Incitement and Delegitimization

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (April 27-May 4, 2010)

The western Negev was quiet this week as well. Shooting incidents continue against IDF soldiers engaged in routine security activity along the border. Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, announced that the proximity talks between Israel and the Palestinians were expected to begin soon. Preparations continue for a flotilla of aid to the Gaza

According to the Free Gaza organization, the flotilla of aid is expected to leave for the Gaza Strip on May 24.

At least three cargo ships and five passenger ships will take part in the voyage. The Hamas administration makes preparations to receive the flotilla.

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (April 22-27, 2010)

Relative quiet continued in the western Negev this past week. Three Grad 122mm rockets were fired from the Sinai Peninsula. Two fell into the sea near Eilat and one in the Jordanian city of Aqaba. In our assessment a network affiliated with the global jihad was responsible for the rocket fire. George Mitchell, the American

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (April 7-13, 2010)

During the past week the western Negev was quiet. Terrorist squads continued their attempts to confront IDF forces engaged in preventive counterterrorism activities along Israel’s border with the Gaza Strip. Hamas’ security services continue their attempts to prevent rogue terrorist organizations from carrying out attacks The de facto Hamas administration in the Gaza Strip and

The Hamas administration in the Gaza Strip and pro-Palestinian organizations in Europe are planning a flotilla of aid to the Gaza Strip.

The coordinators of the “ship intifada” want to avoid confrontation with the Egyptians but are taking into account confrontation with the Israeli navy backed by media and diplomatic campaigns.

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (March 24-April 6, 2010)

During the past two weeks rocket fire from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory increased. There were two prominent incidents, one in which an IDF officer and soldier were killed (March 26) and one in which a Thai worker was killed in a village in the western Negev (March 18). Hamas continues its policy of