Incitement and Delegitimization

A Hamas-affiliated Palestinian in Britain admitted the flotilla project to the Gaza Strip was not intended to “break the siege” and bring humanitarian aid, but rather to promote the battle for hearts and minds against Israel.

Zaher Birawi is a Palestinian activist who lives in Britain affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. He has extensive experience in dispatching flotillas from Europe to the Gaza Strip with the stated aim of "breaking the siege" of the Gaza Strip.

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (6-12 September 2017)

This week there were no significant attacks in Judea and Samaria, however in three different incidents Palestinians were arrested at the security checkpoints near the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron after they were found to be carrying knives. A large delegation of senior Hamas officials exited the Gaza Strip bound for Egypt. With the upcoming convening of the United Nations’ General Assembly session in New York (19 September 2017), the Palestinians are planning to file twenty resolutions.

European countries freeze donations to anti-Israel women’s organization after learning it supported the establishment of a women’s center named after Palestinian terrorist Dalal al-Mughrabi

On August 21, 2017, the governments of Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands announced they would immediately stop their joint funding of the Women's Affairs Technical Committee (WATC). In addition, according to the announcement, they would initiate an investigation to discover how the funds they had contributed were used.

The BNC in Ramallah, claiming to lead the global BDS campaign, ignores the current wave of terrorism plaguing Israel.

The BNC in Ramallah, claiming to lead the global BDS campaign, ignores the current wave of terrorism plaguing Israel. The BNC accuses Israel of repression and “executing innocent protestors

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (August 12-18, 2015)

This past week terrorist events focused on three stabbing attacks against Israeli security forces at roadblocks. Sporadic rocket fire continues from the Gaza Strip. The administrative detainee Muhammad Allaan, a Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) operative, lost consciousness after a hunger strike of 59 days.

The Role of the Palestinians in the BDS Campaign

This study examines the role of Palestinian activists and networks in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip in the global BDS campaign being waged against Israel.