an IED was activated against an SDF truck in the village of Diban, about 5 km east of Al-Mayadeen, killing four fighters (announcement of the Al-Sham Province – Al-Khayr region, as posted on Telegram, May 30, 2019).
    • On May 29, 2019, an SDF fighter was shot and killed 8 km southeast of Al-Mayadeen (announcement of the Al-Sham Province – Al-Khayr region, as posted on Telegram, May 29, 2019).
    • On May 30, 2019, an SDF vehicle was shot at 17 km southeast of Al-Mayadeen. An SDF fighter was killed (announcement of the Al-Sham Province – Al-Khayr region, as posted on Telegram, May 26, 2019).
    • On May 30, 2019, an SDF commander was shot at in the village of Abu Hamam, 27 km southeast of Al-Mayadeen (announcement of the Al-Sham Province – Al-Khayr region, as posted on Telegram, May 31, 2019).
    • On May 30, 2019, an IED was activated against an SDF vehicle 8 km southeast of Al-Mayadeen, killing seven fighters (announcement of the Amaq News Agency, as posted on Telegram, May 30, 2019).
    • On May 31, 2019, a motorcycle bomb was blown up against several SDF vehicles 4 km northeast of Al-Mayadeen, killing three fighters (announcement of the Al-Sham Province – Al-Khayr region, as posted on Telegram, June 1, 2019).
    • On May 31, 2019, two Syrian army soldiers who were on vacation in a village 14 km southeast of Al-Mayadeen were hit by machine gun fire. One of them was killed and the other wounded (announcement of the Al-Sham Province – Al-Khayr region, as posted on Telegram, June 1, 2019).
    • On May 31, 2019, there were clashes between ISIS operatives and the SDF forces in one of the villages at the Omar oilfield. An SDF fighter was killed and two others wounded (announcement of the Al-Sham Province – Al-Khayr region, as posted on Telegram, June 1, 2019).
    • On May 31, 2019, an SDF “agent” was shot at and was wounded about 11 km north of Al-Mayadeen (announcement of the Al-Sham Province – Al-Khayr region, as posted on Telegram, May 30, 2019).
    • On June 1, 2019, as part of the Raids of Attrition, ISIS operatives fired an RPG rocket at an SDF command post in the village of Diban. One fighter was wounded (announcement of the Al-Sham Province – Al-Khayr region, as posted on Telegram, June 3, 2019).
    • On June 2, 2019, as part of the Raids of Attrition, ISIS operatives fired machine guns at an SDF vehicle 24 km north of Al-Mayadeen, killing two fighters (announcement of the Al-Sham Province – Al-Khayr region, as posted on Telegram, June 3, 2019).
    • On June 2, 2019, an SDF fighter was captured and executed about 13 km northeast of Deir ez-Zor. The operation was carried out as part of the Raids of Attrition (announcement of the Al-Sham Province – Al-Khayr region, as posted on Telegram, June 3, 2019)
    • On June 3, 2019, an SDF fighter was captured and executed in the village of Al-Sabha, about 20 km north of Al-Mayadeen (announcement of the Al-Sham Province – Al-Khayr region, as posted on Telegram, June 3, 2019)
    • On June 3, 2019, ISIS operatives fired machine guns at an SDF truck 5 km east of Al-Mayadeen, killing three fighters. The operation was carried out as part of the Raids of Attrition (announcement of the Al-Sham Province – Al-Khayr region, as posted on Telegram, June 3, 2019)
    • On June 3, 2019, an IED was activated and machine guns were fired against an SDF vehicle about 5 km east of Al-Mayadeen. The passengers were killed and wounded. The operation was carried out as part of the Raids of Attrition (announcement of the Al-Sham Province – Al-Khayr region, as posted on Telegram, June 3, 2019).
Northern Syria
Al-Raqqah area
  • As part of the Raids of Attrition, an ISIS suicide bomber detonated a car bomb among SDF forces in the center of the city of Al-Raqqah, killing and wounding 31 SDF fighters. In addition, an IED was activated against an SDF vehicle in Al-Raqqah while it was on its way to the scene of the explosion. Four fighters were killed and wounded (announcement of the Al-Sham Province – Al-Raqqah region, as posted on Telegram, June 1, 2019).
  • The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that on June 1, 2019, there were two explosions in Al-Raqqah: the first was in downtown Al-Raqqah. Subsequently, a suicide bomber driving a car bomb blew himself up near an SDF checkpoint, killing at least 10 people, half of them SDF fighters and half civilians. At least 20 people were wounded (Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, June 1, 2019).

