Ad Hoc Studies

Operation Northern Shield for locating and neutralizing Hezbollah tunnels on Israel’s northern border (December 30, 2018 Update)

On December 26, 2018, the IDF blew up the fifth Hezbollah terrorist tunnel, which had been located a few days before in the region of the Shi'ite village of Ayta al-Shab (east of the Israeli community of Zar'it). Before the tunnel was destroyed the IDF called on the Lebanese villagers to evacuate the area (IDF spokesman, December 26, 2018).

The struggle for destroying the houses of terrorists’ families: the Palestinian Authority and Fatah help rebuild houses destroyed by Israel, thereby challenging the Israeli deterrent message.

The Palestinian Authority (PA), Fatah and institutions affiliated with them help rebuild the houses destroyed by Israel that belonged to terrorists' families. The rebuilding is an act of defiance to challenge the deterrent message Israel sends by destroying the houses.

A senior Hamas figure delivers a speech replete with anti-Semitic motifs – yet another expression of Hamas’s long-standing tradition of anti-Semitism

On November 5, 2018, Hamas’s senior official Ismail Radwan held a speech during a demonstration that accompanied the weekly mini-flotilla in the Gaza Strip. Radwan said in his speech that the “return marches” and the flotillas would be carried on until they achieve their goals, mainly the complete lifting of the “siege” on the Gaza Strip, the realization of the “right of return,” and the elimination of the “century deal” (of the United States).

The impact of the withdrawal of the American troops from Syria on the campaign against ISIS (Initial Assessment)

On December 19, 2018, four years after the American campaign against ISIS began, President Trump announced that ISIS had been defeated and America had won. Therefore, Trump and the American administration announced that the United States would withdraw its troops from Syria over a period of several months.

Iranian Responses to Trump’s Statement and Initial Assessment of the Statement’s Effect on Iranian Policy in Syria – Dr. Raz Zimmt

The decision of Unites States (U.S.) President Donald Trump to withdraw American forces from Syria was met in Iran with surprise and satisfaction by most senior officials and commentators. The drawdown of American troops from Syria is being presented as proof of the failure of U.S. strategy in the region, particularly in Syria, and another achievement of the “Resistance Front” led by the Islamic Republic.

ISIS and ISIS Supporters’ Campaign Threatens Christmas Terrorist Attacks

This past week there was an increase in ISIS and ISIS supporters' propaganda material (notices and videos) threatening to attack Western countries and their leaders (and also Russian President Putin and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu). The threats were issued via Telegram and ISIS-affiliated websites. In ITIC assessment the campaign was organized for the pre-Christmas and Christmas season.