Incitement and Delegitimization

Anti-Israeli demonstration and rally held in central London to mark Nakba Day, with the participation of members of the Labour Party and the support of its leader, Jeremy Corbyn. Hamas expressed its appreciation to Corbyn for his support.

On May 11, 2019, a demonstration and rally were held in central London to mark the Palestinian Nakba Day. The events were organized by several anti-Israeli organizations operating in Britain, whose objective is to demonize Israel and promote the BDS campaign. The Nakba Day events in London were attended by between 3,000 and 4,000 demonstrators. At the head of the demonstrators marched Ahed Tamimi, a young Palestinian woman from the village of Nabi Salih (near Ramallah).

The 6th Palestinian BDS Campaign Conference, Held in al-Bireh: The decisions and their significance

The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) held its sixth conference in al-Bireh (Ramallah) on March 16, 2019. Present were Palestinian BDS campaign activists; representatives from the PLO, Fatah and the National Initiative Movement (a leftist Palestinian organization headed by Mustafa Barghouti), and other representatives. Workshops were held at the conference dealing with various aspects of the BDS campaign.

Muhammad Sawalha, senior Hamas operative living in London, continues participating in Hamas-supported political activities

Muhammad Kazem Sawalha, a senior Hamas operative living in London, continues his participation in Hamas political activities for recently participated in a conference in Istanbul which opposed Mahmoud Abbas' dissolution of the Palestinian Legislative Council (against which Hamas is waging a political, propaganda and legal campaign).