SDF vehicle hit by ISIS car bomb in the center of Al-Raqqah (Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, June 1, 2019)
SDF vehicle hit by ISIS car bomb in the center of Al-Raqqah
(Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, June 1, 2019)

  • On May 29, 2019, ISIS operatives killed an SDF fighter in the Karamah area, about 21 km east of Al-Raqqah. ISIS released a video documenting the killing of the fighter (Amaq, May 30, 2019; Shabakat Shumukh, June 2, 2019).
Northeastern Syria (the heart of the Kurdish control area)
  • On May 28, 2019, ISIS activated an IED against an SDF vehicle in the city of Qamishli, near the border between Syria and Turkey. There were no reports of casualties (from an Amaq News Agency video as posted on Telegram, May 31, 2019).
  • On June 1, 2019, as part of the Raids of Attrition, an IED was activated against an SDF vehicle in southern Al-Al-Hasakah, killing one fighter and wounding two others (announcement of the Al-Sham Province – Al-Barakah region, as posted on Telegram, June 2, 2019).
  • On June 2, 2019, as part of the Raids of Attrition, two IEDs were activated against an SDF convoy 82 km south of Al-Hasakah. Several fighters were killed and wounded (announcement of the Al-Sham Province – Al-Barakah region, as posted on Telegram, June 3, 2019).
Main developments in Iraq
ISIS’s terrorist and guerrilla activity

This week, intensive terrorist and guerrilla activity by ISIS continued in the various provinces in Iraq. Worthy of note is the unusual activity in an area about 40 km south of Baghdad near Karbala, the holy Shiite city. Most of this activity consisted of detonating IEDs, blowing up car bombs, targeted eliminations and sniper fire. In addition, the burning of agricultural land, apparently mainly fields owned by Shiites, continued, although still on a limited scale.

  • Following are ISIS’s main guerrilla and terrorist activities in the various provinces:
    • Al-Anbar Province: Detonation of a car bomb parked on the roadside against Tribal Mobilization vehicles near the city of Haditha. According to ISIS, 13 Tribal Mobilization fighters were killed and wounded (Amaq News Agency report, as posted on Telegram, May 29, 2019).
    • Al-Anbar Province: Detonation of an IED against a vehicle of the Tribal Mobilization near Haditha. Three of the Tribal Mobilization fighters were killed or wounded (Amaq News Agency report, as posted on Telegram, May 29, 2019).
    • Al-Anbar Province: Detonation of an IED against the vehicle of a Tribal Mobilization company commander near the city of Hit. The commander and two of his escorts were killed (Amaq News Agency report, as posted on Telegram, May 29, 2019).
    • Al-Anbar Province: Elimination of a Tribal Mobilization commander in his home in Al-Baghdadi, where he was shot with a pistol equipped with a silencer (Amaq News Agency report, as posted on Telegram, May 29, 2019).
    • Al-Anbar Province: Detonation of an IED against an Iraqi army vehicle near the town of Kabisa. Two Iraqi soldiers were killed (Amaq News Agency report, as posted on Telegram, May 29, 2019).
    • Diyala Province: ISIS sniper fire at Iraqi policemen around 15 km northeast of Baqubah. Two policemen were wounded (Telegram, May 29, 2019).
    • Salah al-Din Province: Detonation of an IED against a vehicle belonging to a “collaborator” with the Iraqi security forces east of the city of Samarra. The “collaborator” was wounded (Amaq News Agency report, as posted on Telegram, May 29, 2019).
    • Salah al-Din Province: Attack on an Iraqi police post 10 km southeast of Samarra. Two policemen were wounded (Amaq News Agency report, as posted on Telegram, May 31, 2019).
    • Al-Anbar Province: Sniper fire at two Iraqi soldiers in the Ramadi area. Both of them were killed (Amaq News Agency report, as posted on Telegram, May 31, 2019).
    • Babil Province (south of Baghdad Province): Machine gun fire at Popular Mobilization operatives in the Jurf al-Sakhar area, about 40 km south of Baghdad (ISIS’s Al-Janub Province, as posted on Telegram, June 1, 2019).
    • Al-Anbar Province: Detonation of an IED against an Iraqi army vehicle east of Rutba. An officer and two of his escorts were killed. The operation was carried out as part of the Raids of Attrition (ISIS’s Iraq Province – Al-Anbar region, as posted on Telegram, June 1, 2019).
    • Babil Province: Ambush targeting a Popular Mobilization force around 40 km south of Baghdad. Several fighters were killed and wounded (Amaq News Agency report, as posted on Telegram, June 2, 2019).
    • Babil Province: Detonation of an IED against a Popular Mobilization vehicle around 40 km south of Baghdad. The fighters in the vehicle were killed or wounded. The attack was carried out as part of the Raids of Attrition (Amaq News Agency report, as posted on Telegram, June 2, 2019).
    • Diyala Province: Detonation of an IED against a Tribal Mobilization vehicle around 40 km east of Baqubah. Two soldiers were wounded. The operation was carried out as part of the Raids of Attrition (Telegram, June 2, 2019).
    • Diyala Province: Detonation of an IED against a policeman northwest of Baqubah. The policeman was seriously wounded. The operation was carried out as part of the Raids of Attrition (Telegram, June 2, 2019).
    • Al-Anbar Province: Ambush against an Iraqi force west of Ramadi as part of the Raids of Attrition. Five Iraqi soldiers were killed and wounded, one of them an officer with the rank of lieutenant colonel (ISIS’s Iraq Province – Al-Anbar region, as posted on Telegram, June 3, 2019). According to an Iraqi army source, an officer with the rank of lieutenant colonel was killed and soldiers were wounded in an exchange of fire between a military force and ISIS operatives. ISIS operatives were killed and wounded (Al-Sumaria, June 2, 2019).
    • Nineveh Province: Detonation of an IED against a vehicle carrying Shiites west of Tal Afar. One of the passengers was killed (ISIS’s Iraq Province – Al-Jazeera region, as posted on Telegram, June 2, 2019).
    • Nineveh Province: The capture and execution of a member of the Military Intelligence 37 km southwest of Tal Afar. The operation was carried out as part of the Raids of Attrition (ISIS’s Iraq Province – Al-Badia region, as posted on Telegram, June 2, 2019).
    • Diyala Province: The killing by sniper fire of two members of the police force that guards the oil facilities 17 km southeast of Baqubah. The operation was carried out as part of the Raids of Attrition (Telegram, June 3, 2019).
    • Al-Anbar Province: Detonation of an IED against a vehicle near the city of Hit. Five Iraqi Army soldiers were killed and wounded (Telegram, June 4, 2019).
    • Nineveh Province: The killing of an Iraqi Military Intelligence soldier in the area of Sinjar (Telegram, June 4, 2019).
Call on the residents of Fallujah to join ISIS

