Ad Hoc Studies

ISIS’s Media Network in the Era after the Fall of the Islamic State

This study analyzes ISIS's media network in view of rise and the fall of the Islamic State and to an essential change in ISIS's nature (the transition from the Islamic State to a terrorist organization). The loss of territories and resources, which accelerated in 2017, struck a hard blow to ISIS's media network.

The Lebanese Arena as a Hamas Fighting Front

Hamas seeks to open new fronts for the next round of fighting with Israel, especially in Lebanon. Their objective is to formulate a new method that will provide a response to the military difficulties currently experienced in the Gaza Strip, implementing the lessons learned in Operation Protective Edge.

An interview granted by Hassan Nasrallah intended to reinforce the deterrent message towards Israel by emphasizing Hezbollah’s military capabilities, especially high-precision missiles enabling Hezbollah  to damage essential infrastructure facilities in the next war

According to Nasrallah, the Israelis have said that these missiles could damage essential infrastructure facilities and cause a very serious disaster in Israel. Nasrallah noted that Hezbollah’s military capabilities created a “balance of terror” between it and Israel and deter Israel from starting a war.

A ceremony sponsored by Mahmoud Abbas was held to honor terrorists holding Israeli citizenship who were imprisoned for murdering an IDF soldier

On January 14, 2018, two events were held that clearly manifested the support the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Fatah give terrorists (from all the organizations) imprisoned in Israeli jails

The PLO’s Central Council and Mahmoud Abbas call for the continuation and strengthening of [so-called] “peaceful popular resistance” [i.e., popular terrorism]

The concluding statement of the PLO's Central Council of January 15, 2018, related to a variety of open issues between Israel and the Palestinians, among them a call for the continuation, strengthening and upgrading of the so-called "peaceful popular resistance" (Palestinian TV, January 15, 2018). At the opening ceremony on January 14, 2018, Mahmoud Abbas gave a speech in which he said the Palestinian people would continue the "peaceful popular resistance."

The shaheed culture and encouraging terrorism at an event held at Bir Zeit University on the anniversary of Fatah’s founding

On January 1, 2018, as part of the ceremonies held to mark the 53th anniversary of Fatah's founding, the Fatah student movement at Bir Zeit University organized an event. During the event students held a march, some of them wearing uniforms, some of them wearing shrouds and explosive belts representing suicide bombers.