Ad Hoc Studies

Reactions to the IDF Activity in Nablus (February 22, 2023)

On February 22, 2023, the Israeli security forces operated in Nablus to detain three wanted Palestinians. The activity developed into extensive riots and exchanges of gunfire. Eleven Palestinians were killed, most of them armed, and more than 100 were wounded. An examination of the names of the Palestinian fatalities revealed that six of them were Lion's Den operatives The unusually large operation was one the Israeli security forces' ongoing activities, mainly in northern Samaria, to prevent terrorist networks from carrying out attacks

Children in the Service of Palestinian Terrorism: Security tensions, incitement in the social networks and favorable public reactions may influence more children to carry out terrorist attacks

During the past three weeks children between the ages of 13 and 14 carried out three terrorist attacks in Jerusalem, two stabbing attacks and one shooting attack. They were not extraordinary because in effect, since the latest wave of Palestinian terrorism began in 2022, we have witnessed adolescents and even children participating in clashes with Israeli security forces and carrying out terrorist attacks. However, their ages have recently decreased significantly. If in the past the attackers were adolescents and young adults aged 16 or more, today they are children barely in their teens. The attacks and young attackers have been widely praised, especially on the social networks popular with that age group, which may encourage other children to emulate them. As opposed to past instances, where organizations were found to have directed the children, apparently the most recent attacks were carried out by children acting independently. They were influenced by the growing tension in Judea, Samaria and east Jerusalem, accompanied by strong, pervasive online incitement. The activities of individual children make it particularly difficulty for the Israeli security forces to have advance knowledge of their intentions and prevent the attacks. For the most part, Palestinian children grow up in a society that incites violence, and they absorb and are influenced by the general atmosphere in the Palestinian street, the anti-Israeli incitement in their textbooks and formal and informal educational environments, and particularly by the social networks. According to a survey conducted about Internet use in Judea, Samaria and east Jerusalem, TikTok is the platform watched most by children of the relevant ages. Formerly, internal criticism was heard in the Palestinian Authority (PA) and within Palestinian society of exploiting children for terrorist attacks. However, at the present time not only does the PA not appear to be taking effective steps against using children as terrorist

Declarations of Senior Iranian Officials Concerning the West Bank Point to Intensifying Iranian Effort to Expand Its Influence in this Arena

In recent months, senior commanders of the IRGC have paid increasing attention to the growing tide of “Palestinian resistance” in the West Bank and the challenges facing Israel and the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in this arena.

The killing of five terrorists in Jericho indicates the expansion of the organizations’ areas of operation

On February 4, 2023, IDF forces entered the Aqabat Jabr refugee camp near Jericho to detain the Palestinians who shot at the restaurant. The forces met with violent opposition, riots and gunfire. The wanted terrorists were not found .Two days laterIDF forces entered the Aqabat Jabr refugee camp again. A gunfight developed during which five Palestinians were killed, including the two who had shot at the restaurant . The security force was atypical because until now the Jericho area was known as relatively quiet. The activity exposed a new local network which subordinate to the Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades, Hamas' military-terrorist wing

ISIS calls for attacking Jews around the world

ISIS’s weekly Al-Naba, in its editorial, calls on the organization’s operatives and supporters to carry out terrorist attacks against Jews around the world, especially in Israel and Europe.The article, replete with virulent anti-Semitism, demonizes the Jews and claims that there is an eternal conflict between Muslims and Jews that will continue until the Day of Judgment. Therefore, Muslims must stay away from Jews, fight them, and carry out attacks against them.

ISIS calls for attacking Christians around the world, especially in Europe

[1] ISIS’s media elements launched an incitement campaign calling for terrorist attacks against Christians around the world. The announcement of the campaign followed the burning of a Quran in Sweden by a Danish-Swedish politician, in protest against Turkey and Islam. [2] Videos and posts calling on the operatives to carry out attacks around the world, especially in Europe, were distributed on social media. It should be noted that in 2022, ISIS operatives did not carry out attacks in Western countries and there were not even attacks inspired by ISIS. [3] The activity of ISIS’s media network is becoming more decentralized than before and that unofficial media arms of the organization’s supporters around the world are playing a more central role at the expense of the organization’s official media network.