Ad Hoc Studies

The Spread of covid-19 in the Gaza Strip, Judea and Samaria (Updated January 25, 2021)

The situation in the Gaza Strip: The number of new infections and active covid-19 cases in Gaza continues to decline. However, spokesmen for the health system in the Gaza Strip warn the public to continue employing preventive measures. The ministry of health is planning to change the status of the European Hospital from coronavirus-designated to providing other types of services (a return to the status of March 2020). The situation in Judea and Samaria: The number of new infections and active covid-19 cases in Judea and Samaria continues to decline. Palestinians in Judea and Samaria continue ignoring preventive measures, especially the ban on gatherings. Vaccines have not yet arrived in the PA.

The civilian infrastraucture established by Hezbollah among the Shiites in Lebanon: the town of Al-Khiyam

This document is part of a series of studies examining the scope and conduct of Hezbollah’s civilian institutions and the extent of their influence on the local population. As case studies, the ITIC chose several main cities and the rural areas surrounding them in the three main Shiite population centers: southern Lebanon, the southern suburb of Beirut (Dahieh), and the Bekaa Valley. In each of these three population centers, the deployment and activity of Hezbollah’s civilian institutions will be examined in comparison with those of Lebanese government institutions or Amal and other Shiite associations operating under the auspices of Hezbollah.

The Palestinian Authority examines alternatives for continuing to make payments to prisoners and families of shaheeds after the option of the Bank of Independence is no longer on the agenda

On June 1, 2020, the Palestinian Authority (PA) authorized the establishment of a government banking institution without connections to the global banking system. It was supposed to be called the Bank of Independence for Development and Investment, and the PA would use it to make payments to the prisoners, released prisoners and families of shaheeds. However, about half a year later, establishing the bank has hit a dead end and in effect been abandoned.

The Spread of Covid-19 in Gaza Strip, Judea and Samaria (Updated to January 18, 2021)

The Gaza Strip: The number of new and active Covid-19 cases in Gaza continues declining. Spokesmen for the health system in the Gaza Strip have expressed satisfaction with the decline in the number of patients, calling it primarily the result of the preventive measures. Judea and Samaria: This past week the rate of infection continued to decline in Judea and Samaria. The number of active cases continues to decline in the east Jerusalem neighborhoods as well. PA Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh expressed satisfaction at public compliance with the government's instructions, which had significantly curbed the spread of infection.

Hezbollah’s response to the economic crisis in Lebanon

For over a year, there has been a severe economic and political crisis in Lebanon, whose end is not in sight. Underlying the crisis are fundamental problems, mainly firmly-rooted corruption and a chronic state of political instability. Additional difficulties have been added to the fundamental problems: the COVID-19 crisis; the negative effects of US sanctions on the Lebanese economy and banking system; the explosion at the Port of Beirut; difficulties stemming from the Syrian civil war (the problem of Syrian refugees who fled to Lebanon); and the lack of external assistance due to Lebanon’s failure to carry out the reforms required by the international community

The Spread of Covid-19 in Gaza Strip, Judea and Samaria (Updated to January 11, 2021)

The situation in the Gaza Strip: The Covid-19 numbers continue to decline. Between January 5 and 11, 2021, 2,936 new cases were detected. The number of active cases currently stands at 7,907, down from 9,784 a week ago. The situation in Judea and Samaria: The rate of infection continues to decline, but the number of active cases in the Palestinian Authority (PA) is still high. In the neighborhoods of east Jerusalem the decline continues.