Incitement and Delegitimization

The Canadians and Americans about to set sail with the flotilla from Greece participated in a short training workshop covering various topics and centering on “passive resistance” to IDF soldiers.

The Canadians and Americans about to set sail with the flotilla from Greece participated in a short training workshop covering various topics and centering on “passive resistance” to IDF soldiers. Several flotilla organizers said the training was meant to present a “nonviolent” response to an Israeli attempt to take control of the ship. However, the

The Upcoming Flotilla to the Gaza Strip Update (June 22, 2011)

The organizers of Freedom Flotilla 2 face difficulties but are determined to dispatch the flotilla, even with fewer ships than originally planned, despite its lack of world legitimacy and in the face of political pressure and technical difficulties.

The use of nonviolent tactics is planned for the upcoming flotilla to the Gaza Strip. In effect, it is liable to be translated into hard violence directed against the IDF

The organizers of Freedom Flotilla 2 have repeatedly emphasized its purportedly humanitarian character and their commitment to respond to expected “Israeli violence” with civil resistance and nonviolence.

Changes in the Nature and Schedule of the African Aid Convoys to the Gaza Strip (Update, June 12, 2011)

According to updated information, changes were recently made in the route, schedule and nature of the South African convoy to the Gaza Strip, which was supposed to depart during the third week of June 2011.

An Iranian delegation participated in events held by the IHH in Istanbul on the anniversary of the Marmara flotilla, focused on fostering the myth of the “Marmara shaheeds”.

The Iranian delegation raised the flags of Iran and Hezbollah, and held meetings with IHH activists and radical Islamist elements affiliated with it.

Anti-Israeli organizations examine implementing propaganda displays based on flying large numbers of activists to Ben-Gurion Airport on commercial flights.

They seek to express solidarity with the Palestinians, embarrass Israel and impress the “right of return” on international public opinion. Hamas urged “Palestinian refugees” to fly to Israel’s airports for Naksa Day.