Incitement and Delegitimization

The Turkish show trial in absentia of four senior Israelis involved in the events aboard the Mavi Marmara is expected to be renewed in February 2013.*

The IHH, which played a leading role in the violence, is exploiting the trial for an anti-Israeli hate campaign, with anti-Semitic propaganda targeting Turkey’s Jews.

The French Anti-Israeli organization EuroPalestine sent a delegation to the Gaza Strip hosted by the Hamas administration.

The delegation held a small, low-profile display near the security fence and promised to promote Hamas’ political agenda in France and international legal forums.

An Istanbul court holds a show trial of Israelis accused of responsibility for the deaths of nine Turkish operatives aboard the Mavi Marmara.

The IHH, whose operatives waged a violent attack on the IDF, is exploiting the trial for hate propaganda and plans to use it for international lawfare.

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (October 31 – November 6, 2012)

Rocket fire from the Gaza Strip continues. This past week two rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory. Three IDF soldiers conducting routine counterterrorism activities near the security fence were wounded. A remark made by Mahmoud Abbas to Israel’s Channel 2 TV implying he had relinquished the so-called “right of return” enraged the Palestinians (especially

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (September 25-October 2, 2012)

This past week three rockets landed in Israeli territory. There were no casualties and no damage was done. Mahmoud Abbas, chairman of the Palestinian Authority, delivered a militant speech to the UN General Assembly which included strong accusations against Israel and its policies.

The Haifa District Court rejected the lawsuit brought by the family of Rachel Corrie, an activist in the anti-Israeli ISM, killed while trying to prevent the activities of IDF bulldozers along the Philadelphi Corridor in 2003.

On August 28, 2012, the ruling of the Haifa District Court in the matter of the suit filed by the family of Rachel Corrie was made public. The court dismissed the charges brought against the State of Israel and the IDF of intentionally causing the death of Rachel Corrie, an International Solidarity Movement (ISM) activist.