On June 2, 2019, the Iraq Province – Fallujah region released a video encouraging the residents of Fallujah to join and support ISIS. At the same time, the organization used the video to threaten collaborators with the Iraqi authorities. The video, entitled “Afterwards, they will be defeated,” reflects ISIS’s aspiration to deter collaborators with the Iraqi regime in order to regain control of Fallujah, ISIS’s former stronghold in Iraq.


The promo slide for the video entitled “Afterwards, they will be defeated” (Shabakat Shumukh, June 2, 2019)
The promo slide for the video entitled “Afterwards, they will be defeated”
(Shabakat Shumukh, June 2, 2019)

Counterterrorist activities by the Iraqi security forces
  • Following are the main counterterrorist activities carried out by the Iraqi security forces in the various provinces:
    • Nineveh Province: An Iraqi intelligence force operating around 60 km west of Mosul killed six ISIS operatives (Al-Sumaria, June 1, 2019).
    • Salah al-Din Province: Iraqi security forces located fuel reserves of ISIS 32 km west of Baghdad (, June 2, 2019).
    • Diyala Province: An Iraqi Military Intelligence force detained an ISIS operative around 12 km northwest of Baqubah. The operative was a member of one of ISIS’s sleeper cells in this region and participated in attacks against the Iraqi security forces (Al-Sumaria, June 1, 2019).
    • Al-Anbar Province: Iraqi Military Intelligence forces detained a “terrorist operative” (implicitly, an ISIS operative) 16 km east of Ramadi. The operative was wanted for participating in the Camp Speicher massacre carried out by ISIS in 2014 (Al-Sumaria, June 1, 2019)[2].
The Sinai Peninsula and Egypt
  • ISIS detonated an IED against an Egyptian army vehicle near a checkpoint southwest of Sheikh Zuweid (@Mowaffak0, Twitter account of a political and military activist and blogger, May 29, 2019).
  • ISIS detonated an IED against Egyptian soldiers near a checkpoint south of Rafah. Several soldiers were wounded (@Mowaffak0, June 3, 2019).
ISIS’s activity around the world
Central Africa
  • ISIS’s Central Africa Province announced several attacks on Congolese army bases in the east of the country (near the border between Congo and Uganda). Main activity:
    • Attack on three joint bases of the Congolese army and UN forces near the city of Beni (Telegram, May 30, 2019).
    • Attack on a Congolese army camp in the east of the country, in the area of the city of Beni. The soldiers fled and ISIS operatives seized large quantities of weapons and ammunition (Telegram, May 31, 2019).
    • Attack on a Congolese army base in the Beni region. Several soldiers were wounded but managed to flee (Telegram, May 31, 2019).

