
Operation Iron Swords (Updated to 1 p.m., November 19, 2023)

During the past few days the IDF forces continued operations at Shifa Hospital and in several other neighborhoods in Gaza City. In the northern Gaza Strip they operated in Beit Hanoun, Zeitoun, Beit Lahia and Jabalia, and destroyed a Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) post where they found a large quantity of strategic weapons. The Palestinian terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip continue firing rockets daily at Israel, especially at the cities, towns and villages near the border. According to the Palestinians, the situation in the Gaza Strip is getting worse and there is a fear of the spread of diseases. Sources in the Gaza Strip reported that Israel's agreement to bring in two fuel trucks a day for UNRWA was not enough. In Lebanon, Hezbollah's daily attacks on IDF positions and northern cities, towns and villages increased. In Judea and SamariaTwo Palestinian terrorists attempted a shooting attack; they were shot and killed by IDF forces. The Israeli security forces focused their counterterrorism activities on the Balata refugee camp in Nablus and Jenin. The commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Qods Force sent a communiqué to Muhammed Deif, the commander of Hamas' military-terrorist wing, congratulating him on Hamas’ October 7 attack. Rallies in support of the Palestinians were held throughout Iran. Senior Iranian officials praised the Hamas attack.

Operation Iron Swords (Updated to 1 p.m., November 16, 2023)

In Gaza City, the operation focused on Shifa Hospital, where  evidence of terrorist activity was found. Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) tried to cast doubt on the evidence, and they and several Arab countries criticized the IDF’s activity. In the northern Gaza Strip, the forces operated in the Palestine post of the Shati refugee camp. The forces also took control of Hamas’ central anchorage, which was a focal point for Hamas and PIJ terrorist activity. Rocket fire: The daily number of rocket fire attacks continues to decrease and there were about ten during the past day. According to an unofficial estimate, since October 7 approximately 1,200 Israeli civilians and security personnel have been killed, 371 of them soldiers and officers; 239 civilian and military abductees are held by the terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip. Hamas and the PIJ continue to accuse Israel of delaying a prisoner exchange deal. The PIJ claimed it holds 30 hostages. The Gaza Strip: The World Food Organization warned of food shortages. The fuel situation is deteriorating and according to UNRWA, the entry of one truck with fuel for the agency’s use contributed very little to improving the situation. The Palestinian Communications Company announced the generators were no longer operative. An association based in Turkey announced it was organizing an aid flotilla to the Gaza Strip. The northern arena: Hezbollah continued attacking IDF posts. The IDF responded by attacking Hezbollah military-terrorist targets. Hezbollah threatened to intensify its attacks in response to IDF activity in the Gaza Strip. Judea and Samaria: Palestinian terrorists carried out a shooting attack at the Tunnel Crossing in Jerusalem. Seven people were injured, one of them fatally. The terrorists were shot and killed by Israeli security forces. The terrorists apparently planned to carry out a much larger attack in Jerusalem. Mahmoud Abbas met with the White House coordinator for Middle East and North African affairs, and with the United States assistant secretary of state. Iran: Hamas vigorously denied the Reuters report that Ali Khamenei, the leader of Iran, meeting with Ismail Haniyeh, head of the political bureau of Hamas, said that since Hamas had not given Tehran advance notice about the October 7 attack, Iran would not enter the war on its behalf. The international arena: The UN Security Council voted on a resolution calling for immediate action for prolonged pauses in the fighting and the establishment of humanitarian corridors in the Gaza Strip.

Operation Iron Swords (Updated to 1 p.m., November 9, 2023)

The southern sector: IDF forces continued its integrated ground maneuver, focusing on Gaza City and a number of locations in the northern Gaza Strip. The forces uncovered more evidence of Hamas's use of the civilian population as human shields. Hamas is trying to minimize the IDF’s achievements by claiming that the forces have stalled in the places they entered on the first day of the maneuver and have been prevented from advancing. They also deny the IDF's claims that Hamas headquarters are located in hospitals. According to an unofficial estimate, since October 7, approximately 1,200 Israeli civilians and security personnel have been killed, 352 of them soldiers and officers; 239 civilian and military abductees are held by the terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip. Hamas often relates to the issue of the abductees and an exchange deal conditioned on a ceasefire, distinguishing between civilian and military abductees. The Gaza Strip: According to reports, the situation in the Gaza Strip continues to deteriorate and there are shortages of food, water and electricity. As part of the battle for hearts and minds, Hamas has recently been increasing the use of the term "Israel’s war of starvation," and claiming it is a deliberate measure of collective punishment against the population. Several dozen aid trucks will arrive in the Gaza Strip after they have been inspected. The exodus of foreign citizens from the Gaza Strip continues. Hamas: Saleh al-'Arouri, deputy head of the Hamas political bureau, who lives in Beirut, was interviewed and discussed the war in Gaza, Hamas’ situation and the aid and support it receives from abroad. He also called on the Palestinians in Judea and Samaria to start a campaign against Israel. The northern sector: Hezbollah continued to attack IDF posts and the cities, towns and villages in the Galilee. Hezbollah forces were reportedly being transferred from Syria to Lebanon and equipped with sophisticated weapons. Meanwhile, voices are he

