Ad Hoc Studies

Statements about Operation Shield and Arrow from Palestinian terrorist organization and Hezbollah leaders

As soon as the ceasefire went into effect, the leadership of the Palestinian terrorist organizations, especially Hamas and the PIJ, declared a "victory," claiming one of its signs was the fact they had dictated the terms for the ceasefire. Despite endless repetitions of the joint operations room's united activity, in reality almost all the rockets and mortar shells were fired by PIJ operatives. Hamas was careful, at least publicly, not to take an active part in the fighting or to use its military capabilities against Israel. Recently, interviews were held and speeches were made about the Palestinian "achievements" in the operation, but some revealed the Palestinians' weak spots

Iran, the “Resistance Front” and the New World Order: Summary of a conference held at the Iran Supreme National Defense University (Dr. Raz Zimmt)

On May 10 and 11, 2023, the International Conference on New World Order Geometry was held at the Supreme National Defense University (SNDU) in Tehran. The SNDU is a senior military-academic institution subordinate to the general staff of the Iranian armed forces dedicated to doctoral-level work on military doctrine, applied defense sciences and management. Speeches given at the conference by officials and high-ranking figures from Iran and the "resistance axis". The main themes of the speeches were as follows: The world, which turned from bipolar to unipolar has now become multipolar as the United States has lost its hegemonic status. Israel is also experiencing a decline due to increasing pressure from the "resistance front" and the country's current critical internal crisis. The Muslim world must recognize its strength and demonstrate greater solidarity to become a significant force within the new world order. The "resistance axis" and the Palestinians are growing stronger, and the regional balance of power is shifting in favor of Iran and its allies. Iran has the potential to play a central role in the new world order due to its capabilities, resources and geographical location.

Hezbollah holds a military display in south Lebanon and threatens Israel

On May 21, 2023, Hezbollah held a military exercise in south Lebanon using live fire, which was well-covered by the media. The organization displayed its capabilities, reiterated its intention to obliterate the State of Israel and promoted the "unity of the arenas" narrative. Hezbollah operatives simulated breaking through Israel's border, taking control of an Israeli post or community and abducting soldiers. Weapons such as multiple-barrel rocket launchers mounted on armored vehicles, quadcopters and machine guns were displayed, but no missiles or UAVs. In ITIC assessment, Hezbollah tried to send a message that it would not lay down its arms or abandon its role as "Lebanon's defender," and promote the "unity of the arenas" narrative to the region in general and its "resistance axis" collaborators in particular.

Palestinians Killed during Operation Shield and Arrow in the Gaza Strip – Findings and Analysis

On May 13, 2023, after five days of Operation Shield and Arrow, a ceasefire was reached. The ministry of health in Gaza published final data about the number of Palestinians killed and wounded in Operation Shield and Arrow; according to the data 33 Palestinians were killed, 22 fighting men, six children, three women and two non-combatant elderly men. Reportedly, 190 people were wounded, 64 of them children. The ITIC examination of the identities of the 33 fatalities and found the following: Twenty were military-terrorist operatives, 13 from the PIJ. Five were from the PFLP. Two were affiliated with terrorist organizations. Three women and six children were killed.

Operation “Shield and Arrow” In the Gaza Strip – Summary

After five days of fighting, at 10 p.m. on May 13, 2023, Israel and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) declared a ceasefire. During the five days of fighting six PIJ high-ranking operatives died in targeted killings and 422 terrorist targets were attacked. Over the five days of the operation, terrorist operatives in the Gaza Strip, primarily from the PIJ, fired 1,469 rockets and mortar shells at Israel, 1,131 of which landed inside Israeli territory. Despite the destruction and loss of life, according to the narrative of the terrorist organizations, especially the PIJ and Hamas, the round of fighting was a Palestinian success. In reality, it was another round of IDF-PIJ fighting in which Hamas did not activate its military capabilities.

The Nujaba Movement – the Movement of the Noble Ones: One of the dominant pro-Iranian militias in Iraq

The Nujaba Movement (or the Movement of the Noble Ones, is an Iraqi Shiite pro-Iranian militia established in 2013 by Sheikh Akram Abbas al-Kaabi and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps’ Qods Force. It is one of the largest militias in the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF).The Nujaba Movement numbers 8,000-10,000 operatives organized in three brigades, two based in Iraq and one in Syria. Regarding Israel, it should be noted that the militia is part of the Axis of Resistance led by Iran, and its goal is to act to “liberate” the Golan Heights and destroy the State of Israel.