Photo released by ISIS showing the organization’s operatives in northeastern Congo (Amaq News Agency, as posted on Telegram, May 30, 2019)
Photo released by ISIS showing the organization’s operatives in northeastern Congo
(Amaq News Agency, as posted on Telegram, May 30, 2019)

Afghanistan (Khorasan Province)

Suicide bombing attack at a military university in Kabul

  • On May 30, 2019, a suicide bomber blew himself up among Afghan army recruits as they were leaving Marshal Fahim National Defense University (MFNDU) in the city of Kabul. Six cadets were killed and 16 wounded. The suicide bomber attempted to enter the university grounds but was stopped by security guards at the gate and blew himself up at the entrance (Afghan news website, May 30, 2019; The New York Times, May 31, 2019;, May 30, 2019).
  • ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack. According to the claim of responsibility, a suicide bomber detonated his explosive vest among a group of Afghan army cadets. As a result, according to the organization, 50 cadets were killed and 20 wounded (ISIS’s Amaq News Agency and ISIS’s Khorasan Province, as posted on Telegram, May 30, 2019).

Explosion on a bus of employees of the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Kabul

  • On June 3, 2019, ISIS reported that the organization’s fighters had detonated an IED against a bus carrying employees of the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Kabul. According to the announcement, the reason for the attack was the assistance provided to the Afghan security forces by the Institute, which examines DNA samples taken from the bodies of terrorist operatives. This enables the security forces to take revenge on their relatives and locate people related to them. According to ISIS’s announcement, all the bus passengers were killed or wounded (Telegram, June 3, 2019). Local Afghan sources confirmed that the bus was indeed hit, claiming that the number of fatalities was five.

Detonation of an IED against a bus carrying Shiites

  • ISIS’s Khorasan Province announced that as part of the Raids of Attrition, the organization’s operatives detonated an IED against a bus carrying Shiites in the city of Kabul. As a result, 25 Shiites were killed and wounded. After a crowd of security personnel and journalists gathered, the organization detonated two more IEDs, killing seven security personnel and one journalist. Another journalist was wounded (Telegram, June 2, 2019). According to media reports, the explosion took place near the home of the brother of former president Hamid Karzai, who was at home with the defense minister and Kandahar Police Chief Tadin Khan. None of the people in the house was hurt.
Pakistan Province
  • ISIS’s Pakistan Province claimed responsibility for killing a member of the Military Intelligence as part of the Raids of Attrition. He was killed by machine gun fire in the vicinity of the town of Quetta, around 70 km from the border with Afghanistan (ISIS’s Pakistan Province, as posted on Telegram, June 2, 2019
Somalia Province
  • ISIS’s Somalia Province claimed responsibility for several operations: the killing of a policeman in the city of Bosaso; a failed attempt to liquidate the man in charge of one of the neighborhoods in Mogadishu; the killing of two Somali soldiers by detonating an IED in the city of Afgoye, some 25 km west of Mogadishu (Telegram, May 29 and June 2, 2019).
Counterterrorism and preventive activity
Detention of an Arab-Israeli woman who joined the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham
  • On May 7, 2019, the Israeli security forces detained Rania Shenawi, a 22-year-old resident of the village of Jadeidi-Makr in northern Israel. She spent about a year in Syria in the ranks of the Al-Nusra Front (i.e., the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham). She contacted a Syrian citizen who suggested that she join the ranks of the organization and she agreed because she said she wanted to die a martyr’s death. Rania Shenawi flew to Turkey in March 2018 and crossed the border to Syria using forged documents. She stayed with ISIS’s operatives until she was detained and incarcerated in Idlib Prison. After her detention, she left Syria for Turkey and from there she flew back to Israel. On May 31, 2019, an indictment was filed against her (Twitter account of Kann News [Israel Public Broadcasting Corporation], June 2, 2019; Panet Arab-Israeli news website, June 2, 2019).

[1] See the ITIC’s Information Bulletin from April 15, 2019: “Wave of orchestrated ISIS terrorist retaliation attacks around the globe: overview and assessment
[2] On June 12, 2014, ISIS operatives killed at least 1,566 Iraqi Air Force cadets in an attack on Camp Speicher, near Tikrit. At the time of the attack, there were between 4,000 and 11,000 cadets at the base. ISIS operatives separated the Shiite cadets from the Sunni cadets and massacred the former (Wikipedia).