Incitement and Delegitimization

So far 23 organizations are expected to participate in the upcoming flotilla to the Gaza Strip, similar to the heterogeneous coalition which organized the Mavi Marmara flotilla.

Its three core organizations are IHH (Turkey), the ECESG (Europe) and the FGM (America), affiliated with radical Islam, primarily the Muslim Brotherhood, and/or the radical left. The others are global anti-Israeli organizations, some of them human- and social-rights groups.

A Turkish Islamist delegation, which in our assessment included IHH activists, was involved in violent clashes with Jordanian security forces near Allenby Bridge on Nakba Day.

The incident is yet another demonstration of the violent methods used by the IHH and its Islamist allies during anti-Israeli PR activities.

IHH and its leader, Bülent Yildirim, conduct a propaganda campaign to prepare the ground for the flotilla planned for the end of June.

The campaign’s sometimes contradictory themes are aimed at glorifying IHH and its determination, and deterring Israel from acting against it, while presenting a moderate image to the West.

IHH, which plays a central role in organizing the upcoming flotilla to the Gaza Strip, joined Turkish Islamist organizations in denouncing Osama bin Laden’s killing by America.

IHH, which plays a central role in organizing the upcoming flotilla to the Gaza Strip, joined Turkish Islamist organizations in denouncing Osama bin Laden’s killing by America. IHH leader Bülent Yildirim again expressed readiness to sacrifice shaheeds to achieve the flotilla’s objective, calling on Israel not to attack the ships.

An aid convoy to the Gaza Strip is being organized in South Africa by two anti-Israeli Islamic organizations.

It is expected to leave at the end of June and cross the African continent. The organizers were in contact with Hamas and IHH, apparently coordinating the convoy with them.

Bülent Yildirim, leader of the Turkish organization IHH, said in another fiery speech that “We are not afraid to die as shaheeds” and would continue “until we complete our journey to Al-Aqsa mosque”

Bülent Yildirim, leader of the Turkish organization IHH, said in another fiery speech that “We are not afraid to die as shaheeds” and would continue “until we complete our journey to Al-Aqsa mosque,” possibly indicating the intention of using force and violence on the new flotilla.