Internet and terrorism:

The homepage of the Jund Ansar Allah network

The homepage of the Jund Ansar Allah network

The network's logo bears a resemblance to that of global jihad organizations

The network's logo bears a resemblance to that of global jihad organizations

One of the trucks used by the terrorist squad

One of the trucks used by the terrorist squad

Al-Jazeera, June 8

Al-Jazeera, June 8

The claim of responsibility published on the website

The claim of responsibility published on the website

Gaza—Allah will bring about your victory

Gaza—Allah will bring about your victory

Jund Ansar Allah website, June 8

Jund Ansar Allah website, June 8

Jund Ansar Allah website, June 8

Jund Ansar Allah website, June 8

Jund Ansar Allah website, June 8

Jund Ansar Allah website, June 8

Jund Ansar Allah website, June 8

Jund Ansar Allah website, June 8

Educational presentation on sabotage

Educational presentation on sabotage

A photo album of Al-Qaeda’s leaders

A photo album of Al-Qaeda’s leaders

Videos, most of them released by Bin Laden

Videos, most of them released by Bin Laden

The homepage of the Jund Ansar Allah network
The homepage of the Jund Ansar Allah network. Left: symbols associated with global jihad,

and text that reads: "Jund Ansar Allah in the land of Palestine ” 1

The network's logo bears a resemblance to that of global jihad organizations
The network’s logo bears a resemblance to that of global jihad organizations, including
such themes as the Earth, a Kalashnikov rifle, swords, and verses from the Quran.


The terrorist attack thwarted near the Nahal Oz fuel terminal—details of the incident

1. At 06:00 on June 8, IDF forces thwarted an attempt to perpetrate a combined showcase terrorist attack near the Nahal Oz fuel terminal. The terrorist attack took place when an IDF force operating near the Nahal Oz fuel terminal in north Gaza Strip noticed several terrorists setting IEDs along the border fence. Assisted by IDF helicopters, the force shot at the terrorists. It appears that five terrorists were killed and several others were injured in the clash. The Israeli forces sustained no casualties.

2. Investigation showed that the terrorist squad, consisting of 8-10 terrorists, arrived on three trucks that also carried three horses laden with IEDs and explosives. Some of the squad members had explosive belts strapped to their bodies. After the exchanges of fire, the remaining terrorists retreated to the trucks which were waiting nearby. It appears that the squad was going to perpetrate a combined showcase attack, not seen since the end of Operation Cast Lead, which would consist of blowing up IEDs, shootings, and possibly infiltration into Israeli territory and abduction.

One of the trucks used by the terrorist squad
Al-Jazeera, June 8
Left: one of the trucks used by the terrorist squad; right: the scene of the would-be terrorist attack
(Al-Jazeera, June 8)

3. Responsibility for the attack was claimed by a network referring to itself as Jund Ansar Allah, which announced its establishment in the Gaza Strip in November 2008 and identifies itself as ideologically affiliated with global jihad. An announcement published on the network’s website refers to the incident as "Raid [i.e., attack] of [spreading] the Message” ( ghazwat al-balagh ). 2 According to the announcement, three squad members were killed after inflicting casualties on the IDF force (, June 8).

The claim of responsibility published on the website
The claim of responsibility published on the website

4. Jund Ansar Allah announced its establishment in the Gaza Strip in November 2008, defining itself as a network affiliated with the ideology of global jihad. A member of an online forum said that the network was supported by Hamas and that its members trained at facilities belonging to the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, which even provided the network with vehicles and weapons. It was also reported that the terrorists responsible for the attempted attack worked under the command of "Abdallah from Syria ” and that there were 500 terrorists in the Gaza Strip belonging to that network (, June 9). In practice, the terrorist attack was attempted in contradiction to the policy of restraint exercised by Hamas, which attempts to establish its authority over rogue networks associated with global jihad in the Gaza Strip.

The network’s website

5. Following are technical details on Jund Ansar Allah’s website, 3

IP address:

Network Access Provider: Tailor Made Services, Texas , US

Host:, a company based in Saudi Arabia

Registrar: Nepras, a company occasionally used by Hamas as well

6. The website clearly shows that the network identifies with the goals of Al-Qaeda and global jihad, namely the unification of all Muslims under the banner of Islam in order to launch a holy war (jihad) against the infidels: "We are telling our fellow jihad warriors in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Iraq, Kashmir, Somalia, the Philippines, and all places where jihad for Allah’s sake is fought—Allah will grant you mercy in the name of Islam and Muslims and will help you on your path…” In addition, the website includes hostile messages against the Jews and the Christians, saying that they have been increasingly hurting Muhammad and his message over the past several years: "Allah will curse the Jews and the Christians”; "We are saying to our Lord, tell our Prophet Muhammad, Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him, that we would like to join him in Paradise and to teach the Jews and the Christians that the followers of the Prophet, Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him, will sacrifice everything they have—soul and property, family and children.”

7. The website’s contents include the following:

a. The homepage is mostly dedicated to the attempted terrorist attack at the Nahal Oz fuel terminal (June 8) and the aforementioned claim of responsibility. The theme of warriors on horseback appears throughout the website, possibly symbolizing a desire to return to the early days of Islamic conquests. It should be mentioned that the terrorist attack was supposed to be carried out also using horses laden with explosives.

b. Forums dedicated to various Islamic subjects, such as Quran, sermons, and religion classes.

c. Online courses and presentations (for the terrorist operatives) on such subjects as sabotage, military engineering, military tactics, topography, weapons, and first aid. The website notes that the presentations are still incomplete and that the "Military Training Encyclopedia” is still under construction.

d. Videos, mostly by Bin Laden.

e. A photo album of global jihad leaders.

f. Links to various global jihad websites.

The terrorist attack at the Nahal Oz fuel terminal and the claim of responsibility

Gaza—Allah will bring about your victory

The website refers to the terrorist attack at the Nahal Oz fuel terminal as "The raid [i.e., attack] of [spreading] the Message”. The announcement states that three squad members were killed after inflicting casualties on the IDF force. 

Jund Ansar Allah website, June 8
Jund Ansar Allah website, June 8
The network’s operatives training on horseback (possibly in preparation for the terrorist attack) (Jund Ansar Allah website, June 8)

Jund Ansar Allah website, June 8
Jund Ansar Allah website, June 8
Left: link to information about online terrorist courses; right: Janah (Arabic for "Paradise”), Jund Ansar Allah’s propaganda and information wing

Educational presentation on sabotage
Educational presentation on sabotage

Videos and images

A photo album of Al-Qaeda’s leaders
Videos, most of them released by Bin Laden
Left: a photo album of Al-Qaeda’s leaders; right: videos, most of them released by Bin Laden

1 Literal translation of the text: Jund Ansar Allah under the auspices (under the wings) of Jerusalem ‘s Temple Mount .

2 In Islam, Prophet Muhammad is known as Al-mubligh , i.e., the one carrying or delivering Allah’s message. Therefore, the term which appears in the announcement has clear Islamic connotations.

3 According to the hagana and whois websites.