Ad Hoc Studies

Palestinian Authority and Fatah responses to the ramming attack in Abu Dis show their support for this type of popular terrorism attack

Ramming attacks are a common, deadly modus operandi carried out as part of the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Fatah's strategy of "popular resistance" [i.e., popular terrorism]. The concept of "popular resistance," which replaced the concept of armed struggle, includes the political-popular-economic-propaganda-legal campaign the PA wages against Israel. The "popular resistance" is not the non-violent strategy publicly touted by the PA leadership or the rhetoric the PA uses when dealing with the West.

The number of new coronavirus cases in Judea and Samaria continues to spike while in the Gaza Strip the numbers are low and the situation is so far under control

The numbers of COVID-19 cases in Judea and Samaria continue to spike in what the Palestinian Authority (PA) considers a second coronavirus wave. Most of the PA's preventive measures are focused in the Hebron district, which is in full lockdown. The spikes in the numbers of active cases in Judea and Samaria are in stark contrast to the positive situation in the Gaza Strip, despite its potential for mass infection. This past week the number of Palestinian workers entering and leaving Israel increased, both legally (through the crossings) and illegally (through holes in the fence).

The Palestinian Authority takes practical steps to set up a government bank to handle payments to prisoners and families of shaheeds

a government bank which will serve as a channel for transferring funds to prisoners and families of shaheeds. The establishment of the new bank was intended to bypass the order issued by the Commander of the IDF Central Command prohibiting banks from providing banking services to prisoners and families of shaheeds in Judea and Samaria. In the wake of the order, several Palestinian and Arab banks announced a freeze on the bank accounts of prisoners and families of shaheeds. On the other hand, Mahmoud Abbas and PA officials again pledged to transfer the funds to the prisoners and families of shaheeds, calling them a “red line” and “sacred salaries.”

COVID-19 Infections Continue to Spike in the Palestinian Authority Territories (Updated to June 25, 2020)

The numbers of coronavirus infections in the Palestinian Authority (PA) continue to spike, part of what the Palestinian ministry of health considers a second wave of COVID-19. On the afternoon of June 25, 2020, the number of active cases stood at 889, an increase of 71 cases in 48 hours. During the week beginning June 18, 2020 the number of patients in Judea and Samaria increased by 5.5. According to a report, most patients are in stable condition, with the exception of one man from Hebron in an ICU.

Spike in the Number of COVID-19 Infections in the Palestinian Authority Territories: Overview and Analysis (Updated to June 22, 2020)

The number of reported active cases of COVID-19 in Judea and Samaria spiked and now stands at 458 (compared with 48 active cases last week). The total overall number of COVID-19 infections since the outbreak of the pandemic in Judea and Samaria stands at 843 (compared with 420 last week). In the wake of the spike in the number of infections over the past few days the PA decided to enforce preventive measures more strictly. The spike in infections is focused in the Hebron district, which has been the epicenter of the spread of the disease for most of the time.

The Fight Against COVID-19 in the Gaza Strip (Updated to June 21, 2020)

This past week no new cases of COVID-19 were reported in the Gaza Strip. Despite the small number of cases, the head of the W.H.O. regional office in Gaza has reiterated his warning that the internal spread of the virus is only a matter of time. The lifting of restrictions continues, accompanied by the implementation of preventive measures and warnings against public complacency. The heads of the public health system continue complaining about the shortage of medical resources.