Ad Hoc Studies

Israel Transfers Tax Revenues to the Palestinian Authority (Updated to December 9, 2020)

On December 2, 2020, the Palestinian Authority (PA) said in an announcement that the government of Israel had transferred all the tax revenues to the PA account, a sum of 3.768 billion shekels (approximately $115.6 billion). According to the Palestinian minister of the treasury, the funds will make it possible to reduce the budget deficit to $850 million for 2020 and to help repair the extensive damage done to the Palestinian economy by the Covid-19 epidemic.

The Spread of Covid-19 in Judea and Samaria (Updated to December 7, 2020)

The situation in the Gaza Strip: The sharp rise in the number of active Covid-19 cases in Gaza continues (10,647, up from 9,226 a week ago). The rate of positive test results round of escalation to approximately 38% (up from 30% a week ago). A senior medical figure in Gaza said the actual number of cases is far larger than the numbers publicly reported. The source predicted that the epidemic will peak during the second half of December 2020. The situation in Judea and Samaria: The sharp rise in the number of active Covid-19 cases continues. As of December 7, 2020, there were 14,210 active cases, up from 10,101 a week ago. Seventy-nine Palestinians died this past week, up from 44 a week ago. The rate of positive test results is between 20% and 30%, less than in Gaza but still high.

The battle for hearts and minds: ISIS’s supporters’ response to the feature film Mosul, produced by Netflix

On November 26, 2020, Netflix released a feature film entitled Mosul, which describes the liberation of Mosul from ISIS. Two days later, ISIS’s supporters quickly released a short response video entitled War and Media, focusing on the takeover of Mosul from Iraq and the years in which ISIS controlled the city.

The Spread of Covid-19 in Judea and Samaria (Updated to November 30, 2020)

In the Gaza Strip the sharp rise in the number of active Covid-19 cases continues, standing at 9,226, up from 6,004 a week ago. Hamas administration spokesmen continue blaming Israel the Gaza Strip's medical crisis. In Judea and Samaria as well the sharp rise in the number of active Covid-19 cases continues. At the end of last week a full lockdown was imposed on the Palestinian Authority (PA) territories, but apparently it was enforced only in the large cities.

The Palestinian Authority is looking for creative ways to continue transferring payments to terrorist prisoners and to families of shaheeds, circumventing Israeli opposition

On November 17, 2020, Hussein al-Sheikh, head of the PA General Authority of Civil Affairs and member of Fatah's Central Committee, as well as a close associate of Mahmoud Abbas, announced the resumption of ties between the PA and Israel in their previous format. From the PA’s perspective, one of the key issues in the resumption of ties with Israel is the renewal of the transfer of the tax revenue funds that Israel collects for the Palestinian Authority.

Renewal of Israel-Palestinian Authority Civilian and Security Coordination

On November 17, 2020, Hussein al-Sheikh, a close associate of Mahmoud Abbas, announced that relations between the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Israel would return to the status quo ante, i.e., the renewal of civilian and security coordination with Israel before May 19, 2020 (when Mahmoud Abbas announced the cessation of coordination). During a television interview he called the renewal of relations a victory for the Palestinian people because Israel, he claimed, recognized agreements signed with the PLO, meaning that [the Trump] "deal of the century" was no longer on the agenda.