Ad Hoc Studies

Iran in the Post-Islamic State Era: Aims, Opportunities and Challenges Updated Review

In Syria and Iraq, the gradual collapse of the Islamic State, established in Iraq and Syria, has come to an end. Following the conclusion of this process of disintegration, ISIS has returned to its “natural state” of a jihadist terror organization, which does not need to administer or protect a state with territorial borders.

Combined ISIS Suicide Bombing at the Military Airfield in Deir al-Zor – Additional Indication of ISIS Remaining Military Capabilities after the Fall of the Islamic State

On November 13, 2017, ISIS carried out a well-planned, daring combined suicide attack at the military airfield in Deir al-Zor. There were between five and eight suicide bombers, who came from the desert region of Abu Kamal and entered the airfield dressed in Russian army uniforms.

The Collapse of the Islamic State: What Comes Next?

On the ground, the Islamic State no longer exists as a functioning territorial entity. It has lost almost all of its territories, including its "capital cities" of Mosul and Raqqa, as well as its core territories along the Euphrates in Iraq and Syria. Apparently, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's vision of an Islamic Caliphate has come to an end, at least for the time being, although ISIS still maintains a presence in Syria and Iraq, and will continue to exist.

UNRWA Exposed Another Tunnel Under One of The Schools It Operates in the Gaza Strip

On October 28, 2017, UNRWA Spokesperson Christopher Gunness, announced that on October 15, 2017, UNRWA discovered the existence of what "appeared to be a tunnel underneath one of its schools in Gaza."

Hamas clarifies that it will not change its fundamental Positions

Hamas clarifies that it will not change its fundamental positions: it will not disarm, continue seek to eliminate Israel, adhere to terrorism ("resistance") and deepen its strategic relations with Iran.

Shawan Jabarin, former PFLP operative and current head of a Palestinian human rights NGO, recently submitted a report to the prosecutor of the ICC accusing Israel of “war crimes,” expecting the prosecutor to launch an investigation against Israel

In September 2017, the Palestinian organization Al-Haq published an official statement on its website stating that four Palestinian civil society organizations had submitted a fourth extensive report to the International Criminal Court in The Hague documenting the alleged “crimes” committed by Israel in Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem. According to the statement, the 700-page report is to be submitted for review to ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda.