Ad Hoc Studies

The “Great Return March”: Demonstrations of April 27, 2018, and continuation to be expected

On Friday, April 27, 2018, the fifth Friday of the demonstrations of the "Great Return March," riots took place along the Gaza border with Israel. An estimated 10,000 Palestinians participated in the incidents in five focal points. The events of last Friday included many acts of violence, the most serious of which was an attempt to break through the fence and penetrate into Israel in the Karni crossing area.

An ITIC examination reveals that another Palestinian media person killed in the Gaza Strip was a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

On April 25, 2018, the death of media person Ahmed Abu Hussein was reported. He was seriously wounded during the "great return march" events on Friday, April 13, 2018, while covering a demonstration near the border fence in the Jabalia area. Due to the complicated nature of his wound he was transferred to a hospital in Ramallah, and from there to the Intensive Care unit in the Tel Hashomer hospital in Israel (Ma'an, April 26, 2018). He died from his wounds in the hospital.

Intensive activity by the Palestinian Authority to register land in Judea and Samaria

During the past year, the Palestinian Authority (PA) has been very active in promoting land registration arrangements in the Land Registry in Judea and Samaria. This activity is carried out by the Land and Water Settlement (Registration) Authority, a body operating within the framework of the Palestinian Land Authority. The Land Authority is subordinate to the Palestinian government and its head enjoys ministerial status. Special emphasis is placed on registering land in Area C and in the Jerusalem area .

Analysis of the Identities of Gazans Killed During the “Great Return March”

The Hamas-controlled ministry of health in the Gaza Strip reported that 40 Palestinians have been killed during the "great return march" events since March 30, 2018, when the rioting began along the Gaza Strip-Israel border (updated to April 25, 2018). The information provided by the Gaza ministry of health, which is used by the Israeli and international media, does not include a statistical distribution or distinguish between terrorist operatives (and those affiliated with them) and civilians.

The Yarmouk refugee camp: Overview on the eve of the Syrian army attack on the southern neighborhoods of Damascus controlled by ISIS, according to satellite images

On April 19, 2018, the Syrian army launched an attack to take over the south Damascus neighborhoods controlled by ISIS. ISIS’s two important strongholds are the Yarmouk refugee camp, taken over by ISIS about two years ago, and the Al-Hajar Al-Aswad neighborhood, south of the camp. The Yarmouk refugee camp is the largest Palestinian refugee camp in Syria.

After taking control of eastern Al-Ghouta, the Syrian army launched a campaign to take over the southern suburbs of Damascus from ISIS. The takeover of these suburbs will continue to consolidate the Assad regime’s control of the Damascus region

On April 19, 2018, the information unit of the Syrian army announced the launching of the campaign to liberate the areas controlled by ISIS in southern Damascus. After around two weeks of preparations, the operation began with artillery fire and airstrikes against ISIS’s headquarters, outposts, weapons and supply routes in the Yarmouk refugee camp and in Al-Hajar al-Aswad neighborhood west of the camp.