Ad Hoc Studies

Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi and his impact on the dissemination of radical Islam

Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, considered for many years one of the senior scholars in Sunni Islam, died on September 26, 2022, at 96. Qaradawi, born in Egypt, arrived in the early 1960s from Egypt to Qatar, which became the center of his activity. Among other things, he established a network of global Islamic organizations. Until 2018, he headed the radical Islamic organization World Association of Muslim Scholars. Through this organization, he concentrated and coordinated the activity of radical Islamic scholars around the world, many of them members of the Muslim Brotherhood, but there were also members of other streams, shaping together the current radical Islamic discourse. Qaradawi was mainly known as a key figure in shaping the concept of violent jihad and the one who allowed carrying out terror attacks, including suicide bombing attacks, against Israeli citizens, the US forces in Iraq, and some of the Arab regimes. Notwithstanding his contribution to the development of jihad movements, Qaradawi opposed Al-Qaeda and ISIS.

Palestinian Reactions to the Prevention of a Terrorist Attack at the Jalameh Crossing (September 14, 2022)

On the night of September 13, 2022, a terrorist attack was prevented at the Jalameh Crossing, north of Jenin. Two Palestinians, who were initially identified by IDF surveillance as unarmed, opened fire at IDF soldiers who carried out protocol for detaining suspects. An IDF major and the two terrorists were killed in the exchange of fire. Fatah's military-terrorist wing, issued a mourning notice stating that the two terrorists belonged to its ranks. Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) welcomed the attack and noted they would continue their "military struggle" against Israel.

ISIS spokesman Abu Umar al-Muhajir calls on Muslims around the world to join the organization’s ranks and criticizes other Islamist organizations

ISIS’s Al-Furqan Media Foundation released an audiotape by ISIS spokesman Abu Umar al-Muhajir entitled In the audiotape, the spokesman calls on ISIS operatives to liberate ISIS prisoners from prisons around the world. He also calls on Muslims around the world – especially in Syria, Iraq, Africa, Yemen, and East Asia – and non-Muslims to join the ranks of ISIS

Comments by Al-Qaeda and its supporters marking the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks

Al-Sahab Foundation, which is affiliated with the Al-Qaeda leadership, published an announcement on behalf of the organization’s leadership marking the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks, attributing to them the importance of a formative event in Islamic history.

Senior ISIS leader Bashar al-Sumaidai detained in Turkey

A senior ISIS operative, Bashar Khattab Ghazal al-Sumaidai, was detained in Turkey. The Turkish authorities initially believed that they had arrested ISIS's Leader but his interrogation revealed his true identity. The identity of the current leader is unkown but it is highly likely that he is Juma Awad al-Badri, the brother of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, ISIS's founder and first leader.

Reactions to the opening of the Ramon International Airport, near Eilat, to Palestinian passengers from Judea and Samaria

On August 22, 2022, the first international flight with Palestinians as passengers left for Cyprus from the Ilan and Asaf Ramon International Airport, near Eilat. Despite the fact that the new arrangement could make life significantly easier for traveling Palestinians, the flight led to a wave of Palestinian and Jordanian protest. Palestinians were called on to boycott the flight from Ramon Airport, and Hamas criticized the PA on the grounds that Israel had coordinated the initiative with the Palestinians.