Ad Hoc Studies


We are pleased to offer you, our readers, the third issue of the journal Intelligence - in Theory and in Practice. It is the fruit of many efforts of the authors, who agreed to invest their time and energy in order to enhance the community’s knowledge in the big-data field.

The United States recently designated Hezbollah as one of the five leading transnational criminal groups and approved bills intensifying the sanctions imposed on Hezbollah and on those supporting it

In October 2018, the US administration adopted a series of legislative and law enforcement measures against Hezbollah and all those supporting it. These measures have met with broad bipartisan support in Congress and have been approved by President Trump. These measures provide law enforcement agencies with an improved “toolkit” in the struggle against Hezbollah and the international crime in which it is involved.

Summary of Events Along the Gaza Strip Border

Apparently for the first time since August 2018, significant progress was again made in contacts for an Egyptian-mediated arrangement. It also appears a minimalist arrangement was discussed, which will lead to a lessening of violence on the ground in return for opening the crossings and the entrance of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip (based on arrangements reached at the end of Operation Protective Edge).

Profile of Ziyad al-Nakhalah, the New Palestinian Islamic Jihad Leader

On September 28, 2018, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) spokesman Da'ud Shehab announced the election of Ziyad al-Nakhalah as secretary general. Al-Nakhalah, the organization’s third leader, replaced Ramadan Abdallah Shalah, who has been in a coma for the past six months (following a series of strokes).

ISIS’s use of drones in Syria and Iraq and the threat of using them overseas to carry out terrorist attacks

During the years in which it was active in Syria and Iraq, ISIS made extensive use of drones, both for offensive and defensive purposes. It handled the drones to carry out attacks (“explosive drones”), to collect intelligence, and even for propaganda purposes (documenting attacks by suicide bombers in order to disseminate the photos through ISIS’s media foundations).

Summary of Events Along the Gaza Strip Border

On Friday, October 26, 2018, another “return march” was held in the Gaza Strip with the participation of 16,000 demonstrators and rioters. The night after the riots a massive barrages of rocket and mortar shell fire attacked the Israeli communities near the Gaza Strip (close to 40 rockets and mortar shells). The rocket fire continued throughout the night and into the following day. Several people were treated for shock. The IDF responded by attacking about eighty Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) military targets.