
Spotlight on Global Jihad (June 11-17, 2020)

This week there was an additional decline in the scope of ISIS’s activity around the globe, as part of a trend that has lasted for several weeks. In Borno State, in northeastern Nigeria, ISIS’s West Africa Province (reportedly) carried out a series of multi-casualty attacks. ISIS’s difficulties with its media network: ISIS’s Amaq News Agency has significantly reduced its publications. Routine reports from the various provinces have been significantly reduced, and Telegram (which serves as ISIS’s central distribution platform) continues to shut down ISIS-affiliated accounts.

The Nujaba Movement, an Iraqi Shi’ite militia handled by the Iranian Qods Force, carried out a display of propaganda in the Gaza Strip aimed at glorifying Iran

The Nujaba Movement (Movement of the Noble Ones), an Iraqi Shi'ite militia handled by the Iranian Qods Force, recently carried out a display of propaganda in the Gaza Strip. Its objective was to glorify Iran and Iranian support for the Palestinians and the "resistance axis."

Spotlight on Iran (May 31, 2020 – June 14, 2020)

Sources tracking the movement of freighter planes reported intensive activity between Iran and Syria, which included both Syrian and Iranian cargo planes. The spokesman of the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs lambasted the tightening of sanctions against Syria ahead of the entry into force of the Caesar Act, which places sanctions against any company and actor that will maintain economic ties with Syria in several sectors of the economy. Ahead of the start of the strategic dialogue between Iraq and the United States, the Commander of the Qods Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), Esmail Qa’ani, visited Baghdad, likely to coordinate a united front with senior commanders of the Iraqi factions loyal to Iran.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (June 4-10, 2020)

In the past two weeks, there has been a decrease in ISIS’s activity in the various provinces, after it concentrated its effort on carrying out the wave of attacks in the second half of May (the Raids of Attrition). In the Idlib area, the erosion of the ceasefire agreement reached between Russia and Turkey is evident.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (May 27 – June 3, 2020)

Over the past week, there was a decrease in the intensity of ISIS’s activity in Iraq, Syria and the various provinces around the globe. Most of the attacks carried out by ISIS as part of the Rates of Attrition were in Iraq (132, about 58%), followed by Syria (51, about 22%). An editorial published in ISIS’s Al-Naba’ weekly discusses the ISIS’s current strategic concept.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (May 21-26, 2020)

The synchronized wave of attacks known as the Raids of Attrition, which began on May 14, ended on May 24, 2020. Over a period of 10 days, more than 100 attacks were carried out, the vast majority in Iraq (about 40) and Syria (about 30). After them, by a wide margin, are Nigeria (8 attacks) and other provinces in Africa and Asia (a few attacks in each province). Hence, an analysis of the current wave of attacks indicates an improvement in ISIS’s operational capability, mainly in the Iraqi arena and to some extent in the Syrian arena as well, in contrast with ISIS’s other provinces around the world.

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