Ad Hoc Studies

Funding Terrorism: campaign of a jihadi organization operating in the Gaza Strip to raise funds in Bitcoin

The Salafi Army of the Nation in Jerusalem, a jihadi organization affiliated with Al-Qaeda which operates in the Gaza Strip, recently renewed a campaign to raise funds in the Bitcoin virtual currency. According to the organization’s announcement, the donations are intended to provide the organization fighters with weapons and equipment (the cost of obtaining weapons for one fighter is estimated by the organization at $2,000).

Anti-Israeli demonstration and rally held in central London to mark Nakba Day, with the participation of members of the Labour Party and the support of its leader, Jeremy Corbyn. Hamas expressed its appreciation to Corbyn for his support.

On May 11, 2019, a demonstration and rally were held in central London to mark the Palestinian Nakba Day. The events were organized by several anti-Israeli organizations operating in Britain, whose objective is to demonize Israel and promote the BDS campaign. The Nakba Day events in London were attended by between 3,000 and 4,000 demonstrators. At the head of the demonstrators marched Ahed Tamimi, a young Palestinian woman from the village of Nabi Salih (near Ramallah).

Hamas’s financial aid to the wounded and the families of those killed in the Return Marches

On April 21, 2019, Ahmed al-Kurd, member of the Hamas Political Bureau and the Hamas official in charge of the Wounded Portfolio, announced the distribution of financial aid to families whose children were killed or wounded during the return marches.

Threatening Messages Sent to Israel in an interview with Palestinian Islamic Jihad Secretary General Ziyad al-Nakhalah

On May 7, 2019, the day after the end of the most recent round of escalation in the Gaza Strip, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) Secretary General Ziyad al-Nakhalah was interviewed by the Hezbollah-affiliated al-Mayadeen TV station in Lebanon. He exploited the interview to send threatening messages to Israel and at the same time to deflect claims made against the PIJ which generated the recent escalation.

Identities of the Palestinians killed in the most recent round of escalation (Initial report, updated to May 7, 2019)

Ashraf al-Qidra, spokesman for the ministry of health in the Gaza Strip, reported that during the escalation of May 4-6, 2019, 27 Palestinians were killed. As usual, he did not give details about their identities and the list he issued contains terrorist operatives as well as civilians, with no distinction between them. An initial examination carried out by the ITIC revealed that during the IDF attacks, 23 Palestinians were killed whose names were included in the list issued by the ministry of health. Of the 23 fatalities, at least 17 (about 74%) were terrorist operatives or members of the terrorist organizations.

The eighth round of escalation, the most intensive and severe since the return marches began (Updated to 1500, May 6, 2019)

On the morning of May 6, 2019 the eighth round of escalation, which had lasted for two days, came to an end. It began following Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) sniper fire targeting IDF soldiers. The IDF responded by attacking Hamas targets, killing two operatives of its military-terrorist wing. The following day a massive barrage of rockets and mortar shells began, which gradually expanded to cities up to 40 kilometers from the Gaza Strip, including Ashqelon, Ashdod, Qiryat Gat, Qiryat Malachi and Beersheba.