Ad Hoc Studies

Iran Reengages in the Middle East to Promote Its Strategic Goals, Despite the COVID-19 and Economic Crises

Two months after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in Iran, it appears that Iran is returning to its routine conduct. According to figures released by the Iranian Ministry of Health, the pandemic cost the lives of over 6,000 people , although it is likely that the real number of casualties is significantly higher than the official toll.

The Fight Against COVID-19 in the Palestinian Authority (Updated to May 4, 2020)

According to reports from the Palestinian Authority (PA), the number of cases of COVID-19 in Judea and Samaria continues increasing at a moderate rate, with 336 reported cases, up from 309 from last week. The rate of spread in the east Jerusalem neighborhoods has also slowed. The return of about 48,000 Palestinian workers to Israel began on May 3, 2020, most of them construction workers.

Fight against the spread of COVID-19 in Lebanon: The medical crisis is waning while the political crisis is flaring up

To date, 737 people have been infected with COVID-19 in Lebanon, 25 of whom have died (updated to May 3, 2020). Most of the patients are in Christian and Sunni areas. In Shiite areas, where Hezbollah is dominant, a relatively low number of confirmed and suspected cases have been reported. According to reports by the Lebanese Ministry of Health, the infection rate is relatively low and the handling of the virus is under control.

The Fight Against the Spread of COVID-19 in the Gaza Strip (Updated to May 3, 2020)

Despite the low number of Gazans who have tested positive for the disease, sources in the Hamas administration have expressed concern that there may yet be a mass outbreak of the disease. They have warned the local population not to become complacent.

The fight against COVID-19 in the Gaza Strip (updated to April 26, 2020)

According to reports from the Hamas Health Ministry in the Gaza Strip, the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases over the past week rose from 13 to 17. Two sick Palestinians were identified at the Rafah Crossing and sent to isolation. Ten patients have recovered and seven are still in isolation. Up to now, Hamas’s handling of the spread of the virus is (still) under control.

What is the true reason for the shortcomings of the medical system in the Gaza Strip?

The Hamas movement is accompanying its fight against COVID-19 with a campaign of blaming and threatening Israel. At the core of the campaign is blame for Israel for [allegedly] destroying the medical system in the Gaza Strip, preventing it from effectively coping with the virus and endangering the lives of the two million people living in Gaza. Senior Hamas figures, among them Yahya al-Sinwar, head of the Hamas political bureau in the Gaza Strip, threatened that if a shortage of ventilators and other medical equipment develops, Hamas will use force against Israel and "make six million Israeli settlers [sic] stop breathing."