
Spotlight on Global Jihad (February 7-13, 2019)

The “pocket” of ISIS’s operatives along the Euphrates River, which is a few square kilometers in size, is shrinking. In the Idlib area, incidents continue between the Syrian army (which continues to bring in reinforcements) and the jihadi organizations. In the city of Manbij and its environs, there has been no change on the ground. Of late, there has been an increase in the number of attacks by local ISIS networks in the city of Al-Raqqah While ISIS is under pressure in the Syrian arena, the organization continues its intensive terrorist and guerrilla activity in the Iraqi arena

Spotlight on Iran (January 27, 2019 – February 10, 2019)

Against the backdrop of the latest escalation between Iran and Israel and Israeli threats to continue acting against Iranian expansionism in Syria, Iran is issuing menacing statements at Israel. Iran and Russia continue to hold discussions regarding the settlement of the war in Syria ahead of the summit of Iranian, Russian and Turkish leaders. Meanwhile, Iran is continuing to strive to expand its economic influence in post-war Syria. Iraq continues to serve as an arena for contestation between Iran and the United States.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (January 31 – February 6, 2019)

In the “pocket” along the Euphrates Valley, ISIS operatives halted the SDF forces and regained control of two villages in the southern part of their control area. In the city of Manbij and its environs there has been no change on the ground. In the Idlib area, clashes continued between the Syrian army and the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham and other jihadi organizations. In the United States, there is a debate about the severity of the threat posed by ISIS (in the ITIC’s assessment, the reason for the debate is the assessment that the campaign against ISIS in the enclave along the Euphrates River may end within a few weeks

Spotlight on Global Jihad (January 24-30, 2019)

The ISIS-controlled enclave on the east bank of the Euphrates River continues to shrink. In the city of Manbij and its environs, there has been no significant change on the ground. In the Idlib area, the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham continues to establish its control, mainly at the expense of the Turkish-affiliated rebel organizations. The main event in ISIS’s provinces abroad this week was a multi-casualty attack during a ceremony in a cathedral on the island of Sulu in the southern Philippines.

Spotlight on Iran (January 13, 2019 – January 27, 2019)

Iran did not officially comment on the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) strikes in Syria on January 21. Prior to the latest confrontation between Iran and Israel, senior Iranian officials reiterated that Iran will continue to maintain its military presence in Syria. In parallel, Iran is continuing to entrench its economic hold in Syria. Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mohammad Javad Zarif, visited Iraq

Spotlight on Global Jihad (January 17-23, 2019)

The ISIS-controlled enclave on the east bank of the Euphrates River continues to shrink. The US and Kurdish forces have not yet completed their evacuation from the city of Manbij. In the Idlib area, the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham continues to consolidate its control, while weakening the Turkish-sponsored rebel organizations. Turkish President Erdoğan continues to threaten to carry out a military operation against the Kurds east of the Euphrates River

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