Ad Hoc Studies

The Fight Against COVID-19 in the Gaza Strip (Updated to May 17, 2020)

There has been no change in the reported number of COVID-19 patients in the Gaza Strip and it still stands at twenty. Although that the number of patients is low and stable, the heads of the public health system in the Gaza Strip continue to warn the local population of a coronavirus outbreak.

The COVID-19 Infection in Lebanon

Until recently the number of reported cases was stable and it seemed that the spread of the disease was under control. Even locations that were potential hotspots, such as the Palestinian refugee camps, reported only isolated cases. However, this past week there was a rise in the number of infections detected, raising concern over a second outbreak, and prompting the Lebanese government to impose a four-day general lockdown on the entire country.

Funding Terrorism: The al-Qaeda-affiliated Salafi Army of the Nation in Jerusalem, which operates in the Gaza Strip, recently renewed its Bitcoin fund-raising campaign

The Salafi Army of the Nation in Jerusalem, a jihadi organization affiliated with Al-Qaeda operating in the Gaza Strip, recently renewed a campaign to raise funds in Bitcoin (for information about the organization, see the Appendix). According to the organization, donations will provide organization fighters with weapons and military equipment. At the bottom of the announcement are the address of a virtual wallet for inserting Bitcoin donations, an email address and a Telegram account (Telegram, May 8, 2020).

The Fight Against COVID-19 in the Palestinian Authority (PA) (Updated to May 10, 2020)

The spread of COVID-19 in Judea and Samaria is trending downward. In the neighborhoods of east Jerusalem the number of reported active cases is also trending upwards (104 cases as of May 10, 2020, according to PA reports). In view of the encouraging statistics regarding the incidence of the disease, PA Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh declared the lifting of some preventive measures in Judea and Samaria.

Germany outlaws Hezbollah, joining other countries which designated it as a terrorist organization

On April 30, 2020, Germany banned Hezbollah from operating on German soil and designated it as a terrorist organization. Immediately after doing so, German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer instructed the security forces to conduct searches in mosques, in gathering places of Hezbollah followers and in a number of suspects’ homes in several cities (including Berlin, Bremen, Münster and Dortmund).

The Fight Against COVID-19 in the Gaza Strip (Updated to May 10, 2020)

There are currently twenty active cases of COVID-19 in the Gaza Strip (three more than last week). So far the spread of the disease is under control. The small number of new cases, according to reports from Hamas, were all detected at the Rafah Crossing and not inside the Strip.