Hamas and Holocaust denial *

The Al-Aqsa TV show ''Here is Palestine,'' where the Holocaust was called ''a Zionist lie spread throughout the world by the Zionist enemy''
The Al-Aqsa TV show "Here is Palestine," where the Holocaust was called "a Zionist lie spread throughout the world by the Zionist enemy


1. On October 23 Hamas' Al-Aqsa TV, broadcast from the Gaza Strip, aired its by-weekly program "Here is Palestine." The program was devoted to Hamas' claim, which we havenot verified, that UNRWA was allegedly planning to include Holocaust studies in the curriculum of its schools. The program's host, Hani al-Mghari, made crude and offensive remarks about the Holocaust in general and the issue of Holocaust studies in Palestinian schools in particular. His remarks showed that the root of Hamas objections to Holocaust studies in Palestinian schools was Holocaust denial.

2. The following are remarks made by Hani al-Mghari during the broadcast:

"…UNRWA teaches the Palestinian refugees about the Holocaust, or as it is called, 'the Nazi Holocaust of the Jews…"

"…It is a Zionist lie spread throughout the world by the Zionist enemy, as if the Nazi regime in Germany killed millions of Zionists…"

"…Germany pays the price…and moreover, the world is punished by the spreading of the lie, while in truth [Israel] has carried out more than a holocaust during the 63 years of the occupation of Palestine…"

"…UNRWA, which was founded for the sake of the Palestinian refugees…teaches Palestinian children about the Holocaust. That raises many eyebrows, and is the cause of both question marks and exclamation points."

[*] Follow up of the October 24, 2012 bulletin " Hamas and other organizations strongly object to the inclusion of Holocaust studies in the UNRWA school curriculums. Their objection expresses both Holocaust denial (rife within Hamas) and Hamas's striving to achieve exclusive control of the educational system in the Gaza Strip."