Incitement and Delegitimization

Educating for hatred and violence against Israel in a performance held in a kindergarten sponsored by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)

Even kindergarten children have been recruited for the protest campaign. The PIJ-affiliated al-Huda kindergarten in the Zeitun neighborhood of Gaza City presented a performance on December 19, 2017.

Schoolbooks of the Palestinian Authority (PA): The Attitude to the Jews, to Israel and to Peace

A comprehensive study was recently issued on PA schoolbooks' attitude to the Jews, Israel and peace. The study covers PA schoolbooks published in the past four years (the PA has not yet completed issuing new textbooks).

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (October 25 – 31, 2017)

This past week events focused on Israel's blowing up a Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) tunnel extending from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory. Blowing up the tunnel is a clear illustration of the key problem facing Mahmoud Abbas in implementing the internal Palestinian reconciliation. On November 2, 2017, the centenary of the Balfour Declaration will be celebrated.

Shawan Jabarin, former PFLP operative and current head of a Palestinian human rights NGO, recently submitted a report to the prosecutor of the ICC accusing Israel of “war crimes,” expecting the prosecutor to launch an investigation against Israel

In September 2017, the Palestinian organization Al-Haq published an official statement on its website stating that four Palestinian civil society organizations had submitted a fourth extensive report to the International Criminal Court in The Hague documenting the alleged “crimes” committed by Israel in Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem. According to the statement, the 700-page report is to be submitted for review to ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda.

One of the members of a recent Hamas delegation to Russia was Muhammad Sawalha, a London-based Hamas operative engaged in extensive anti-Israel activities.

Muhammad Kazem Sawalha is a senior Hamas operative based in London who has held military and political positions in Hamas. At the end of the nineteen eighties he was a senior operative in Hamas military-terrorist infrastructure in Judea and Samaria.

A Hamas-affiliated Palestinian in Britain admitted the flotilla project to the Gaza Strip was not intended to “break the siege” and bring humanitarian aid, but rather to promote the battle for hearts and minds against Israel.

Zaher Birawi is a Palestinian activist who lives in Britain affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. He has extensive experience in dispatching flotillas from Europe to the Gaza Strip with the stated aim of "breaking the siege" of the Gaza Strip.