
Spotlight on Global Jihad (June 22-28, 2023)

This week, there was a decline in ISIS’s activity around the world. The organization’s activity focused on Africa. In Syria Four policemen were killed in a shooting attack targeting a vehicle they were traveling in northwest of Daraa. A Syrian army brigadier general was ambushed and killed. Russian Air Force planes carried out extensive airstrikes against rebel targets in the rebel enclave of Idlib. Dozens of fatalities were reported. The Iraqi Army Spokesman noted that ISIS had lost 99 percent of its power in. In Somalia Al-Qaeda-affiliated Al-Shabaab detonated two car bombs against bases of the Somali army and the African Union troops. Seven soldiers were killed. The editorial of ISIS’s weekly Al-Naba deals with the importance of pilgrimage in Islam (Hajj) while criticizing the rulers of Saudi Arabia.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (June 15-21, 2023)

ISIS’s activity around the world continued to focus on Africa. The main incident this week was an ISIS attack on a high school in the city of Mpondwe in southwestern Uganda, in which 41 people were murdered, mostly children, and several others were abducted. There was an increase in ISIS’s activity in Syria. A total of 37 ISIS operatives escaped from a prison in Ras al-’Ayn in northern Syria, 25 of whom have not been apprehended yet. Three Syrian soldiers were killed and six others were wounded in the explosion of an IED apparently planted by ISIS in the Homs region. Five soldiers or fighters of the forces supporting the Syrian army were killed and seven others were wounded in the explosion of an IED in a bus northwest of Deir ez-Zor. The findings of a UN report indicate the strengthening of Al-Qaeda and ISIS in the country.The editorial of ISIS’s weekly deals with the meeting of the Global Coalition against ISIS, held in Saudi Arabia

Spotlight on Iran (June 8-22, 2022)

In mid-June 2023, a Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) delegation visited Iran and met with senior Iranian officials, including supreme leader Khamenei. A delegation of senior Hamas figures also arrived in Tehran for a visit. The Iranian and Syrian foreign ministers held a phone conversation to discuss the outcomes of the Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi's visit to Damascus in May, as well as regional developments, including the improvement in Syria's foreign relations with the Arab states. An Iraqi news website reported that the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps' Qods Force visited Baghdad and met with leaders of the Shi'ite "coordination framework" to discuss recent political and security developments in Iraq.The head of Iran's Strategic Foreign Relations Council visited Baghdad and met with senior members of the Iraqi government to discuss the expansion of bilateral relations.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (June 8-14, 2023)

According to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, the struggle against ISIS has had many successes but it is not yet over In Afghanistan An ISIS operative carried out a suicide bombing attack at a mosque. Fifteen people were killed and 50 were wounded .In Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, ISIS continued its activity against security forces and Christian civilians. A UN special investigation team on ISIS (UNITAD) reported to the UN

Spotlight on Global Jihad (June 1-7, 2023)

The decline in ISIS’s activity around the world continues. The organization’s activity focused on Africa. In Syria: The United States and Turkey imposed sanctions on a senior operative of the Al-Qaeda-affiliated HTS. In Nigeria ISIS continued its high-intensity activity against the Nigerian army in the northeast of the country. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo ISIS continued its activity against Christian residents. In Afghanistan a car bomb was detonated against a vehicle carrying a Taliban deputy governor of a province.

Spotlight on Iran (May 23 – June 8, 2023)

A senior official in the Iranian ministry of defense said that in view of Israel's increased threats to Syria, Iran was interested in upgrading Syria's aerial defense systems. The Washington Post reported that Iran and its allies were planning attacks on American armored vehicles in Syria. A Syrian news website reported the completion of an IRGC training course for Syrian fighters in the pro-Iranian militias in eastern Syria. At the end of May Iraq's national security advisor arrived in Tehran for a visit, where he met with the secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council. They discussed implementing the agreement for security along the Iraq-Iran border; the issue of border security was also discussed by the interior ministers of both countries.

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