Ad Hoc Studies

Incitement and encouragement for terrorist attacks in Hamas TV shows during Ramadan

The Palestinian terrorist organizations, especially Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), produce their own television series for Ramadan, competing for attention. The audiences have a wide range of online outlets to choose from, and tend to watch programs offering entertainment, dramas and comedies produced and disseminated by media giants in Turkey, Egypt and the Persian Gulf countries. During the past few years Hamas and the PIJ have made efforts to improve the quality of the programs they produce and raise their ratings. One of their methods is to link them to local current events, especially the "heroic achievements" of the armed "resistance" [terrorist attacks] in the "struggle" against Israel. Hamas' media department series for Ramadan 2023, called "The path of sacrifice," was devoted to Palestinian terrorist operatives who carried out attacks. Their objective was to ramp up anti-Israeli incitement and encourage terrorist attacks in Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem and inside Israel. Following Hamas policy, the incitement was aimed not only at its own operatives but at the operatives of all the armed terrorist organizations, as well as Palestinians who have no organizational affiliation and on their own initiative attack with simple, easily available weapons, such as knives and vehicles. The series' emphasis was on terrorist attacks in Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem and inside Israel without reference to terrorism from the Gaza Strip.

World Jerusalem Day: again a platform for incitement, threats, and the defamation and demonizing of Israel and the United States

This year's Jerusalem Day events took place against the background of the extreme tension in Jerusalem, especially on the Temple Mount, the anti-Israeli incitement and provocation and in the shadow of a series of major terrorist attacks. At several events speakers gave militant speeches threatening Israel. The main events were held in Iran. Similar events were held in Lebanon. In the Gaza Strip the main rally was held in Gaza City, and in Judea and Samaria a rally was held in the Jenin refugee camp. Events were also held in Yemen, Pakistan, Bahrain, Iraq, Turkey, South Africa, London and New York. Unlike previous years and despite the threats against Israel, the events were not exploited for a display of Iranian, Hezbollah or Palestinian terrorist organization military force and there were no parades of ballistic missiles or other weapons, as had been customary in Iran

Rocket Fire Targeting Israel

/from three different arenas. In response IDF aircraft and artillery attacked Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip, south Lebanon, the rocket launchers and several other targets in southern Syria, including a military facility of the Syrian army's . The pretext for the rocket fire was the riot at al-Aqsa mosque when Israeli police and Palestinians clashed on the night of April 4, 2023. For the Palestinians, Hezbollah and other Arabs the incidents signified the so-called "unity of the fronts," a Palestinian-Hezbollah strategy employed against Israel, and they regard the events as a "victory" They also claim that firing rockets from three arenas revealed their ability to "conquer" Israel .

A Weaponizing the Law Conference in the Gaza Strip to discuss the legal battle against Israel

Within the framework of the legal battle the Palestinians are waging against the State of Israel, on March 18, 2023, a conference was held in the Gaza Strip with the theme, "Jurists Confronting the Occupier." Speakers at the conference stressed the importance of using the law to attack Israel, claiming it was no less important than the "military" and political activities against it. The conference offered recommendations, including the need to use the law as a weapon against Israel as a fundamental "resistance" [anti-Israeli activity] method at every level and in international forums. Using the law as a weapon against Israel is not new, and for years has been an integral part of the political "struggle" waged by the Palestinian Authority (PA) and often part of its activity to delegitimize Israel. The political, propaganda and military objectives are the following:

Hamas threatens escalation and encourages terrorist attacks during Ramadan

Ramadan officially begin on March 23, 2023 and end on April 21, 2023. Given the current tension in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem and the events of past years, Palestinian sources, especially in the Hamas leadership, reiterate that the situation is unstable and likely to deteriorate sharply. They threaten escalation and worse if Israel continues its "activities against the Palestinians and al-Aqsa mosque," for them the red line which could ignite the region. Marwan Issa, the deputy head of Hamas' military-terrorist wing, gave a rare interview where he claimed that any change in the status quo of al-Aqsa would cause "a regional earthquake." The security prisoners in Israeli jails also claimed they would go on hunger strikes throughout the month.

Protests in Israel and the rejection of the government’s new legal reforms from the perspective of the Palestinians and Hezbollah

The Palestinian media are systematically covering the demonstrations held in Israel to protest the legal reforms advanced by the Israeli government. Their reports are generally informative . Several Palestinian political commentators related to the issue. Some stressed that its unity was being eroded. Some even called on the Palestinians to unite and exploit the crisis to advance the "liberation" and to continue the "resistance." The Iranian and Arab channels also devote a large part of their airtime to events in Israel and encourage the division in Israeli society. High-ranking Hezbollah figures relate to the protests and push their own narrative, which stresses the "temporary nature of the Zionist entity" and quote Hassan Nasrallah's speech about the "spider web.