Incitement and Delegitimization

Preparations for the “Great Return March” – Update

Preparations continue in the Gaza Strip for a mass march to Israel's border (the "great return march"). To that end the Palestinian organizations operating in the Gaza Strip have organized a "national committee" which in turn appointed professional committees to promote events in the internal Palestinian and international arenas. The organizers' objective is to extend the scope of the events beyond the Gaza Strip and to promote marches not only in Gaza Strip but in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan.

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (March 7 – 13, 2018)

This past week there were three shooting attacks at IDF posts in Samaria and the Benjamin region. In Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip demonstrations and riots continued. On March 13, 2018, an IED was exploded to attack a convoy in the Gaza Strip. In the convoy were Rami Hamdallah, the prime minister of the Palestinian national consensus government, and Majed Faraj, head of Palestinian General Intelligence.

Recent Hamas-led campaign for mass popular marches to the Israeli border. The objective is to create Arab and international pressure to resolve the Gaza Strip’s international pressure to resolve the Gaza Strip’s economic hardship and to challenge Israel.

An idea has recently been examined in the Gaza Strip to organize mass "non-violent" protest marches to Israel's border, whose participants will attempt to break into Israeli territory. An idea was also proposed to set up a "return camp" near the border which will have a permanent presence of Palestinian marchers.

The Palestinian Authority, senior Palestinian religious leaders and local figures in east Jerusalem are waging a campaign to keep the Israeli curriculum out of east Jerusalem schools.

In recent months Palestinians have been waging a campaign in Jerusalem to prevent the introduction of the Israeli curriculum into Palestinian educational institutions in east Jerusalem.

The Palestinian shaheed culture and its Influence on terrorism: a stabbing attack in the central bus station in Jerusalem as a case study.

Interrogation of the terrorist revealed he had been influenced to carry out the attack by incitement on the social networks after Trump's declaration of American recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The interrogation also revealed that before the attack he wrote a "will" in which he quoted texts from Palestinian Authority (PA) textbooks (Israel Security Agency information, December 28, 2017).