Operation Iron Swords (Updated to 1 p.m., November 7, 2023)

The southern sector: After encircling Gaza City, the IDF forces began operating inside the city, focusing on Hamas strongholds in the Shati refugee camp, in the northwest of the city and the area of the Shifa, al-Quds and Indonesian hospitals. The operation revealed more evidence of Hamas' use of civilian compounds for terrorist activities. Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) continue claiming they have the upper hand, are prepared for prolonged fighting, and that most of the dead are civilians and not military “operatives” [terrorists] or commanders. In the meantime, sporadic rocket fire attacking Israel continues. So far, since October 7, more than 1,400 civilian and soldier deaths have been reported; 240 civilian and soldier abductees are still being held by the terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip. A PIJ source claimed Israel would be forced to trade 6,000 prisoners in Israeli jails for the abductees. The Gaza Strip: According to the Hamas-controlled ministry of health, the number of dead in the Gaza Strip stands at 10,328. The IDF continued to urge the population to evacuate the combat arena, while Hamas continued to prevent their exodus in order to keep them as human shields during the fighting. The Rafah Crossing was reopened for the passage of foreign citizens. The northern sector: Hezbollah attacks along the border continued. A barrage of rockets, unusual in number and range, was launched at the Haifa area. Hamas’ military-terrorist wing claimed responsibility for the launch. In response, IDF forces attacked Hezbollah terrorist targets in south Lebanon. Judea and Samaria: An attempted stabbing attack was carried out at the Qalandiya Crossing. IDF forces eliminated a squad of four Hamas operatives who were planning to carry out attacks in Tulkarm. Iran: Iran continues its efforts in the international arena to bring about a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. The Iranian foreign minister has been operating on the diplomatic level in preparation for

Operation Iron Swords (Updated to 1 p.m., November 6, 2023)

The integrated activity of the IDF forces in the Gaza Strip intensified and the forces currently encircle Gaza City. During the night, a massive integrated attack was carried out on Hamas targets. Sources in the Gaza Strip said it was the most severe attack since the outbreak of the war. Hamas strongly denied the IDF spokesman’s statement that Hamas exploited the hospitals in the Gaza Strip for military-terrorist use. The IDF continued urging the population to evacuate to the south, while Hamas continued preventing them from leaving the northern Gaza Strip. A senior Hamas figure in Beirut claimed there were still 900,000 Palestinians in the northern Gaza Strip, indicating the failure of the Israeli plan. Hezbollah continued attacking IDF posts and the cities, towns and villages near the border, firing mortar shells and anti-tank missiles. Rocket barrages were launched at Kiryat Shemonah In Jerusalem, a Palestinian terrorist stabbed a Border Police fighter who later died. The Iraqi prime minister visited Iran. Many Arab sources condemned the Israeli minister of heritage regarding the possibility of dropping an atomic bomb on the Gaza Strip. They called it a “violent and racist” proposal and called on the international community to take action.

Operation Iron Swords (Updated to 1 p.m., November 1, 2023)

The IDF expanded the ground maneuver in the Gaza Strip. Since the beginning of the fighting, IDF forces have attacked more than 11,000 terrorist targets, including operational headquarters and terrorist squads, mainly belonging to Hamas. The Palestinian terrorist organizations continued launching rockets at Israel from the Gaza Strip. Another launch was intercepted in the Red Sea region. The IDF has increased the presence of Navy ships in the area. Sources in the Gaza Strip reported a deterioration of the humanitarian situation and a terrible situation in the hospitals. Egypt began evacuating the wounded for treatment in its territory. Senior Hamas figures called on Arab and Muslim countries to join the battle against Israel and praised Hezbollah for joining in the campaign. Musa Abu Marzouq said that the tunnels in Gaza were meant to protect Hamas from attacks, but the responsibility for protecting the residents of Gaza rested with the United Nations.: Hezbollah operatives continued firing rockets and mortar shells at IDF positions and the cities, towns and villages on the Lebanese border.

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